The Tarot of Eli-2-, LLC: The Rider-Wait-Smith Tarot-0- The Fool & The Fairy Tarot-0-The Dreamer.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Fairy Tarot and RWS

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Rider-Wait-Smith-The Fool (Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot)

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We welcome a new tarot deck to our blog today that is titled the Fairy Tarot. by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine with illustrations by Howard David Johnson. The best selling author Doreen Virtue

Doreen Virtue is from the UK and is a best-selling author, clairvoyant, and Dr. of Psychology who works with the elemental realms and angelic beings. She's appeared on Oprah, The View, CNN, and Good Morning America. She also teaches online video workshopes on and her website is

Radleigh Valentine is the bestselling co-author of the Angel Tarot Cards, Archangel Power Tarot Cards, Guardian Angel Tarot Cards, Angel Answers Oracle Cards, and the Big Book of Angel Tarot. He gives workshops internationally related to his cards and to manifestation principles. If you wish information concerning Radleigh's workshops, radio show, and private practice visit

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The Fairy Tarot- 0-The Dreamer

The Fairy Tarot-0-The Dreamer promotes some similar images known to Traditional Tarot such as, the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck. However, this Tarot Deck promotes the existence of Nature Angels and/or the elemental realm beings who oversee the mineral and plant kingdoms. According to the authors, fairies are subjected to the misinformation and propaganda of many cultures. Often called mischievous, or malicious in behavior, they really only help or assist people of pure heart. For those who get to know the Fairies, they are seen as strong environmentalists and trustworthy partners. Fairies to get upset with animal abusers and planet polluters, hence the reputation of mischievous behavior by those who care little for the planet's flora and fauna. For those who care for all life, they will find the Fairies helpful companions. As this is a tarot card comparison blog, you must get the Tarot deck complete with its instruction booklet to get more information about the Authors and their work with the Elemental Kingdoms.

The Dreamer is comparable to the Tarot Fool. Here she is standing at the base of a mountain that has a sacred tower known in the UK as the Glastonbury Tor which is dedicated to the Archangel Michael. This image then represents the hero's journey that begins with a long climb upward being guided by the Archangel Michael and the Divine Creative.

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The Red Cardinal bird, shown above the Fairy holds various symbolic meanings in different cultures and folklore. In some Native American traditions, the cardinal is seen as a messenger between the living and the spirit world. Its vibrant red color is often associated with vitality, energy, and the life force.

In Christian symbolism, the cardinal is sometimes considered a symbol of faith and represents the blood of Christ. In this context, spotting a cardinal is thought to be a spiritual reminder or a visit from a loved one who has passed away.

The folklore surrounding the Red Cardinal varies, but it generally emphasizes themes of connection, spirituality, and divine messages.

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In traditional Tarot, the Fool card (represented by the number 0) often depicts a figure on a journey with a small dog at their side. The presence of the dog in the Fool card holds symbolic significance.

The dog is commonly seen as a loyal and faithful companion, symbolizing instinct, loyalty, and protection. In the context of the Fool's journey, the dog is considered a guide or guardian, accompanying the Fool on their adventures. The dog represents the instinctual aspects of the Fool's nature, providing a sense of companionship and support as they embark on the unknown path.

Additionally, the Fool card is associated with spontaneity, innocence, and a carefree attitude. The presence of the dog reinforces the idea that the Fool is stepping into the unknown with trust and openness, relying on their instincts and intuition rather than being held back by fear or hesitation.

Interpreting the Fool card with its accompanying dog can be a reminder to trust your instincts, embrace new beginnings, and approach life's journey with a sense of joy and spontaneity.

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The wallet on the end of the carrying stick, which can be seen as a shadow behind the forewing of this fairy holds all the memories of this heroic traveler.

