The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Two of Pentacles & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 2 of Pentacles.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Sacred Kingdoms and RWS

Above all things, know thyself.

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Two of Pentacles

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-2 of Pentacles.

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RWS-2 of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith 2 of Pentacles suggests the more mundane underlying pattern of alternation in all matter by showing us a juggler of two Pentacles surrounded by an infinity symbol and/or juggled lemniscate pattern of the Pentacles. Here, is the symbol of the Infinite Feminine and the Infinite Masculine as One Energy, the O-Fool, (Spirit) is "turned upon itself": 0=2 and/or the lemniscate (Greek-meaning "ribbon'".

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A further suggestion of this profound relationship of opposites is depicted in the background as two ships ride the waves of a high sea on the RWS Card. Chokmah, the Second Sephiroth, is Wisdom and is the governing factor and/or intelligence behind the four Twos and the Four Kings.

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Chokmah is:

  • The Active Supernal Father, as Kether is the One Energy, the Observer, who is inactive.
  • The Will to Force, combined with Binah the Will to Form, making the Divine Marriage of Will to Be.
  • Dynamic outpouring Energy. (Vital Force)
  • Unorganized and Uncompensated for organization happens in Chesed the 4th Sephirotic state of conscious energy.
  • The Great Stimulator

Chokmah the second Sephiroth is The First Positive expression of Energy.

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 2 of Pentacles

The image on the Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms 2 of Pentacles card is also one of an energy balancing act. Here a magician is juggling a large ball of light that is emitting many smaller balls of light. Implying that he is juggling many responsibilities and/or handling many things at once. Hence, this card concentrates on multitasking and still doing outstanding work. Yet there is no joyful expression on his face. The caveat here is that if you don't love what you are doing, and doing what you love, you can become exhausted. Hence, make everything you do joyful!

There is a noticeable lack of Pentacles in this card. However, the human body is what the pentacle/pentagram symbol emulates. The pentagram and pentacle are often shown as separate symbols; However, with similarities.

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The Pentagram and Pentacle, both associated with the number five, are powerful esoteric symbols representing a deep connection to the elements and the human experience. Here's how they relate to the human figure and the elements:

The Pentagram

The Pentagram is a five-pointed star, often depicted upright, where each point symbolizes one of the five elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit (or Aether). In esoteric traditions, especially within the Western Hermetic Qabalah and High Magick, this representation serves as a microcosmic reflection of the universe's macrocosmic order. Here's the breakdown:

  • Earth (lower left point): Physicality, stability, the material world, and groundedness. This element corresponds to the legs or feet in the human figure.
  • Air (upper left point): Intellect, communication, and mental clarity. This corresponds to the left arm.
  • Fire (upper right point): Passion, willpower, and transformation. This corresponds to the right arm.
  • Water (lower right point): Emotions, intuition, and fluidity. This corresponds to the lower limbs or right leg.
  • Spirit (top point): The connecting force that unites and transcends the four physical elements. This is often viewed as the head or crown, representing the higher consciousness or divine self.

When the Pentagram is shown upright, it symbolizes harmony and balance between the physical and spiritual realms. Spirit, or Aether, takes the lead, controlling and balancing the material elements. An inverted Pentagram, in contrast, is traditionally associated with matter dominating spirit, representing imbalance or disorder (depending on the tradition, this can be viewed either positively or negatively).

The Pentacle

A Pentacle is often depicted as a Pentagram enclosed within a circle. The circle signifies unity, wholeness, and protection. It binds the five elements, emphasizing their interconnectedness and harmony. In this form, the Pentacle represents a fully integrated being, with Spirit guiding and balancing the material forces.

In terms of the human form, the five points of the Pentacle align with the shape of a standing person with arms and legs outstretched. The symbol thus becomes an emblem of man as a microcosm, a miniature universe, where the human is seen as a synthesis of the material world (four elements) and the divine essence (Spirit).

Esoteric Significance

In many metaphysical traditions, the Pentagram and Pentacle represent the perfected human—one who has mastered the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of life. This concept is often reflected in Hermeticism and other mystical traditions, where the journey of spiritual evolution is the integration of the divine (Spirit) with the earthly (the four elements).

The number five, therefore, becomes symbolic of not only humanity but also balance, evolution, and transformation, as we strive to rise above the purely material and embody a more spiritual existence.

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In magickal practices, the Pentagram is often used in rituals of protection, invocation, and banishment, drawing on the elemental forces to bring about desired change. It is a visual and energetic reminder of humanity's connection to the cosmos and the transformative power of Spirit.

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In Western Hermetic Qabalah and Tarot each card is assigned a symbol of astrology and a number. The 2 of pentacles card is assigned Jupiter in the house of Capricorn which brings together the expansive energy of Jupiter with the disciplined and structured qualities of Capricorn. Here are some characteristics of Jupiter in the house of Capricorn:

  1. Ambition and Success: Capricorn is associated with ambition and career success, and when Jupiter is in this house, it can enhance these traits. Individuals may be driven to achieve their goals and climb the ladder of success.

  2. Practical Wisdom: Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, and in Capricorn, this wisdom takes on a practical and grounded nature. People with this placement may possess a practical approach to life and decision-making.

  3. Structured Beliefs: Capricorn is known for its structured and organized nature. Jupiter in this house can indicate that one's beliefs and philosophies are grounded in a structured framework. There may be a conservative or traditional outlook.

