The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Three of Pentacles & The Fairy Tarot-3 of Autumn.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Fairy Tarot and RWS

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-3 of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite Three of Pentacles concentrates on the meanings of employment, business, and constructive building, by illustrating a medieval church scene while three artisans are at work. Some of the colors in this scene may have something to do with Mars, as in the red roses on the odd robe of one of the personages. Roses are sacred to the Goddess and the Third Sephiroth- Binah-Understanding, and red is the color assigned to Binah in her martial/active passionate state.

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This Tarot Card is traditionally called the 3 of Coins or Pentacles (Pentacles are the sigil of man), as shown in many medieval art tarot decks. Its primary meaning is the work of "As above, so below". However, the Pentacle although the sigil of man, fails to imply the spinning motion of all Atoms, the "Great Work" material of the physical universe. Hence, many nontraditional tarot decks choose a disk (disc), for its stability and propensity for accuracy depends on its spin. In physics it is known that there are no "solids", as all things have more space than material, as well as even the rocks have spinning atoms within them. Therefore, we can understand the Great Work started with the first spinning atom and that "being" is the Great Work of The One Energy that is in all things.

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The Fairy Tarot- 3 of Autumn

The Fairy Tarot-3 of Autumn is an interesting interpretation of elegance, endurance, strong physical determination, and tenacity. In other words, able to give the "works" to what you want. Here a master craftsman-fairy has completed an assignment of 2 of 3 crystal calla lilies. There will be rewards when his work is done as even the sense of accomplishment of a job well done is rewarding. Also, because his heart is in what he is creating his work shines like a beacon. This card suggests that you can make a successful career out of doing what you love.

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In the language of flowers, Calla lilies are often associated with various meanings, including:

  1. Purity and Innocence: Calla lilies are commonly seen as symbols of purity and innocence, likely due to their pristine white color and elegant shape. They are often used in weddings to represent the purity of love and the innocence of the bride.

  2. Sympathy and Bereavement: In some contexts, Calla lilies are also associated with sympathy and mourning, especially when they are used in funeral arrangements or sent as condolence flowers. Their graceful appearance can offer comfort to those who are grieving.

  3. Transition and Change: Calla lilies are sometimes seen as symbols of transition and change, particularly in their role as flowers that emerge from bulbs planted underground. They can represent the idea of new beginnings or the journey from one phase of life to another.

  4. Elegance and Sophistication: Due to their graceful appearance and distinctive shape, Calla lilies are often associated with elegance and sophistication. They can convey a sense of refinement and beauty in various contexts, from floral arrangements to decorative purposes.

Overall, the meaning of Calla lilies can vary depending on the cultural and personal context in which they are used, but they are generally seen as symbols of purity, sympathy, transition, and elegance.

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Tree of Life.

This 3 of Pentacles/ 3 of Autumn card also represents the Material establishment of the Universe as determined by its basic form of 3 as based on the Trinity of the Qabalistic Supernal Triangle of Kether-Chokmah-Binah and the fact that 3 points make a plane, the first manifestation, and that the individual doing the making decides the length, width, and depth.

When the 3/ Three of Pentacles is thrown during a reading the querent is experiencing:

  • A full commitment to a situation and is unconcerned about difficulties.
  •  Is aware of responsibilities.
  •  Is planning secure structures in areas of finance, physical security, and needs.
  • Right effort towards a wise end in trade, skilled labor, Etc.
  • A basic form or structure may be completed, needing only final changes.
  • Approval from others who appreciate the challenging work and the success that the querent has achieved.
  • Material gain because of creative skills within 3 wk. or 3-month period.
  • Love of one's creations, and nurturing others who assist in the work.
  • Being oneself, without fear of criticism. 

If reversed it implies:

  • Without direction.
  • Senseless fervor.

In a more spiritual reading, where the cards surrounding show a majority of Major Arcana

, the querent is engaged in the Great Work of "As above and so below", by expressing the Higher Self through paranormal skills, which are often called "magic abilities".

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