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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Four of Wands & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms - 4 of Wands.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Numerical, Astrological, and Alchemical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

June 27, 2024

Above all things, Know Thyself!

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- 4 of Wands

As always true to the Rider-Waite-Smith represents the Tarot Minor Cards minimally leaving out the more detailed image explanations of the occult meanings that are presented on the Thoth Cards. Depicted on the Rider-Waite-Smith 4 of Wands there are 4 staves implanted in the ground topped with garland of flowers. This implies fertility, fecundity, and strength.

The number 4 is a number implying completeness and power. Also on this card, are 2 female figures uplifting nosegays or flowers and at their side is a bridge over a moat, leading to an old manor house. This implies wealth and security. The Nosegay is usually given as a present, so here is also a picture of a sharing of the wealth. Normally a 4 is a closed system, where one is secure by closing off the "outside" with 4 strong walls, such as shown in the imagery of the of the Thoth 4 of wands arrangement. However, on the Rider-Waite-Smith Card, there is a bridge over a mote and the 4 Wands/Staves, seem to be more of an arbor than an enclosure, implying a willingness to be "open minded".

A flora nosegay, also known simply as a nosegay, refers to a small, fragrant bouquet of flowers. People often carry or present nosegays for various reasons, and the tradition has historical and cultural significance. Here are a few reasons for a flora nosegay:

  1. Symbolism: Flowers are rich in symbolism, with each type carrying its own meaning. A nosegay can be crafted to convey specific sentiments or messages. For example, red roses may symbolize love and passion, while lavender represents calmness and devotion.

  2. Expression of Sentiments: Nosegays are often given on special occasions or as gestures of affection. They can express love, friendship, congratulations, sympathy, or well-wishes, depending on the context and the flowers chosen.

  3. Aesthetic Pleasure: The visual and olfactory appeal of flowers makes them a popular choice for creating pleasing arrangements. Nosegays are crafted not only for their symbolic meaning but also for the sheer beauty and fragrance they bring.

  4. Historical Tradition: Throughout history, people have carried small bouquets of flowers to mask unpleasant odors, especially in crowded or less sanitary environments. This practice has evolved into the decorative and symbolic tradition of carrying or exchanging nosegays.

  5. Weddings and Events: Nosegays are commonly used in weddings as small bouquets for bridesmaids or as decorative elements. They add a touch of elegance and can be coordinated with the overall theme or color scheme of an event.

  6. Personal Adornment: Individuals may choose to carry a nosegay as a form of personal adornment, enhancing their appearance and exuding a pleasant fragrance. This tradition has been particularly prevalent in certain historical periods.

  7. Superstition and Folklore: In various cultures, certain flowers were believed to possess protective or lucky qualities. Nosegays were sometimes carried for superstitious reasons, such as to ward off evil spirits or bring good fortune.

Overall, the use of a flora nosegay is a versatile and meaningful tradition that spans cultural, historical, and personal contexts, allowing people to communicate sentiments through the beauty and symbolism of flowers.

In the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, the 4 of Wands card depicts a scene with four wands supporting an arbor of fruitful grapevines. This imagery is symbolic and holds several interpretations within the context of the card's meaning.

  1. Celebration and Harmony: The 4 of Wands is often associated with celebrations, harmony, and joyous occasions. The arbor of fruitful grapevines can be seen as a symbol of abundance and the fruits of one's labor. It suggests a time of happiness, prosperity, and the fulfillment of goals.

  2. Achievement and Completion: The four wands forming a stable structure represent a solid foundation and the completion of a project or a phase in life. This card may indicate that you have reached a significant milestone and can now celebrate your achievements.

  3. Homecoming and Unity: The imagery can also signify a homecoming or a reunion. It may represent a period of unity, where people come together to celebrate shared successes and milestones. This could be related to family, friendships, or community.

  4. Spiritual Symbolism: Grapes and grapevines often have spiritual connotations, symbolizing abundance, transformation, and the harvest of spiritual wisdom. The arbor can be viewed as a sacred space, suggesting that the celebration goes beyond the material realm and has spiritual significance.

  5. Gateway to a New Phase: The arbor created by the four wands can be seen as a gateway or threshold to a new phase in life. Passing through the arbor may symbolize moving from one stage to another, with the assurance that positive energy and abundance will accompany this transition.

Overall, the 4 of Wands in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck is a card of celebration, achievement, and harmony. The fruitful grapevines under the arbor reinforce the idea of abundance and the joy that comes from reaching a significant point in one's journey. It's a positive and auspicious card that often signifies a time of happiness and communal celebration.

The Tarot- 4's all bring perfection, realization, completion, and making a matter settled and fixed.

The 4 of Wands and 4 of Spring are no exception, for here is the card that Crowley called the Lord of Perfected Work as for "making a matter settled...".

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-4 of Wands illustrates a scene of fecund and fertile flowers, a bonfire and a cozy cottage surrounded in fairy lights. Here is a scene of celebration, stability and harmony. Illustrated is a celebration for the peace, harmony, and success in one's life. Being grateful for all that one has, is the proper celebration here. Again, a proliferation of flowers is shown here, along with a small bonfire; the fire is symbolizing the element assigned to this positive and harmonic card.

In the language of flowers, pink roses symbolize a variety of sentiments, primarily centering on admiration, gratitude, and joy. Specifically, they are often associated with:

  • Gentle love and admiration: They express admiration and appreciation, making them a common choice for expressing gratitude or acknowledging someone special.
  • Happiness and joy: Pink roses convey a sense of happiness and joy, often used in celebratory contexts.
  • Grace and elegance: They symbolize gracefulness and elegance, adding a touch of sophistication to any bouquet.

The specific shade of pink can further refine the meaning. Light pink roses often signify sweetness and innocence, while darker pink roses can convey a sense of appreciation and recognition.

As for the Rider-Waite-Smith 4 of Wands, the implied meanings are easily seen on the Cards imagery. The castle behind the couple on the card imply security and those outside the walls are at some risk as they seek an order without walls, to freely enjoy the fruits of one's labors.

When the 4 of Spring /4 of Wands card is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Country life.
  • Repose.
  • Concord.
  • Harmony.
  • Prosperity.
  • Peace.
  • The perfected work of the above.
  • Perfection, realization, completion, and making a matter settled and fixed.
  • Pride in your accomplishments. 
  • Celebrating life.

When the Four/4 of wands is reversed:

  • The meanings remain unaltered:
  • Increase.
  • Felicity.
  • Beauty. 
  • Embellishment. 

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.

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Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

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