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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: The Rider-Waite-Smith Key-9-The Hermit & The Prophet Tarot- The Hermit

Western Hermetic Qaballah, Tantric, Astrological, Alchemical, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

February 13, 2023

Radiant-Rider-Waite-Smith- Key 9-The Hermit

The Prophet Tarot- Key 9-The Hermit

The Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 9-The Hermit and its silver and black gothic copy-The Prophet Tarot- Key 9-The Hermit, also represents the Hebrew letter-Yod, which means the Hand of God or The Hand of Mankind, for both are connected to the Great Image Maker (Creatrix). The letter Yod, which is shown as the shape of the hermit figure, indicates power, means, direction, skill, dexterity; However, it is the sign rather of inclination, tendency, aptitude, predisposition, or potency than of actual activity. In Qaballah this letter is the first letter of Tetragrammaton (YHVH), which means "4 letters", and is the "secret name of god", as it's pronunciation is critical to linking one with the The Supreme One, having its seat in Kether. More over, Qabalist's also say that letter Yod has upper and lower meanings. The upper part of the letter Yod represents the Kether, the Crown, while the lower half represents the 2nd Sephiroth-Chokmah-Wisdom- "Father God".


Above are a couple of reference books to help you get over yourself and get on with you!

Attributed to Yod, is the sense of Touch, and the same Hebrew letter also meaning Coition, where the sense of touch is particularly active. Esoterically, the letter Yod refers to the experience of Union with the Supreme Self, the true I AM of the Cosmos- an experience that is intensely pleasurable, and is often compared to the rapture of sexual ecstasy. Flesh-0-phobes may disagree with this comparison, but then they haven't read the Song of Solomon, or the mystical poetry of the Persian Sufi (Mostafa Jahaladine Rumi, for one) nor the writings and poems of St. Teresa of Ávila. Upon reading them, one will find out that the greatest minds known to mankind have no scruples about explaining the Spiritual orgasm within the human body as an extremely sexual experience. North-Below is the direction ascribed to Yod. For when we most perfectly remember ourselves we experience this blissful merging of personal consciousness with the Great I Am.

On both the Rider-Waite-Smith and Prophet Tarot cards, the image of the Hermit, is associated with Virgo the Virgin, whose color is yellow-green and whose musical tone is F-natural. Virgo is a mutable or common earthly sign and is attributed to the letter Yod. Virgo, is ruled by Mercury (key 1-The magician) and Mercury is thereby, exalted in Virgo. All this implies that Virgo is therefore, dominated by self-conscious initiative, and represents the highest manifestation in which self-consciousness is experienced. Therefore, The Intelligence of Will, is associated with the letter Yod and thereby, the Hermit.

There is a passage in the Qabalah which says, "Yod is above all (The Father) and with Him none other is associated." Hence, the Tarot Term the Hermit is used in Key 9, as a Hermit lives alone and is isolated (As is the One Energy/Father). On traditional tarot, such as The Rider-Waite- Smith Tarot- the hermit is shown alone and isolated on a mountain peak, far above the travelers for whom he is holding his lantern high as a beacon. There are no sexual connotations here, even though Father is the term used, for 0 is the One who is 2 (She/ He be them) it is a term use for the "First Expression" since the Phallus expresses and the Vulva receives. Expression and Reception are the two opposites that are linked as one, on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, they are linked by the Empress/ Daleth/The Door.

The White beard on the Traditional Hermit, declares he is the "Most Holy Ancient One", identified with the Primal Will (I Will Be). Another Qabalistic Title for the One is bestowed upon him by his gray robe, which suggests the One "Concealed within all Concealment" (Chokmah). He is the source of All and yet he is also the goal of all endeavor. His staff is reminiscent of the Hebrew Prophet, Moses.

As I have stated many times, 9 is the number of completion. However, there is more. This completion is inseparable from and really identical with, the primary idea which begins the process of manifestation. The sign that precedes all manifestation is 0, the Fool, and 9 the final figure of the digital series, denotes completion.

