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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Two of Swords & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 2 of Swords.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

August 23, 2024

Above all Things, Know Thyself!

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Two of Swords

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 2 of Swords.

Rider-Waite-Smith-2 of Swords

The Rider-Waite- Smith -2 of Swords and the Lost Soul Tarot-2 of Swords, illustrates the underlying tension of the Moon (Crescent in the sky or the light in the mirror reflecting on the pool) in Libra (swords held crossed as Libra Scales) as a blind compromise.

On the Rider-Waite-Smith card the figure is wearing a blindfold, suggesting compromise at the cost of "little examination of a thing". The sitting figure is obviously androgynous, on the Waite Card, suggesting the 2nd Sephiroth Chokmah, who is a feminine Hebrew word for Wisdom and imitates the Greek Goddess Sophia who is often symbolized as a blue rose. Waite just made the card blue as a suggestion of Sophia. However, Chokmah, the second Sephiroth, is also masculine in the expression of force; Thus, androgynous in action of reception and expression. This compromise is tenuous, the implication being that not all compromises are necessarily good, it could be a "sell-out". Since one must always be true to themselves to be genuine, sell-outs will destroy authenticity. Here the Anima (right brain) and Animus (Left brain) are in disagreement and/or crossed in argument.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 2 of Swords

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 2 of Swords depicts a scene of a robed person scrying a mirror to see a future event. An action deemed common among the ancient sorcerers and magicians. However, the person sitting on the bench is viewing the image of reflection in the moonpool as if undecided on the proper viewing. Hence, there seems to be a stalemate, indecision, and a balance being sought. Here a balance between opposites is in need of being initiated.


The Qabalistic Tarot assigns the astrological meaning of the Moon in Libra to this card, which emphasizes the need to bring about change in a harmonious, united, and sociable way. That is what is happening here, a need to bring about change, yet undecided on which choice to make.

In astrology, when the Moon is in the house of Libra, it influences the individual's emotions and instincts through the lens of Libran traits. Here are some characteristics associated with the Moon in Libra:

  1. Harmony and Balance: Individuals with the Moon in Libra seek emotional balance and harmony in their lives. They may feel a strong need for peaceful and harmonious surroundings, avoiding conflict whenever possible.

  2. Diplomacy: These individuals tend to approach emotions with a diplomatic mindset. They may be skilled at navigating relationships and resolving conflicts by finding fair and just solutions.

  3. Aesthetic Sensibility: The Moon in Libra brings a heightened appreciation for beauty and aesthetics. These individuals may find emotional fulfillment in art, design, or any form of creative expression that embodies elegance.

  4. Relationship Focus: Emotional fulfillment is often linked to close relationships. Moon in Libra individuals may thrive in partnerships, valuing companionship and shared experiences.

  5. Indecisiveness: The desire for harmony may sometimes lead to indecisiveness, as these individuals may struggle to make choices that could disrupt the balance. They might weigh the pros and cons extensively before reaching a decision.

  6. Social Connections: The emotional well-being of those with the Moon in Libra is often intertwined with their social life. They may feel happiest when surrounded by friends and loved ones.

  7. Aversion to Conflict: Disliking confrontations, individuals with the Moon in Libra may go to great lengths to avoid discord. This can sometimes lead to suppressing their own emotions for the sake of maintaining peace.

  8. Charm and Grace: There's a natural charm and grace associated with the Moon in Libra. These individuals may express their emotions with finesse, aiming to create a pleasant atmosphere in their interactions.

It's important to note that individual birth charts are complex, and the Moon's placement is just one aspect of a person's astrological profile. The influence of other planets, houses, and aspects also plays a significant role in shaping an individual's personality and experiences.

Collapse, loss, or negative verdict is the inevitable result of confusion and/or impulsive action based on the illusion or fantasy of self-absorbed fear, or of a passionate urge somehow misapplied and for which the individual must accept responsibility. But all is not lost, for the same urge toward change applied to the arts; painting, literature, or music, creates quite favorable results. In such a regard, the card represents increased imagination and intuition. Fearing you won't be able to make a living off of doing what you love, will often make so much noise in your head, you are unable to take action in your favor. Thesis and antithesis must be combined to form a synthesis that becomes a pleasant melody

of motion forward.

