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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Two of Cups & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-2 of Cups.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Tarot Card Comparisons.

July 24, 2024

Above all things, know thyself.

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Two of Cups

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-2 of Cups

The Rider-Waite-Smith Two of Cups emphasizes the mundane and esoteric meaning of love, marriage, and partnership. The Male and Female are obvious, she in the moon and the watercolors of blue and White. He in the solar colors of yellow and red (the wreath on his head). In Qabalah, it is known that the Water (consciousness, intuitions, and emotion) can only flow through the agitating movement provided by Chokmah-Fire-Intellect-energy. This is a joyous union Tarot card showing the 2nd Sephiroth-Chokmah as Fire in the Red colored Winged Lion. The Lion image is also used to signify the Sun or "Solar Logos" or The Word. The Caduceus symbol besides being a symbol for the Modified DNA molecule, is also a symbol of Union of Female and Male force as well as Mercury/Hermes, which is also suggested in the Winged aspect of the Logos/Lion. Therefore, the love between a couple is a message or communication from the Will and the Word. In other words, "God is Love".

Here love is seen as a union of Spirit, Mind and Body. The number 2, of any card suit, represents the Word and the Will. Therefore, the 2 of Cups is the first manifestation in the Suit of Water which is called Love. Love is not a gentle force, because of the mutual annihilation of the individual by the process of Union; when the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine Unite, there is no male or female present, only the Divine Androgen exists.

Both lovers present the marriage cups to one another, signifying a loving relationship. The background is a fertile land and a comfortable home, both implying a happy physical relationship as both a communion of the Feminine Element of Intuitive/emotional Water (Blue/White) and the Masculine Element of Rational Mind, creating a happy union.

Yin Yang

A further suggestion of this profound relationship of opposites is depicted in the Caduceus as two serpents intertwine on this RWS Card. Chokmah, the Second Sephiroth, is Wisdom and is the governing factor and/or intelligence behind the four Twos and the Four Kings.

Chokmah is:

  • The Active Supernal Father, as Kether is the One Energy, the Observer, who is inactive.
  • The Will to Force, combined with Binah the Will to Form, making the Divine Marriage of Will to Be.
  • Dynamic outpouring Energy. (Vital Force)
  • Unorganized and Uncompensated for organization happens in Chesed the 4th Sephirotic state of conscious energy.
  • The Great Stimulator

Chokmah the second Sephiroth is The First Positive expression of Energy.

In the context of Gematria, which is a mystical method of interpreting Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, the number 2 holds significant symbolism and meaning. Here are some key characteristics and interpretations of the number 2 in Gematria:

  1. Duality and Balance: The number 2 often represents duality, partnership, and balance. It signifies the existence of pairs and opposites, such as light and dark, male and female, and good and evil. This duality is essential for balance and harmony in the universe.

  2. Creation and Division: In the process of creation, the number 2 is crucial as it denotes the first act of division. According to the Kabbalistic interpretation, the number 1 (Aleph) symbolizes the unity and the source of all, while the number 2 (Bet) signifies the beginning of creation and separation. It represents the differentiation from the singularity of the divine into the multiplicity of the created world.

  3. Relationship and Union: The number 2 is associated with relationships and the concept of union. It embodies the idea of two entities coming together to form a partnership, reflecting the importance of relationships in spiritual and physical realms. In Kabbalah, this is often seen in the context of the divine coupling or the mystical marriage.

  4. Letters and Words: In the Hebrew alphabet, the second letter is Bet (ב), which has the numerical value of 2. Bet is also the first letter of the Torah, starting the word "Bereshit" (In the beginning). This emphasizes the importance of the number 2 in the context of beginnings and creation.

  5. Symbolic Associations: The number 2 is linked to various symbolic associations in Jewish mysticism. For instance, it can represent the two tablets of the Ten Commandments, the dual nature of the soul (divine and animal), and the two main commandments of loving God and loving one's neighbor.

  6. Reflection and Opposition: The number 2 also signifies reflection and opposition. It implies a mirror image or a counterpart, indicating that every entity or concept has its reflection or opposite. This principle is fundamental in understanding the interconnectedness and the dynamic balance of the universe.

Understanding these characteristics provides a deeper insight into the mystical and symbolic significance of the number 2 in Gematria and Kabbalistic traditions.


