The Radiant Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 1-The Magician
The Manara Erotic Tarot - Key 1-The Magician
Warning: The Manara Tarot is not a tarot deck for "flesh-o-phobes". So, review a "fairy" deck, or some such fluffy deck, so that your delicate implanted need for ignorance won't be disturbed.
The Erotic Tarot of Milo Manara has chosen to make the magician a female scientist of Eros who has constructed a crocodile-like mechanical, with a phallus. This may seem like some kind of erotic tomfoolery: However, the Crocodile is a symbol for Power that has been used throughout the Mediterranean cultures.
The crocodile holds symbolic significance in various cultures, and it plays a distinct role in Egyptian mythology as well as in the belief systems of other civilizations. Here are some insights into the symbolism of the crocodile in Egyptian lore and its significance in diverse cultures:
Egyptian Mythology: In ancient Egypt, the crocodile was associated with the god Sobek. Sobek was often depicted as a crocodile-headed deity or as a man with a crocodile head. He was considered a powerful and protective god, associated with the Nile River and its fertility. Sobek was both a creator and a destroyer, symbolizing the dual nature of the crocodile as both a nurturing and potentially dangerous creature.
Protective Symbolism: Crocodiles in ancient Egypt were seen as protectors of the Nile and its inhabitants. They were believed to ward off evil spirits and threats from the river, making them guardians of the land's fertility and prosperity.
Fertility and Rebirth: The association of the crocodile with the Nile also linked it to themes of fertility and rebirth. The annual flooding of the Nile brought rich silt and nutrients to the land, enabling bountiful harvests. This cycle of renewal was symbolized by the crocodile's presence in the river.
Other Cultures: In various other cultures, the crocodile is often seen as a symbol of strength, stealth, and danger. In some African traditions, the crocodile is regarded as a powerful and respected creature, and its imagery can be found in art and folklore.
Ancient Americas: In pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, such as the Aztecs and Maya, the crocodile was also a symbol of water, fertility, and creation. It was associated with the god Chac in Maya culture, who controlled rain and water sources.
Contemporary Symbolism: In contemporary culture, the crocodile is sometimes used as a symbol of resilience, adaptability, and tenacity, reflecting the animal's survival skills and ability to thrive in diverse environments. The famous fashion brand "Lacoste" features a crocodile logo, which symbolizes the tenacity of the brand's founder, René Lacoste.
Overall, the symbolism of the crocodile can vary widely depending on the cultural context. In Egyptian mythology, it represented aspects of fertility, protection, and duality, while in other cultures, it has been associated with themes of strength, water, and creation.
Plus, the very fact that the Magician is the "first ejaculation of will", an automatic expression of the "Big Bang", a mechanism, if you will, that we call the "universal movement". The First Emoted Frequency of the Hermetic Qabalah's Kether, which is Eheieh in Hebrew and means, "I Will Be". An erect phallus is the perfect image (Wands are used as a substitute for the live one) for such an exclamation of the "First Shout " and/or expression of I AM that many call the "Word of God" or the Logos, which was used as an explanation for the first ejaculation of vibration and/or frequency. (Now...flesh-0-phobes close your "I's")
The Sacred Phallus/Wand
There is also a reason for the expression of satisfaction on the Woman's face. After all this is the Will that has created "Other", the most beloved of the One. Here, she represents the One Womb, who is the Creatrix of the Divine Creative. "Other" is "form", i.e. image and is the "most beloved" of the Spirit. The magician, and/or Magus, is the one at the altar, who creates with, Fire-Wand/Rod, Water-Cup-Womb, Air-Sword-Mind and Earth-physical mater. One also must remember the old Greek admonition of "There was no father until she named him Father". Referring to the Creatrix Hera. Jehovah suppressed all this knowledge and thereby banished mankind from the "Garden of Eden" and/or the Greater Self. To assist you in getting this profanity out of your head, read the book the Wetiko (native American word for the Archon)-healing the mind virus that plaques our world- by Paul Levy.
The Archons are a central element in Gnostic cosmology and mythology.
In Gnostic thought, the Archons are often seen as malevolent or ignorant beings that exist in the lower realms of the cosmic hierarchy. They are sometimes considered to be rulers or authorities who exert control over the material world and its inhabitants. Gnosticism is a diverse and complex belief system, and interpretations of the Archons can vary among different Gnostic sects.