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In traditional Tarot symbolism, the White Rose held by the Fool in the Fool card carries its own set of meanings. The White Rose is a powerful symbol that adds depth to the interpretation of the card. Here are some interpretations associated with the White Rose in the context of the Fool:

  1. Purity and Innocence: The white color of the rose often symbolizes purity and innocence. The Fool, carrying a White Rose, suggests a sense of untainted, childlike innocence as they embark on their journey. It represents a clean slate, free from preconceived notions or judgments.

  2. Spiritual Awakening: White is frequently associated with spirituality and higher consciousness. The White Rose in the Fool's hand may signify a spiritual awakening or the pursuit of higher truths. The Fool's journey is not just a physical one but also a spiritual and transformative one.

  3. Possibility and Potential: The White Rose can symbolize the potential for new beginnings and endless possibilities. It serves as a reminder that the Fool is at the threshold of a journey filled with opportunities and open to the myriad experiences that await.

  4. Symbol of Hope: The White Rose can be seen as a symbol of hope and optimism. As the Fool steps into the unknown, the White Rose suggests a sense of hope and faith that the journey will be guided by purity of intention and positive energy.

  5. Alchemy and Transformation: In some esoteric traditions, the White Rose is associated with alchemy and transformation. The Fool's journey is a transformative process, and the White Rose represents the alchemical potential for personal growth and evolution.

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Adam Khadmon (The Heavenly Human)

Rather than just being assumed as being mystical, trans-personal, transcendent, and ecstatic in its nature, the Fool represents the power of wonder and ecstasy that is so apparent in the incredibly young (and the “enlightened”) before they succumb to indoctrination and form a "cultural identity". The cultural identity is not real, so Qabalists call it "reality" which we all know as relative and subjected to the “I” of the beholder. The Real is the infinite part of ourselves that commands material into form as I AM. What "I AM" assumes itself to be has been called "Me". "Me" is always an assumption.

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Rider-Waite-Smith-0-The Fool (RWS Tarot)

Dr. Arthur Edward Waite (1857-1942), the initiator of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, was not only a genuine scholar of Western Hermetic Occultism, he also was a world renown publisher. His published works included, The Holy Kabbalah and The Key to the Tarot, both first issued in England. Waite stated in The Key to The Tarot that; " The true Tarot is symbolism; it speaks no other language and offers no other signs."

Although the precise origin of Tarot cards in antiquity remains obscure. Court de Gébelin writing in Le Monde Primitif in 1781 advances the theory that Tarot cards are derived from an ancient Egyptian book, The Book of Thoth. Thoth was the Egyptian Mercury/Hermes, said to be one of the early Pharaohs and inventor of the hieroglyphic system. Gébelin asserts that it is from the Egyptians and Gypsies that Tarot Cards were dispersed throughout Europe. All of this is easily researched by the seeker.


The past 2 centuries are ripe with important works on the different aspects of Tarot cards; Gébelin (1781), Etteilla (1783), Levi (1854), Vaillant (1857), Mathers (1888), Papus (1889), Falconnier (1896), Wirth, Waite (1910) Thierens, Case, Crowley (1944), Gray (1960), Knight (1965), Moakley (1966), Doane (1967), and Kaplan (1970), just to name a "few".

Although initiated and supervised by Waite, the unique Tarot Deck known as the "Rider Deck" was hand crafted by Miss Pamela Colman Smith, an artist and fellow member of The Order of the Golden Dawn. Although born in Jamaica, by age 21 Miss Smith was established in England as a theatrical designer and illustrator. She collaborated with William Butler Yeats on stage designs and worked with William's brother, Jack Yeats on the illustration and publication of a magazine entitled The Broad Sheet before publishing her own magazine, The Green Sheaf which was filled with ballads, pictures, folk tales, and verses.

Most notable difference features of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, as compared to earlier tradition decks is that all the cards, including the 40 minor arcana numeral cards (pips), are presented in emblematic designs, which are easily read in divination. This contrasts with the older more ridged forms of swords, batons, cups, and coins that were previously used. Waite also believed that the O-Fool, should not be placed between the keys of 20 and 21, but that its more natural placement was before the Magician in attribution to the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet-Aleph. He also transposed the numbers of 2 Major Arcana (Trump) cards: Strength (Force, Fortitude), frequently shown in other Tarot decks as Key XI but is shown in the Rider Deck as Key VIII. The Justice card, traditionally shown as Key VIII, is shown in the Rider deck as Key XI.