The Hermit stands in darkness, because what is behind our personifications of the Supreme Reality (The Supernal Triangle on the Tree of Life) is beyond the comprehension of our personal consciousness. The darkness also represents the hidden (occult) interior of the Universal Collective Unconscious of Divine Operation. One might say, darkness represents the dark matter/dark energy of the Universe and/or the Abyss. The snow on the peak of the Rider-Waite Smith Hermit, illustrates the cold abstraction of the Ancient One, removed from the everyday warm realities of Life. Yet he holds aloft his own Warm Light, for the benefit of those who toil upward toward him. It is the light of the six rayed star whose interlaced triangles are symbols of the union of "As above, so Below". The six points also hint at Vigo, the sixth sign in the zodiac series.

Although the Hermit stands alone on the Mountain top, or the desert, he is the "way shower", lighting the path for the climbing multitudes below, a pilgrimage called "the dark night of the Soul" by St. John of the Cross. The staff, and implement of the Magician that refers to the Archetypal world, is in his left hand, implying he has no need to climb further. The Hermit also represents Causeless Cause which seems far-off and cold, an isolated abstraction. In reality it is related to every circumstance in our daily personal experience. It is the consciousness, the power, the substance, that is expressed in the least of our experiences. It is the source of our personal light and wisdom and therefore, the objective of all our aspirations. Crowley called it "Lust without need of result". Therefore, the Hermit is our "supreme will " within the manifestation of the Body. Only by the working of the subconscious body-transforming powers, will our bodies undergo the necessary subtle changes which make them fit vehicles for union with the Supreme Self/Supreme Spirit. A union in which the personal sense of self, disappears in the vastness of the I AM. Nothing else exists. For I AM denotes existence, but not as what. The "What" I Am, is assumed. Assumption is Illusion. Assumption is personality.

The Hermit is an inner mentor (some call him the inner Buddha), who is a comforting figure, who encourages us onward despite the odds, who lifts us up gently when we fall, and who-most of all-knows what we do not. His light shines on the False Ego (mental virus) and thereby, dissolves it away. The only power the False ego has (shadow self) is not being seen. It falsely tells you it is you, and yet it is a dark evil virus, that has no life of its own and must vampire your mental, emotional energy to exist. Once revealed, it dies in the light of the observer. To be immune to this hidden vampire--this antilife, is to walk as the Hermit, carrying your own Soul light of understanding, thereby, removing all fear. To fear or resist this mental virus, gives it more power. Instead, understand it is the opposite side of enlightenment, and therefore, as does light remove darkness, your observation of this deceiver, trickster, and bedeviling mental virus exposes it's lie and you regain peace of mind.

When thrown in a layout, the Hermit Key-9 suggests that we think things through carefully. It is time for introspection so seek a quiet place and go inward, dispelling the fanatical rush of man-made living . You are Life, and not seeking one. The common man is living a life of deception, as the mind virus of the false ego is attached to the survival mind of the Subconscious and is driving your life like a slave master and whips you with emotional fear and pain, if it thinks you are not listening to its lie. It makes you feel that it is you.... a total fabrication of a mind virus, rather than the Sun of the Divine Creative. You are a Psyche, a Solar Self (Soul) not a dark and foreboding predator who has no life of its own and must vampire the living to exist. Once exposed by the light of observation and understanding, the darkness vanishes. When matter was created so was antimatter. When life was created, so was antilife. Hence, antilife is live spelled backward. It is time you knew you are Life and not seeking a "living".

When the Hermit-Key 9-is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • The instinct to retreat from life.
  • Flight from the masses.
  • Introversion. 
  • Truth.
  • Knowledge.
  • Finding one's Self.
  • Disillusionment and self-discipline lead to clear discernment.
  • Wisdom.
  • Enlightenment.
  • Emotional maturity.

When reversed:

  • Narcissism.
  • Rigidity.
  • Hardness.
  • Alienation.
  • Bitterness and hostility towards life.

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