The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Two of Pentacles & The Connolly Tarot-2 of Pentacles.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Tarot Card Comparisons.

· RWS and Connolly

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Two of Pentacles

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The Connolly Tarot-Two of Pentacles

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The Rider-Waite-Smith and the silver and the Connolly Tarot- Two of Pentacles, suggests the more mundane underlying pattern of alternation in all matter by showing us a juggler of two Pentacles surrounded by an infinity symbol and/or juggled pattern of the Pentacles. Here, is the symbol of the Infinite Feminine and the Infinite Masculine as One Energy, the O-Fool, (Holy Spirit) is "turned upon itself": 0=2 and/or the lemniscate (Greek-meaning "ribbon'".

A further suggestion of this profound relationship of opposites is depicted in the background as two ships ride the waves of a high sea on the RWS Card. Chokmah, the Second Sephiroth, is Wisdom and is the governing factor and/or intelligence behind the four Twos and the Four Kings.

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Chokmah is:

  • The Active Supernal Father, as Kether is the One Energy, the Observer, who is inactive.
  • The Will to Force, combined with Binah the Will to Form, making the Divine Marriage of Will to Be.
  • Dynamic outpouring Energy. (Vital Force)
  • Unorganized and Uncompensated for organization happens in Chesed the 4th Sephirotic state of conscious energy.
  • The Great Stimulator

Chokmah is The First Positive expression of Energy.

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The Connolly Tarot- Two of Pentacles

The Connolly Tarot- 2 of Pentacles shows a medieval stain glass rendition of the Traditional Tarot, by placing the Juggler on a black and white checkered floor or stage. Symbolizing the subconscious (black) and Consciousness as white squares. The juggler traditionally is a person coordinated with the "comings and goings" of the manmade world, as every movement and decision feel like a perfectly orchestrated dance. Therefore, this card implies that you are experiencing all the busy challenges of everyday life and handling it gracefully. The Lemniscate is above this juggler's head, while the pentacles are held in his hands. The red colors represent passion/fire, the blue suggests water, and the yellow suggests intelligence. The purple represents royalty; therefore, this juggler is performing in a royal court.


  • A transition or transformation in the physical.
  • A juggling of affairs to balance material life.
  • Cause and effect. Recognizing the infinite process of yin yang.
  • Handling inner growth and outer achievement at the same time.
  • Keeping several propositions going at once. The flow of movement made by skillful manipulation achieves success.
  • Time to reflect on the situation and balance both sides most often with unconsidered action.
  • This is a card of Change, the most important corrective in the Universe, as it keeps transformation going and thus Life moving as "Alive".  Plus, the combining of opposites makes diversity possible, as it annihilates the individual, forming yet another. For example, if you combine blue with blue, you only get blue. But Blue with Red makes Purple, and the Red and Blue colored individuals are now annihilated. Color is now diversified. Energy alone is just everywhere and no-where at the same moment but energy combined with Magnetism is form/information and thus the measurement of time space.

If reversed, it implies:

  • Instability.
  • Enforced gaiety.
  • Simulated enjoyment.
  • Letters of exchange.
  • Handwriting.

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