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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Three of Cups & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-3 of Cups.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

July 26, 2024

Above all things, know thyself.

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Three of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite- Smith-THREE OF CUPS illustrates the THREE Dancing GRACES, an image popularized during the Renaissance. Again, more of a traditional representation than the Thoth Deck or more modern renditions of Tarot; However, both Rider-Waite-Smith and the Fairy Tarot are faithful to the meaning of the Four Threes of Tarot, as they mean the realization of an action. The Action on the RWS Tarot- 3 of Cups is shown as dancing in a circle implying the spiraling energy of Spirit. On this card, the three maidens are shown dancing with cups uplifted in a fertile cornucopia style of garden. They are pledged to one another. The Three of Cups, of Tarot, represent the conclusion of any matter in plenty, perfection, and merriment. Also, a secure fertile environment.


The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 3 of Cups

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 3 of Cups shows 3 women and/or Maid-Mother-Crone. With their arms up, forming a cupping, they are welcoming the flowing cascade of light that fills the archway of the temple like building. Implied here is a celebration of joy and abundance. The message of this card is that when the world around you plays beautiful harmony, dance and celebrate with all your loved ones! Take a break! Give yourself time to play and notice the beauty and harmony all around you.

In gematria (Qabalistic numerology), the number 3 holds significant characteristics and symbolic meanings across various traditions, particularly in Jewish mysticism, numerology, and Western esoteric practices. Here are some of the key characteristics and symbolic attributes of the number 3:

  1. Balance and Harmony:

    • The number 3 often represents balance and harmony, as it is seen as the synthesis of dualities. In many mystical traditions, it represents the unification of opposites, forming a harmonious whole.
  2. Divine Completeness:

    • In Jewish mysticism, the number 3 is considered to signify completeness and perfection, often associated with the divine. It symbolizes the threefold nature of divinity, such as the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) in the Hebrew Bible.
  3. Creativity and Expression:

    • The number 3 is frequently linked to creativity, self-expression, and communication. It embodies the principle of growth and expansion, encouraging artistic and communicative endeavors.
  4. Spiritual Awareness:

    • In Western esoteric traditions, the number 3 is associated with spiritual awareness and the unfolding of spiritual consciousness. It is often seen as a symbol of the spiritual journey, representing stages of development and enlightenment.
  5. Triads and Trinities:

    • The concept of triads or trinities is central to the symbolism of the number 3. This can be seen in various religious and philosophical contexts, such as the Christian Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the Hindu Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva), and the three gunas (sattva, rajas, tamas) in Hindu philosophy and the Maid-Mother-Crone Trinity goddess of Western magick.
  6. Manifestation and Realization:

    • The number 3 is associated with the process of manifestation and realization. In many mystical traditions, it represents the transition from potential to actual, embodying the principle of bringing ideas or spiritual concepts into tangible form.
  7. Numerical and Alphabetic Representation:

    • In Hebrew gematria, the number 3 is represented by the letter Gimel (ג). This letter is often associated with the concepts of kindness and nourishment, as well as the idea of movement and progression.
  8. Symbolic Figures:

    • The number 3 is often seen in symbolic figures and sacred geometry, such as the triangle. The triangle is a potent symbol representing stability, strength, and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

By understanding these characteristics, one can gain deeper insights into the symbolic and mystical significance of the number 3 in various esoteric traditions.

Tree of Life.

This card also represents the Material establishment of the Universe as determined by its basic form of 3 as based on the Trinity of the Qabalistic Supernal Triangle of Kether-Chokmah-Binah and the fact that 3 points make a plane and that the Creatrix is a Trinity goddess of Maid-Mother-and Crone.

Maid (Spring)-Mother (Summer) and Crone (Autumn and Winter).

The concept of the Maid-Mother-Crone, also known as the Triple Goddess or Trinity Goddess, is a prominent archetype in various pagan and neo-pagan traditions, particularly within Wicca and other forms of modern witchcraft. This archetype embodies three distinct aspects of the feminine divine, each representing different stages of a woman's life as well as different phases of the lunar cycle. Here’s a detailed explanation of each aspect:

  1. Maiden (Maid):

    • Youth and Beginnings: The Maiden symbolizes youth, purity, and new beginnings. She is often associated with the waxing moon, representing growth, expansion, and the start of new ventures.
    • Innocence and Potential: This aspect of the Triple Goddess embodies innocence, potential, and the excitement of youth. She is a symbol of untapped possibilities and the promise of the future.
    • Associated Deities: Goddesses that represent the Maiden aspect include Persephone, Artemis, and Brigid.
  2. Mother:

    • Maturity and Fertility: The Mother represents maturity, fertility, nurturing, and the fullness of life. She is associated with the full moon, symbolizing peak power, creativity, and abundance.
    • Nurturing and Protection: This aspect embodies the nurturing, protective, and life-giving qualities of motherhood. She is the creator, the sustainer of life, and the caretaker.
    • Associated Deities: Goddesses that represent the Mother aspect include Demeter, Isis, and Gaia.
  3. Crone:

    • Wisdom and Transformation: The Crone symbolizes wisdom, transformation, and the ending of cycles. She is associated with the waning moon, representing decline, introspection, and the passage into death and rebirth.
    • Experience and Insight: This aspect embodies the qualities of experience, deep knowledge, and the guidance that comes from having lived a full life. She is often seen as a guide through the dark times and a source of profound spiritual insight.
    • Associated Deities: Goddesses that represent the Crone aspect include Hecate, Cerridwen, and Baba Yaga.

Symbolism and Significance

  • Lunar Phases: The Triple Goddess is closely linked to the phases of the moon. The waxing moon (Maiden), full moon (Mother), and waning moon (Crone) symbolize the cyclical nature of life and the eternal process of growth, fulfillment, and decline.
  • Life Cycle: The Maid-Mother-Crone archetype mirrors the natural life cycle of a woman, encompassing her journey from youth to maturity and finally to old age. This reflects the broader cycles of birth, life, death, and rebirth in nature.
  • Empowerment and Balance: By embracing all three aspects, the Triple Goddess provides a model for the wholeness and balance of the feminine psyche. Each aspect offers unique strengths and wisdom, encouraging women to honor all stages of their lives.
  • Ritual and Worship: In many neo-pagan traditions, rituals and worship practices often focus on invoking the Triple Goddess to seek guidance, blessings, and support. Each aspect may be called upon for different purposes, such as invoking the Maiden for new beginnings, the Mother for nurturing and protection, and the Crone for wisdom and transformation.

The Triple Goddess serves as a powerful symbol of the divine feminine, celebrating the diversity and richness of women's experiences and the natural world’s cycles.

When the 3 of Cups is thrown during a reading, the querent will be experiencing:

  •   A 3 week, or 3-month period of plenty, hospitality, drinking, eating, pleasure, dancing, and merriment.
  •  New clothes are also a possibility, as in a new wardrobe.
  •  A surface of Love, Joy, gladness, kindness, and bounty. 
  •  Passive success is seen as good luck and fortune.
  • This is the Bacchanalian life of the cornucopia.... Have fun, but don't try and hold on to it, just let the twinkle of Joy in your "I" guide you into a new day of sensual experiences... Let the Spring be spring, the Summer be summer etc.
  • An impending wedding.
  • Pregnant or giving birth.

If Reversed:

  • Expedition.
  • Dispatch.
  • Achievement.
  • End.
  • Circumstances have changed. 
  • What once was pleasure, has become pain. 

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