The Gnostics believed in a dualistic view of the world, with a higher, transcendent realm of divine knowledge and a lower, material realm characterized by ignorance and illusion. The Archons are often associated with this lower, material realm and are seen as obstacles to spiritual enlightenment and liberation. The indoctrinations of the Archon/Demiurge are now called the "Human stain" for each of us has a perverted and profaned identity implanted in our subconscious minds. Instead of images of God, we are now images of the Archon Demiurge.
In some Gnostic sects, for instance the Simonian Gnostics and others interpretated Jehovah or the God of the Old Testament as an Archon or a false god. Gnosticism is characterized by a complex and diverse set of beliefs, and different Gnostic groups had varying views on the nature of the deity associated with the Old Testament.
In Gnostic thought, the material world, including the God of the Old Testament, is often seen as the creation of a lower, ignorant deity or Archon. The true, higher God is a transcendent and unknowable divine entity and is the Kether of Qabalah. The demiurge, often associated with the God of the Old Testament, is seen as a lower, flawed being who has created the material world and keeps humanity trapped in ignorance and suffering.
It's important to note that Gnostic beliefs vary, and not all Gnostics held the same views about the Old Testament God. Some Gnostic sects had more complex and nuanced interpretations, while others held more dualistic and antagonistic perspectives.
So, while some Gnostic traditions considered Jehovah or the God of the Old Testament to be an Archon, this interpretation is not universal among all Gnostic beliefs.
The Simonian Gnostics, followers of Simon Magus, were known to incorporate sexual rituals and magical practices into their religious and spiritual traditions. Simon Magus was an early Gnostic leader and is mentioned in various early Christian and Gnostic writings.
One of the most well-known aspects of Simonian Gnosticism was their belief in the divine and creative power of sexual union. They saw sexual intercourse as a sacred act that could be used to connect with and channel spiritual energies. They did not follow the common Archon dogma of Woman being responsible for the downfall of mankind and therefore, rejected the misogynistic religions. Some Simonian Gnostics believed that through these rituals, they could attain higher levels of enlightenment and divine knowledge. This practice is also known to the Tantric, Hindus, Western Hermetic Magic Practitioners, Sufi's, Taoist, Shaman, and many other practices of Metaphysical enlightenment.
The exact nature of Simonian Gnostic sexual rituals and practices is not well-documented, and historical accounts of their beliefs and practices come from the writings of early Christian church fathers of the Archon Patriarchy, who often portrayed Gnostic groups in a negative light. As a result, it can be challenging to ascertain the precise details of Simonian Gnostic rituals.
It's worth noting that Gnostic beliefs and practices varied widely among different sects and leaders, and not all Gnostic groups incorporated sexual rituals into their traditions. Gnosticism itself encompasses a diverse range of spiritual and philosophical ideas, with diverse groups and individuals emphasizing various aspects of their beliefs.
The Magus or Magician is the path of Beth, meaning House, and is between Kether (Crown) and Binah (Understanding) on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, making it the transition (Phallus) path of the One Undefined Energy, and the Great Organizer, Mother Binah. Thus, the relationship that establishes the meaning of house, Beth, as that of the dwelling place (Womb-Temple) where Spirit resides before "falling" into manifestation. In other words, where the egg of Akasha gestates after it is stimulated by the "First Vibration" (serpent force) of the Father.
The Egg of Akasha and/or Orphic Egg.
In this case, it is appropriate to call the Magus that which builds the House. In other words, the Magus directs and encloses the One Spirit (Spiral Energy-Vital Life Force)) which is symbolized by THE FOOL tarot card. The Supernal Triangle of Kether, Chokmah and Binah is represented by Tarot Cards whose activities are only separated by a degree or less. Thus, the Aspects of the Magus and the Fool are intricately linked. For those who wish a glaring example of this degree of Separation it is about as much as the Testes and Phallus are separated in a human male, albeit the One Great Being (Note* to a Qabalist a "Being" is an Immortal Intelligent Energy").
The planetary meaning of the card is Mercury.
The implication of The Magician is that of a Messenger (Mercury) of the Gods, who with focused will is able to concentrate his mental power, thus utilizing his knowledge. Here Knowledge focused, gives birth to action and manifestation. He is the channel through which Divine Will manifests in the physical world.
Although I use the Thoth Tarot in my professional Tarot readings and Teach Master Tarot Classes using the Thoth Tarot (It is the most informative Western Hermetic Qabalah deck). I began my readings using the B.O.T.A. (Builders of the Adytum) tarot cards and the Rider-Waite-Smith Traditional Tarot Decks. This Tarot philosophy is based on the premise that the True Universal Collective Mind doesn't use language to communicate; rather it communicates in image and/or symbolism. Since it is the True Parent of your Soul, it behooves one to use proper communication techniques to make their life more "magic" and less tragic" than the common herd. In other words, Tarot aids one in claiming their Universal Inheritance as a Celestial Being.
