The Tarot of Eli-2-LLC: The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Key 10- Wheel of Fortune & The Animal Totem Tarot -Key 10- The Wheel of Fortune

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Numerical, Astrological, and Alchemical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Animal Totem and RWS Tarot

Above all things, know thyself!

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The Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 10-Wheel of Fortune

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The Animal Totem Tarot - Key 10- Wheel of Fortune.

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RWS Tarot- Key 10-Wheel of Fortune

In Western Hermetic Qabalah, the Key 10- Wheel of Fortune card is assigned the Hebrew Letter -Kaph, which means "a curve" or "Fist", and represents the hand of man grasping to hold, to comprehend, and to master. Hence, what can be grasped mentally is clear, intelligible, explicate, positive, and precise. Quite different than the ineffability and abstractness of those ideas that relate to Yod and the Hermit.

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Hebrew alphabet (spelling is optional)

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Wealth and Poverty are the pair of opposites (light and shadow-Fire and Water) that relate to the letter Kaph. Hence, it is the Wheel of Most Fortunate or the Most Unfortunate. This is not a roulette wheel, for it isn't a gamble, rather it is more like a spinning wheel as each person oversees and weaves their own destiny. Wealth and poverty are the extremes of identity and property, the external signs of one's grasp of self-awareness and circumstances. By focusing only on what you want to happen, you create wealth and harmony. But if you focus you thought on fear, worry, and/or impoverished thoughts you begin weaving a pattern of poverty.

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The title of the Rewarding Intelligence is attributed to the Wheel of Fortune that is ruled by Jupiter, the benevolent planet, which in astrology is called the Greater Fortune, and is stated to have tremendous influence for prosperity and all benefits when well placed in a horoscope. For those who don't "believe" in astrology, they should understand that the ancients lacked a psychological descriptive vocabulary, and therefore, assigned planets to represent types of behavior and personalities.

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In astrology, Jupiter is associated with several positive character traits and influences. It is often considered the planet of expansion, growth, and abundance. Here are some key character traits attributed to Jupiter in astrological interpretations:

  1. Expansion: Jupiter is associated with broadening horizons, both mentally and experientially. It encourages an expansive and optimistic outlook on life.

  2. Optimism: Jupiter is linked to a positive and optimistic attitude. It instills a sense of hope, faith, and a belief that things will work out for the best.

  3. Abundance: Jupiter is often connected to prosperity, abundance, and good fortune. It is seen as a benefic planet that brings blessings and opportunities.

  4. Philosophy and Wisdom: Jupiter is associated with higher learning, philosophy, and wisdom. It encourages a quest for knowledge and a deep understanding of life's meaning.

  5. Generosity: Jupiter is linked to generosity and a willingness to share one's resources. It promotes a sense of giving and helping others.

  6. Expansive Vision: This planet encourages individuals to have a broad and far-reaching vision for their lives. It supports the pursuit of goals on a grand scale.

  7. Leadership: Jupiter is sometimes associated with leadership qualities, as it inspires confidence, enthusiasm, and a natural ability to guide others.

  8. Travel and Exploration: Jupiter is related to travel, exploration, and a desire for new experiences. It signifies a love for adventure and a curiosity about the world.

It's important to note that the interpretation of planetary influences can vary among astrologers, and individual birth charts provide a more personalized understanding of how Jupiter's energy may manifest in a person's life.

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The Kerubic/Cherubic emblems of Bull, Lion, Eagle, Man, are the Cherubs mentioned in Ezekiel and Revelation and is depicted on the Rider-Waite-Smith card as the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac.

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The four fixed signs of the Zodiac are:

  • Taurus (Bull): Spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere.
  • Leo (Lion): Summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere.
  • Scorpio (Eagle): Autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere.
  • Aquarius (Man): Winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere.
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RWS Tarot- Key 10- Wheel of Fortune.

The Wheel of Fortune combines the ideas of rotation, cyclicity, sequence, whirling motion, simultaneous accent and decent etc. All with the ideas of fortune, destiny, chance, fate, necessity, probability, and the like. The Qabalistic teaching emphatically states that chance-whether absence of purpose or absence of design- is really the work of unalterable law. Hence the law of cause and effect, as every effect is the product of preceding causes. Therefore, the better we grasp this law of sequence and cyclicity, the greater our command over subsequent events. There is periodicity in everything.

The wheel shows the zodiac as Twelve divisions representing discrete and different forms of transformative experiences. Hence, the Sphinx (represents the Soul) determines the trials, pain, and pleasures of the person by the turning of the Solar colored Wheel.

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The Animal Totem Tarot - Key 10-The Wheel of Fortune focuses on the spinning wheel of fate concept being spun by a Lady bug. Here the wheel spinner is a red-Lady bug, chained to hang above the wheel from fruitful grape vines. Here we have a Ladybug representing the concept of the 3 Greek Moria; Clotho spun the thread, Lachesis measured it. Lachesis determined the length of each person's life and the events that would occur throughout it. Her name means "apportioner" or "allotter."

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In the language of plants, fruitful grapevines symbolize abundance, prosperity, and fertility. They are often associated with growth and productivity, reflecting not only material wealth but also spiritual richness and fulfillment.

In many cultures, grapevines carry connotations of celebration and connection, likely due to their role in producing wine, which has been a symbol of joy, communion, and sacred rituals for millennia. Furthermore, the entwining nature of the vines suggests interconnectedness and harmony.

In esoteric traditions, they can also represent the cycle of life and spiritual transformation, as grapes are harvested, crushed, and fermented to create wine—a metaphor for alchemical processes.