Qabalistic-Tarot Tree of Life

The four Deuces are the principle to all systems and the Universal Tree of Life Pattern which is the 2nd Sephiroth- Chokmah and symbolize the power of the King and Queen (Binah-3rd Sephiroth) who first unite (0=2) and then initiate the force. Therefore, the 2's imply the fecundation and initiation of a thing; Chokmah makes it real. Sure, there is Kether, the One, but Kether is potential "I" while Chokmah is an active "I". The Kether is an observer, often called the "All Seeing eye", but this "I" is not a participant...It just observers as the Universal Collective Unconsciousness, and if you have reached deep inner meditations, you have met this Observer, occupying the deep silence. Never interfering but always observing. Chokmah is active and participates and in fact, the union of Chokmah (Wisdom) and Binah (Understanding) is the "I AM"... from which all else is formed.

The 2's imply the initiation and fecundation of a thing.

The number 2 holds significant meaning in both numerology and Gematria, each offering unique insights into its characteristics and symbolism. While both systems explore the deeper meanings of numbers, they do so through different lenses. Here’s an exploration of the characteristics assigned to the number 2 in both numerology and Gematria:


Numerology Characteristics of the Number 2

  1. Duality and Balance:

    • The number 2 is often associated with duality, representing pairs and opposites like light and dark, masculine and feminine, and positive and negative. It embodies the principle of balance, showing that harmony is achieved through the interaction of opposites.
  2. Partnership and Cooperation:

    • In numerology, 2 is the number of partnerships and relationships. It signifies cooperation, diplomacy, and the ability to work well with others. People influenced by the number 2 are often seen as peacemakers who seek harmony in their interactions.
  3. Sensitivity and Intuition:

    • The number 2 is connected with heightened sensitivity and intuition. It suggests a deep connection to emotions and an innate ability to sense the feelings of others. This makes those influenced by 2 highly empathetic and compassionate.
  4. Peace and Diplomacy:

    • The peaceful nature of the number 2 reflects a strong inclination toward diplomacy and mediation. It seeks to resolve conflicts and create a harmonious environment, whether in personal relationships or broader social contexts.
  5. Subtlety and Patience:

    • The energy of 2 is subtle and often works behind the scenes. It’s not a forceful number but rather one that influences gently, with patience and a willingness to wait for the right moment to act.

Gematria Characteristics of the Number 2

  1. Division and Creation:

    • In Gematria, which involves the mystical interpretation of Hebrew letters and their numerical values, the number 2 corresponds to the Hebrew letter Bet (ב). Bet is the first letter of the Torah and represents the idea of creation and division. The number 2 signifies the beginning of differentiation from the unity of the divine (represented by the number 1), marking the start of the material world.
  2. Duality and Reflection:

    • Similar to numerology, the number 2 in Gematria also represents duality. This includes the dual nature of existence, such as the divine and the earthly, the spiritual and the material. It reflects the idea that everything in creation has a counterpart or an opposite, highlighting the importance of balance and harmony.
  3. Relationship and Union:

    • The number 2 is symbolic of relationships and unions, particularly the connection between the divine and the material world. In Kabbalah/Qabalah, this can be seen in the concept of the divine marriage or union between different aspects of the divine.
  4. The House of God:

    • The letter Bet (ב) is also associated with the concept of a house, as the word "Bayit" (בית) in Hebrew means "house." This implies that the number 2 represents a container or a space where things come together, much like a house provides a space for family and community.
  5. Nurturing and Protection:

    • Given its connection to the letter Bet, which starts the word "Bereshit" (the first word of the Torah), the number 2 in Gematria also suggests the nurturing and protective qualities of the divine, as creation itself is an act of nurturing the universe.

Comparative Analysis

  • Common Themes: Both numerology and Gematria emphasize the themes of duality, balance, and relationships when it comes to the number 2. This reflects a universal understanding of the number as one that symbolizes the interaction and harmony between opposing forces or entities.

  • Unique Interpretations: Numerology tends to focus more on the psychological and interpersonal aspects of the number 2, highlighting sensitivity, intuition, and diplomacy. In contrast, Gematria places the number 2 within a more mystical and cosmic framework, relating it to the process of creation, divine relationships, and the structure of the universe.

Together, these perspectives offer a rich and multifaceted understanding of the number 2, making it a symbol of harmony, creation, and the dynamic balance between opposites.


It implies:

  • Peace of Mind.
  • Two issues, relationships, choices, or situations have been or are being integrated at a subconscious level...soon to be experienced outwardly.
  • A temporary balance and feeling of release from captivity.
  • Affirming a new belief or lifestyle, expanding opinions and communication.
  • A necessary respite before a change to gain a mental balance.
  • Making peace and suspending judgment.

If reversed, or ill defined by the surrounding cards it implies:

  • Blocked emotions due to compromise, not accepting realities and the need to be tolerant towards others.
  • Conflict at an impasse a stalemate of balanced forces.

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