The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 2 of Cups

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 2 of Cups shows a relationship or union that is often romantic and built on mutual trust, understanding, and respect. Hence, this card implies that there is a relationship in your life that presents the opportunity to deepen. There are greater possibilities of fruitfulness, harmony, than you have imagined. Therefore, open up your heart to love at this period in time.

There is a noticeable lack of cups in this card. However, one lady does show a cupped hand with energy radiating from it. The feminine herself, also represents cups, as she is the receptive part of energy we call "magnetic". She encloses the fire of the divine he, so that she can form it into being.

Being that I am a Hermetic Western Kabbalist/Qabalist, I must mention the Astrological Assignation that is given the Tarot- 2 of Cups card, as this adds greater insight and understanding of this card's message.

The Thoth Tarot deck, created by Aleister Crowley and illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris, assigns specific astrological correspondences to each card. The Two of Cups in the Thoth Tarot is associated with Venus in Cancer. Here's a detailed explanation of this astrological assignation:

Venus in Cancer

  1. Venus:

    • Planet of Love and Harmony: Venus represents love, beauty, harmony, and relationships. It governs how we express affection and appreciate aesthetics, art, and sensual pleasures.
    • Influence on Relationships: In the context of the Two of Cups, Venus brings a loving, nurturing, and affectionate energy to relationships. It emphasizes the importance of emotional connections, mutual respect, and harmony in partnerships.
  2. Cancer:

    • Sign of Home and Emotions: Cancer is a water sign ruled by the Moon, associated with home, family, emotions, and intuition. It represents nurturing, caring, and protective qualities.
    • Deep Emotional Bonds: Cancer’s influence in the Two of Cups signifies deep emotional bonds, a strong sense of security in relationships, and a nurturing environment where love can thrive. It emphasizes the importance of empathy, compassion, and emotional support in partnerships

The Two of Cups in the Thoth Tarot, with its assignation of Venus in Cancer, embodies the themes of love, union, and emotional connection. Here are some key aspects:

  • Union and Partnership: The card signifies a harmonious and balanced partnership, whether romantic, platonic, or even a business alliance. It suggests mutual respect, understanding, and emotional fulfillment.
  • Emotional Harmony: With Venus in Cancer, the focus is on creating a nurturing and emotionally supportive relationship. The card highlights the importance of empathy, compassion, and emotional security in forming strong bonds.
  • Love and Affection: The influence of Venus brings a loving and affectionate energy to the card. It encourages expressing love and appreciation, fostering a sense of togetherness and harmony.
  • Balance and Reciprocity: The card often symbolizes a balanced and reciprocal relationship, where both parties are equally invested and supportive of each other. It suggests a harmonious exchange of emotions and mutual care.

Symbolism in the Card

In the Thoth Tarot’s depiction of the Two of Cups, the imagery often includes:

  • Two Cups: Representing the individuals in the partnership, symbolizing their emotional connection and unity.
  • Intertwined Figures: Depicting the merging of energies and the deep bond between the individuals.
  • Water and Lotuses: Symbolizing the emotional and intuitive nature of the relationship, with water representing emotions and lotuses representing purity and spiritual connection.

Overall, the Two of Cups in the Thoth Tarot, with its astrological assignation of Venus in Cancer, is a powerful symbol of love, emotional connection, and harmonious partnerships.

When 2 OF CUPS is thrown for the querent, it usually implies:

  • Love, marriage, and pleasure,
  •  Warm friendship, but that is a weak statement for such an overwhelming heat, so it's more like an intertwining, of harmony, mirth, subtlety, pleasure, and a sometime dash of folly that binds us in mystery and sensation of a "deeply Warm" friendship that radiates from the galactic core.
  •  An ecstasy that only the True Union of the Feminine and the Masculine can produce.
  • Communication is where one is open to listen and respond to others.
  • There is a deep desire to open to and experience a loving relationship within the querent currently.
  • The pledging of a relationship or love affair.
  • The Wisdom of love, where Soulful love is focused on its origins.

If the 2 of Cups is reversed:

  • Then this card represents dissipation, waste, and silly action.
  • False love.
  • Folly.
  • Misunderstanding.

Thank you for your interest and comments. May you live long and prosper.

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