The imagery in both the Rider-Waite-Smith and many traditional tarot decks are the same, although there are subtitle differences. The title of Magician refers to humankind's ability to direct the force by which one transforms their consciousness, thereby reaching the stage Metaphysicians, Parapsychologist, Occultist call initiation. The number 1, which is often symbolized as "the point", which means concentration, will, attention, and/or a limiting of the field of activity. Simply put, this is an activity of focus that every aspirant absolutely must learn if they wish to seek the "Truth of Self". Until one learns to concentrate and focus on their Vital Life Force, they cannot perform the Great Work of "As above so below" and thereby turn dreams of unprofaned Self into living reality.
R.W.S. Tarot-Key 1
In both the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, the red roses of the arbor symbolize desire. The wise know that desire is the motivation of or for evolution. One can clearly see that the central figure draws his/her power from the above, through their raised wand. This is the central doctrine of Western Hermetic Magic since each of us is the "bridge between" the above and below." That is, a bridge between the Macrocosmic Mind and the Microcosmic mind. A person cannot even begin to use the subtle forces of nature until they realize they can do nothing of themselves but simply act as the Channel of the Primal Will of the One ("I Will Be") through which the "Will to Form" and the "Will to Force", i.e., the Will of Life Force expresses itself.
The Magician has found the table of Life on which are his magical tools of wand, sword, cup, and the pentacle. The white lilies are symbols of purity. The flaring red cloak of individuality surrounds him as well as protects him as s/he reaches out and masters the elements. The bright white lemniscate (horizonal figure eight) above his head, is the symbol for infinity and the flow of the united forces of female and male divinity and/or the 2 who = 1.
- The magician's uplifted wand symbolizes the ability to direct natural Phallic forces with which a magician/magus symbolically works. This ability is known as the Hermetic axiom of "That which is above is as that which is below". This is also known in the Zen of Tao as " If it is here, it is there, and if it is there, it is here. If it is not here, it is not there, and if it is not there, it is not here."
- The horizonal 8 (The Lemniscate), over the magician's head represents, dominion, strength, and control while also being the symbol for infinity that is called the lemniscate (Greek for-Ribbon) in Western Magic.
- The magician's left-hand pointed down to the ground in a gesture of concentration.
- On the Rider-Waite-Smith card, the black hair bound with a white band, symbolizes the limitation of ignorance by knowledge.
- The red robe represents action and desire (information becomes in-form-action).
- On the Rider-Waite- Smith Card, the White undergarment, representing wisdom is encircled with a serpent that symbolizes eternity; Ouroboros, the serpent that eats its own tail. There is also a white undergarment on the Modern Witch Tarot Card.
- The altar is made of granite or is granted stones and is covered with the magician's tools, which represent Fire (Wand), Air (Sword), Water, (Cups) and Earth-(Pentacle).
- The Workbench/table/flat stone represents the Magician's field of attention/observation. This worktable is shown on the lower right of the Rider-Waite-Smith card and as a flat stone on the Golden Foil Tarot.
- The implements are:
- The Wand-element of fire (Will).
- The Cup-element of water (Imagination and of the Silver Metal representing the Moon).
- The Sword-element of air (Action, with golden handle as a symbol of the Rauch/Intellect).
- The Pentacle-element of earth (Physical embodiment).
The garden is the Unconscious aspect of Mind, which is cultivated by the acts of attention of the self-conscious and/or awake conscious -self. From this ageless garden spring all powers of the Universal Collective Unconscious.
The white 6 petaled lilies besides representing purity also represent the abstract perception of Truth, as well as the cosmic laws and principles by which the Multiverse is sustained. 6 is also the number representing the Sun/Soul, central to the manifestation of SELF and the magic Solar Self in which the human form is encased.
When the Magician is thrown in a divination it implies:
- Assertiveness.
- Self-Realization.
- Activity.
- Strength of Will.
- Vital energy.
- Command over the subconscious and Unconscious.
- Drive.
- Impetuous.
- Energy.
- Bringing lofty dreams down into reality.
If reversed:
- Aggressiveness.
- Egotism.
- Misuse of power.
- Mental disease.
- Disquiet.
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