No matter what Tarot deck one prefers, one of the most fascinating aspects of Tarot Cards is their personal effect upon the person using them. Hindu Mystics have called these effects, as Siddhis- meaning "magic abilities". Hence, Tarot helps create more magic and less tragedy in one's life.

If you are looking for an easy path into spirituality, you won't find it in Tarot. For this is a "path less walked", and/or a "Heros journey", as spiritual development is not brought on by external things. It is an inner growth towards reclaiming our Divine Inheritance and it is upon this principle that Tarot operates most effectively. Therefore, Tarot is not a toy. Nor a presentation on Hollywood based occultism. Rather, 2 main purposes are served by Tarot:

  1. It preserves and transmits an esoteric teaching. 
  2. It evokes specific mystical, intellectual, and emotional responses from the Inner Consciousness of the aspirant who has been taught how to understand it.

After all the great works about "Man know thyself". It is no longer a secret and exists Occult Teachings that reveal the true nature of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and their link to the Universe and the inheritance of a mutual relationship with the Celestial-Self and The Universal Collective Unconscious.

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Orphic egg.

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The fool- Magus combination.

We know spiral and spirit came from the same Greek root word-spiro, which means "to breathe and/or breath" the "Fool" is Spirit and therefore the fool is the "Breath" - and symbolizes that which contains all the potencies of growth and development that we can see that the 0 which carries this idea further. O is the symbol for egg and again symbolizes Life-Power and even the Orphic Egg which symbolizes the Universal Infinite Life Power.

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The Sun refers to the One Force (The One Energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed, and transmitted) that comes from all the Stars/Suns in the Multiverse.

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The mountains pictured on the RWS Fool represent the abstract mathematical conceptions which are behind all knowledge of Nature; hence, cold, and uninteresting to many. Like the melting snow feeds the creeks and rivers below. So will the Ageless Wisdom of the Divine Creative feed your consciousness and make fertile your mental imagery, thereby, transforming your life. I AM, is you True Existence, but what you think you are, is all assumption/imagination.

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RWS Tarot-0-The Fool

The Fool represents the eternal youth, which is Spirit/Soul. On Traditional Tarot cards this eternal youth is shown as he stands at the height of his power, and presenting an attitude of confidence, trust, and joyful aspirations. The wreath of Victory around his head also symbolizes the vegetable kingdom. The Wand is the Will of the Divine (I Will BE) and the wallet is Memory. The white rose represents purified desire. On the Rider-Waite-Smith, Fairy Tarot, and B.O.T.A. cards, the unique garments of the Fool consist of a white undergarment and a black outer one which is lined with red. White is purity, truth, wisdom. It is covered in the black of ignorance and delusion which is lined with passion, action, and desire.

Not easily seen on the RWS Card is the girdle of 12 ornaments, by showing only 7, it represents Time-Space. Astrologers will find the contemplation of this next symbology of great interest. The wheels which ornament the outer garment are 8 spoked and they symbolize the whirling motion by which the One Force manifests itself (Will-to-Force). The little white dog represents the intellect of the body, the reasoning survival mind of the subconscious. It is a faithful companion but must have a master.

When thrown in divination the RWS and Fair Tarot-Fool - cards imply:

  • Folly.
  • Mania.
  • Extravagance.
  • Intoxication.
  • Delirium.
  • Frenzy.
  • Naiveté.
  • Innocence.
  • Lunacy.
  • (All of which lead to the Mystery of Dionysus. Where extremes of intoxication and ecstasy lead to Higher Mind)

If reversed:

  • Negligence.
  • Absence.
  • Distribution.
  • Carelessness.
  • Apathy.
  • Nullity.
  • Vanity.

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.

Helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.