  4. Discipline and Responsibility: The combination of Jupiter's optimism with Capricorn's sense of responsibility can result in disciplined individuals. They may approach challenges with a positive mindset and a commitment to hard work.

  5. Financial Prudence: Capricorn is associated with financial stability and responsibility. Jupiter in this house may bring a sense of financial prudence, encouraging individuals to make wise and calculated financial decisions.

  6. Authority and Leadership: Capricorn is a sign associated with authority and leadership. With Jupiter in this house, individuals may find themselves in positions of authority, or they may aspire to take on leadership roles.

  7. Balancing Optimism and Realism: While Jupiter is often associated with optimism, Capricorn tends to be realistic. Individuals with this placement may find a balance between staying optimistic about possibilities and being realistic about the challenges they face.

It's important to note that the overall interpretation can be influenced by the specific aspects and other factors in the individual's birth chart. Astrology is a complex field, and interpretations can vary based on the unique combination of planetary position.

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The number 2 holds significant meaning in both numerology and Western Hermetic Gematria, each offering unique insights into its characteristics and symbolism. While both systems explore the deeper meanings of numbers, they do so through different lenses. Here’s an exploration of the characteristics assigned to the number 2 in both numerology and Gematria:

Numerology Characteristics of the Number 2

  1. Duality and Balance:

    • The number 2 is often associated with duality, representing pairs and opposites like light and dark, masculine and feminine, and positive and negative. It embodies the principle of balance, showing that harmony is achieved through the interaction of opposites.
  2. Partnership and Cooperation:

    • In numerology, 2 is the number of partnerships and relationships. It signifies cooperation, diplomacy, and the ability to work well with others. People influenced by the number 2 are often seen as peacemakers who seek harmony in their interactions.
  3. Sensitivity and Intuition:

    • The number 2 is connected with heightened sensitivity and intuition. It suggests a deep connection to emotions and an innate ability to sense the feelings of others. This makes those influenced by 2 highly empathetic and compassionate.
  4. Peace and Diplomacy:

    • The peaceful nature of the number 2 reflects a strong inclination toward diplomacy and mediation. It seeks to resolve conflicts and create a harmonious environment, whether in personal relationships or broader social contexts.
  5. Subtlety and Patience:

    • The energy of 2 is subtle and often works behind the scenes. It’s not a forceful number but rather one that influences gently, with patience and a willingness to wait for the right moment to act.

Gematria Characteristics of the Number 2

  1. Division and Creation:

    • In Gematria, which involves the mystical interpretation of Hebrew letters and their numerical values, the number 2 corresponds to the Hebrew letter Bet (ב). Bet is the first letter of the Torah and represents the idea of creation and division. The number 2 signifies the beginning of differentiation from the unity of the divine (represented by the number 1), marking the start of the material world.
  2. Duality and Reflection:

    • Similar to numerology, the number 2 in Gematria also represents duality. This includes the dual nature of existence, such as the divine and the earthly, the spiritual and the material. It reflects the idea that everything in creation has a counterpart or an opposite, highlighting the importance of balance and harmony.
  3. Relationship and Union:

    • The number 2 is symbolic of relationships and unions, particularly the connection between the divine and the material world. In Kabbalah, this can be seen in the concept of the divine marriage or union between different aspects of the divine.
  4. The House of God:

    • The letter Bet (ב) is also associated with the concept of a house, as the word "Bayit" (בית) in Hebrew means "house." This implies that the number 2 represents a container or a space where things come together, much like a house provides a space for family and community.
  5. Nurturing and Protection:

    • Given its connection to the letter Bet, which starts the word "Bereshit" (the first word of the Torah), the number 2 in Gematria also suggests the nurturing and protective qualities of the divine, as creation itself is an act of nurturing the universe.

Comparative Analysis

  • Common Themes: Both numerology and Gematria emphasize the themes of duality, balance, and relationships when it comes to the number 2. This reflects a universal understanding of the number as one that symbolizes the interaction and harmony between opposing forces or entities.

  • Unique Interpretations: Numerology tends to focus more on the psychological and interpersonal aspects of the number 2, highlighting sensitivity, intuition, and diplomacy. In contrast, Gematria places the number 2 within a more mystical and cosmic framework, relating it to the process of creation, divine relationships, and the structure of the universe.

Together, these perspectives offer a rich and multifaceted understanding of the number 2, making it a symbol of harmony, creation, and the dynamic balance between opposites.

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When the 2 of Pentacles is thrown it implies that:

  • A transition or transformation in the physical.
  • A juggling of affairs to balance material life.
  • Cause and effect. Recognizing the infinite process of yin yang.
  • Handling inner growth and outer achievement at the same time.
  • Keeping several propositions going at once. The flow of movement made by skillful manipulation achieves success.
  • Time to reflect on the situation and balance both sides most often with unconsidered action.
  • This is a card of Change, the most important corrective in the Universe, as it keeps transformation going and thus Life moving as "Alive".  Plus, the combining of opposites makes diversity possible, as it annihilates the individual, forming yet another. For example, if you combine blue with blue, you only get blue. But Blue with Red makes Purple, and the Red and Blue colored individuals are now annihilated. Color is now diversified. Energy alone is just everywhere and no-where at the same moment but energy combined with Magnetism is form/information and thus the measurement of time space.

If reversed, it implies:

  • Instability.
  • Enforced gaiety.
  • Simulated enjoyment.
  • Letters of exchange.
  • Handwriting.

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