The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Three of Pentacles & The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot-3 of Earth.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· RWS and Manarra

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Three of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite Three of Pentacles concentrates on the meanings of employment, business, and constructive building, by illustrating a medieval church scene while three artisans are at work. Some of the colors in this scene may have something to do with Mars, as in the red roses on the odd robe of one of the personages. Roses are sacred to the Goddess and the Third Sephiroth- Binah, and red is the color assigned to Binah in her martial/active passionate state.

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This Tarot Card is traditionally called the Three of Pentacles, as shown in many medieval art tarot decks. Its primary meaning is "As above, so below". However, the Pentacle although the sigil of man, fails to imply the spinning motion of all Atoms, the "Great Work" material of the physical universe. Hence, many nontraditional tarot decks choose a disk (disc), for its stability and propensity for accuracy depends on its spin. In physics it is known that there are no "solids", as all things have more space than material, as well as even the rocks have spinning atoms within them. Hence, we can understand the Great Works, started with the first spinning atom and that "being" is the Great Work of The One Energy that is in all things.

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The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot- 3 of Earth

Erotic Tarot-3 of earth is an interesting interpretation of endurance, strong physical determination, and tenacity. In other words, able to give the "works" to what you want. There seems to be an odd mix of history in this artwork. On top are an ancient Greek statue of a Goddess and God, drinking wine and the god seems to be giving the European finger sign for copulation, a creation of the Gods.

Underneath the statues, is a voluptuous woman, whose negligee is barely on, enticing sexual union with what looks to be an 18th century workman, wearing and apron like a sculptor or wood worker. Either we have a continually active imagination here, or a dream that is loaded with personal information for the ambitious young women's sexual strategy. The meanings for this card are:

  • Skill.
  • Great ability.
  • Celebrity.
  • Material objects.

Therefore, this could be all about the ancient celebrities, such as Hera and Zeus, and the man in the background could be a 18th century Free-Mason and the woman in the window a modern erotic actress. All require skill, celebrity status, and great ability.

However, I am not sure if the man is a live person or a statue as well. If he is a statue, then we have a particularly good actress at the window, who likes to tease as a stone cold partner.

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The Astrological meaning given to this card is Mars in Capricorn, implying the need to struggle or fight in cold blood, ambitiously and with cruelty.

In astrology, when Mars is placed in the house of Capricorn, it can influence various aspects of an individual's personality and life. Here are some characteristics associated with Mars in Capricorn:

  1. Ambition and Determination: Mars in Capricorn individuals are often highly ambitious and determined. They have a strong drive to achieve their goals and are willing to work hard to climb the ladder of success.

  2. Discipline: Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure. Mars in Capricorn people tend to approach tasks with a disciplined and organized mindset. They understand the importance of planning and long-term commitment.

  3. Strategic Approach: These individuals are strategic in their actions. Instead of rushing into things impulsively, they prefer to plan and execute their plans in a methodical manner. This strategic approach helps them in achieving their objectives.

  4. Focused and Patient: Mars in Capricorn natives are patient and persistent. They understand that success often requires time and effort, and they are willing to wait and work consistently towards their goals.

  5. Leadership Skills: There is a natural leadership quality associated with Mars in Capricorn. They can take charge and guide others effectively. Their ability to lead is grounded in practicality and a results-oriented mindset.

  6. Concern for Reputation: Capricorn is associated with reputation and public image. Individuals with Mars in Capricorn are often concerned about how they are perceived by others. They strive to maintain a good reputation through their actions.

  7. Reserved Expression of Energy: While Mars is a fiery and energetic planet, Capricorn's influence can temper this energy. Mars in Capricorn individuals may not express their passions and desires openly but prefer a more reserved and controlled approach.

  8. Career-Oriented: Career and achievements are significant focal points for Mars in Capricorn. They are likely to channel their energy into their professional pursuits and strive for success in their chosen field.

Remember that astrology is a complex and subjective field, and individual experiences may vary. It's essential to consider the entire birth chart for a comprehensive understanding of an individual's astrological profile.

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Tree of Life.

This card also represents the Material establishment of the Universe as determined by its basic form of 3 as based on the Trinity of the Qabalistic Supernal Triangle of Kether-Chokmah-Binah and the fact that 3 points make a plane.

When the 3/ Three of Pentacles is thrown during a reading the querent is experiencing:

  • A full commitment to a situation and is unconcerned about difficulties.
  •  Is aware of responsibilities.
  •  Is planning secure structures in areas of finance, physical security, and needs.
  • Right effort towards a wise end in trade, skilled labor, Etc.
  • A basic form or structure may be completed, needing only final changes.
  • Approval from others who appreciate the challenging work and the success that the querent has achieved.
  • Material gain because of creative skills within 3 wk. or 3-month period.
  • Love of one's creations, and nurturing others who assist in the work.
  • Being oneself, without fear of criticism. 

If reversed (Rider-Waite-Smith) it implies:

  • Without direction.
  • Senseless fervor.

In a more spiritual reading, where the cards surrounding show a majority of Major Arcana

, the querent is engaged in the Great Work of "As above and so below", by expressing the Higher Self through paranormal skills, which are often called "magic abilities".

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