Gold Foil Tarot- 2 of Wands
The Tarot of the Old Path-Two of Rods.
The Gold Foil rendition of the Rider-Waite-Smith -2 of Wands displays a world globe in the hand of the personage. Also shown on the 2 of Wands card is a leafy wand/staff on the other hand. The Minor Arcana and/or "small cards", are very pertinent to everyday life and emotional decisions, representing specific actions, experiences, and states of consciousness. Therefore, I find them immensely powerful in the moment of daily life. The Primary meaning of this card is creative inventiveness expressed boldly, even rashly. Here, a brilliant and original idea emerges as a product of a free, intelligent, and independent mind. Represented here, is a person who insists on doing things their own way, refusing to be channeled by outside authority or any organization. This one is totally immersed in the work, so much so that they may be very irritating to another person who is not so dedicated. Shown on this card are the roses that symbolize love, and the white lilies represent rebirth and purity.
This meaning of independent inventions is subtlety shown in the Gold Foil Tarot card. We see a tall man looking over the battlements, towards sea and shore. In his right hand is a globe and a staff is in his left and rests on the battlement, while another staff is fixed in a ring. The Rose-cross and white lilies should also be noticed on the left side. White lilies are purity, and the Rose -cross is a symbol much like the Ankh, depicting The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn that made use of the rosy cross as well, including "The Ritual of the Rose Cross," designed for spiritual protection and as preparation for meditation. Based on the Rosicrucian symbolism of the Red Rose and the Cross of Gold, it is also a key symbol of the Golden Dawn's Second Order.
Therefore, on the Gold Foil- 2 of wands card we have an image of a ruler caught in a dilemma. Between the alternative readings of Globe and the staff. There is no marriage possible, on one hand, riches, fortune, magnificence--- on the other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification. The image suggests that a lord overlooking his domain and is alternatively contemplating a globe, looking like he is caught in a malady, the sadness and mortification of Alexander amidst the grandeur of the world's wealth. Therefore, caught between the need to go forward into Spiritual introspection of a hermetic, leaving the wealth and power of rule of the world behind. Or going for physical wealth in any way possible despite the damage it may cause the soul. Therefore, this card represents business and wealth.
The Two of Rods in the Tarot of the Old Path, shows a tall athletic young man, dressed in fiery colors, ambling along on a pair of stilts that have sprouting leaves. Rods represent the alchemical element of fire, as does his clothing, and it represents the Vital fecundated and/or Fertile Life Force element as suggested by his stilts sprouting leaves. He is concentrating on careful steps, and along with this tall phallus shaped hat, suggesting one who is capable of deep thought and meditation. The suggestion of a dominant-self-confident personality is the major theme of this card.
From the Golden Dawn Texts:
The four Deuces symbolize the Powers of the King and Queen; first uniting and initiating the Force, but before the Prince and Princess are thoroughly brought into action. Therefore, do they imply the initiation and fecundation of a thing.
In Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tarot, the 2 of Wands represents the unlimited dominion of the Divine Creatrix (Will to Form) and the Divine Creator (Will to Force). This Unlimited Willed Energy is oppressed/limited in forms; a necessary oppression to be sure, but still in each of us the enclosed Energy fights to join with the Totality. By invoking more of the One Energy, one changes the form's Time/Space (we are space/spirit, which is encompassed in a measurement of information/time), two more energetic boundaries than our original form of Light. The one who invokes the Truth of Self, is often accused of "insanity" because their reality (boundaries) has changed from the normal- form- boundaries of time/space, to that of the para-normal. That expansive perspective makes both genius and insanity seem to be the same. One must remember that the mundane form is bound by a lesser vibratory perspective of self-absorbed behavior and fears the greater unknown and therefore, lives a "scattered" life of "reaction". While often the "insane" and/or "metaphysical" mind has one powerful focus of action at a time in the Now. They know their intent which often makes them unconcerned with "material things", considering the collection of them as illusions of security conjured up by the senses of the body and the animal fear of death. They Know they are Wealth, Health, and Wellbeing and thereby, unconcerned about nonexistent lack. All is Mind, and as I declare myself, so I shall be. I AM, is your only truth, what you "Am", is all assumption, a story we tell ourselves.
Any way you look at it, the 2 of wands card represents both Force and Potential, giving one a concentration of great creative power to completely change their environment. Either expanding and liberating their identity or confining their identity to the "needs" identified by indoctrination and dogma. The man-made identity is a "Wanna-Be" while the Divine Soul is an I Am, whose powerful presence controls their environment rather than reacting to one.
When the 2 of Wands/Rods card is thrown during a Divination, the querent is being:
- Overcome by boldness. courage, fierceness, and Shamelessness.
- Generous and proud, but also a certain amount of revenge, and resolution.
- There is a suggestion of turbulent energy, which is beyond the "ego's" ability to control but it can also become sagacious, yet unforgiving and obstinate.
- Centering only on the love within, is the solution to this immense Power of Will, which is all around us, but of what we have so little contact with, as we have "given ourselves" to the definitions of "others"....and believe we have little, if any "Will Power".
- This card suggests that the Spirit (Will) is beginning to rebel against its predisposed boundaries...come "Hell or High Water"!
- The querent is claiming and validating the Self and instigating new self-concepts.
- Synthesizing their abilities produces a new powerful life.
- The intuition is awakening and claiming the body as a Wand of power...the inner Dragon is awakening.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards-and/ or reversed, it implies:
- Destructiveness.
- The persona becomes baffled by the vital power unleashed without a "lust for result" and/or intent, thereby, not producing the result they had expected.
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