Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Two of Cups
The Rider-Waite-Smith Two of Cups, emphasizes the mundane and esoteric meaning of love, marriage and partnership. The Male and Female are obvious, she in the moon and water colors of blue and White. He in the solar colors of yellow and red (the wreath on his head). In Qaballah, it is known that the Water (consciousness, intuitions and emotion) can only flow through the agitating movement provided by Chokmah-Fire-Intellect. This is a joyous union and loving partnership of the Female, water and the Masculine fire. The Rider-Waite-Smith shows the Chokmah Fire in the Red colored Winged Lion. The Lion image is also used to signify the Sun or "Solar Logos" or The Word. The Caduceus symbol besides being a symbol for the Modified DNA molecule, is also a symbol of Union of Female and Male force as well as Mercury/Hermes, which is also suggested in the Winged aspect of the Logos/Lion. Thereby the love between a couple, is a message or communication from the Will and the Word. In other words, "God is Love".
Here love is seen as a union of Spirit, Mind and Body. The number 2, of any card suit, represents the Word and the Will. Therefore, the 2 of Cups is the first manifestation in the Suit of Water which is called Love. Love is not a gentle force, because of the mutual annihilation of the individual by the process of Union; when the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine Unite, there is no male or female present, only the Divine Androgen exists. Both lover's are presenting the marriage cups to one another, signifying a loving relationship. The back ground is a fertile land and a comfortable home, both implying a happy physical relationship as both a communion of the Feminine Element of Intuitive/emotional Water (Blue/White) and the Masculine Element of Rational Mind, creating a happy union.
Robert Wang: Jungian Tarot- 2 of Cups
Chinese Idiom of Yin Yang (2=1).
The Jungian Tarot- 2 of Cups continues with its minimalistic approach to the "small cards". Here, the silver cups ares shown belching fire, while the "white" light of Kether is above and reflected below. The Fire is Masculine and the Silver Cups are symbols that represent the Feminine. Here then is the interrelationship of the sexes and apart from all offices of divination, that which is sanctified in nature. Here, the two are really different aspects of the one. Hence, the Qabalistic equation of 0=2, now becomes 2=1. It is a minimalistic image of love, passion, friendship, union, affinity, concord. Hence, what applies to the Rider-Waite-Smith Two of Cups, also applies to the Jungian. 2 of Cups.
The 2 of cups is an adventurous card, as it represents a wide range of situations and conditions outside the range of "normal" experience and to some extent, beyond the control of the individual. The usually chosen experience may be travel to an unknown land, visiting new places, experiencing new customs, foods, and behavior. It even could be a brief sexual encounter. A planned situation becomes an exhilarating and sensual surprise.
1st: A great heightening of Sensation; feelings are usually sensitive.
2nd: There is no security in the unpredictable experience, which may be exciting and safe, or which could also be dangerous and mean trouble at home or the workplace. What happened in Vegas didn't stay in Vegas! Moreover, the "adventure" is specific to each person and their past experience.
When 2 OF CUPS is thrown for the querent, it usually implies:
- Love, marriage, and pleasure,
- Warm friendship, but that is a weak statement for such an overwhelming heat, so it's more like an intertwining, of harmony, mirth, subtlety, pleasure, and a sometime dash of folly that seems to bind us in mystery and sensation of a "deeply Warm" friendship that radiates from the galactic core.
- An ecstasy that only the True Union of the Feminine and the Masculine can produce.
- Communication where one is opening up to listen and respond to others.
- There is a deep desire to open up to and experience a loving relationship within the querent at this time.
- The pledging of an relationship or love affair.
- The Wisdom of love, where the Soulful love is focused on its origins.
If the the 2 of Cups is reversed:
- Than this card represents, dissipation, waste and silly action.
- False love.
- Folly.
- Misunderstanding.
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