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In the language of animals and spiritual symbolism, ladybugs are often seen as harbingers of good luck, protection, and abundance. Different colors of ladybugs may carry nuanced meanings:

Red Ladybug

  • Symbolism: Classic luck, protection, and love.
  • Characteristics: Often linked to passion, joy, and vitality. The red ladybug encourages you to follow your heart and brings vibrant energy to life, emphasizing courage and personal empowerment. The red color represents the 1st or Root Chakra (Muladhara) and connected to the material world (Malkuth).

Orange Ladybug

  • Symbolism: Creativity, emotional balance, and adaptability.
  • Characteristics: This color aligns with the sacral chakra, fostering enthusiasm and emotional warmth. The orange ladybug is a sign to embrace your creative instincts and remain flexible in times of change. The Orange color represents the 2nd Sacral Chakra (Swathisthana) dealing with creative emotional energy/fertile life force.

Yellow Ladybug

  • Symbolism: Hope, positivity, and new beginnings.
  • Characteristics: Yellow ladybugs are often seen as messengers of clarity and intellectual growth. They encourage optimism and can signal a fresh start or new opportunities, illuminating your path with wisdom and enlightenment. The yellow ladybug is connected to the 3rd or solar plexus chakra (Manipura). This is the active or doing center where energy is focused emotion (energy-in-motion). 

Pink Ladybug

  • Symbolism: Gentleness, romance, and emotional healing.
  • Characteristics: Pink ladybugs bring a soft, nurturing energy, reminding you to practice self-love and compassion. They can signify harmonious relationships and the importance of emotional connection and healing. The pink color is associated to the 4th or Heart Chakra (Anahata).  Here you are guided to let happen what will happen.

Each variation of the ladybug serves as a guide, offering insights into different aspects of life and spiritual growth

The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that nothing remains the same, what goes around comes around, but never exactly the same.

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The Moiria-the 3 fates.

In Greek mythology, the Three Fates, also known as the Moirai, were powerful and enigmatic goddesses who controlled human destiny and fate. These three sisters were responsible for weaving, measuring, and cutting the threads of life for every mortal being. The names of the three Fates were Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.

  1. Clotho: She was the spinner of the thread of life. Clotho's name means "spinner," and she was responsible for beginning the life of an individual by spinning the thread at the moment of their birth. She was often depicted with a spindle.

  2. Lachesis: After Clotho spun the thread, Lachesis measured it. Lachesis determined the length of each person's life and the events that would occur throughout it. Her name means "apportioner" or "allotter."

  3. Atropos: Atropos was the one who cut the thread, signifying the end of a person's life. Her name means "inflexible" or "inevitable." Atropos held the shears that severed the thread, symbolizing the inevitability of death.

The Fates were considered impartial and implacable, and their decisions were final. They were often depicted as stern, stern-faced women, emphasizing the inexorable nature of fate. Even the gods themselves were subject to the decisions of the Fates.

The concept of the Moirai was pervasive in Greek mythology and philosophy, highlighting the inevitability and predetermined nature of human destiny. The idea of these three sisters weaving the tapestry of life has left a lasting impression on Western literature and thought.

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The word destiny has its roots in the Latin term "destinare", which means "to make firm, establish, or determine". It is derived from two components:

  • "de-" (a prefix indicating completeness or emphasis)
  • "stare" (meaning "to stand" or "to remain").

From this Latin origin, the word passed into Old French as "destinée", and eventually into Middle English as "destinee", carrying the meaning of something ordained or predetermined.

What Destiny Denotes

  1. Fate or Preordained Future:
    Destiny often refers to a predetermined course of events believed to be beyond human control, akin to the concept of fate. It implies that certain outcomes or life paths are set by a higher power or universal force.

  2. Purpose or Calling:
    In a more personal sense, destiny can denote an individual's life purpose or true calling, suggesting a unique role or mission they are meant to fulfill in the world.

  3. Unfolding Journey:
    Destiny also encompasses the idea of an unfolding journey shaped by a combination of choices and external forces. While some aspects of life might be predestined, the path to realizing one's destiny often involves personal agency and decision-making.

Philosophical and Esoteric Views

In metaphysical and esoteric traditions, destiny is seen as a thread in the cosmic tapestry, aligning with the Law of Correspondence ("as above, so below"). It connects individual lives to larger, universal patterns, suggesting that our personal journeys are part of a divine plan or cosmic order.

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The Tarot- Key 10- The Wheel of Fortune, may be seen as a card of destiny and fate, the cyclic changing of plenty and loss, good or bad, etc. What many of us fail to see is that we decide our fate by manifesting as our perspective of Self. Destiny is not fate, although they are often confused. How we identify ourselves, is directly associated with our destiny. So, we may experience loss, as well as gain, but this being understood as cycles, such as night and day, and should help us understand that "this too shall pass", as we cycle onward through the Mysteries of Life. Life is inhale-gain- and exhale-loss.

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RWS Tarot- Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel is symbolic of the whole cosmic expression and is an emblem of any series of events. The Archetypical World of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot is represented as the pivot-center. The Creative world is seen as the inner circle, with symbols of alchemy. The middle circle is the Formative World, and the outer circle is the Material World.

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The Eight-pointed star in Key 17 is represented as the eight spokes, symbolizing Radiant Energy. This central circle is also represented as Pranayama and/or Life-Breath, ten times on the-0- the Fool's tunic.

In the Formative World middle circle, are the symbols of Mercury (above), Sulfur (to the right), and Salt -to the left. Here are represented the corresponding concepts of the 3 gunas of Yoga philosophy: sattva (Mercury-Consciousness),rajas (Sulfur-activity & passion), and tamas (Salt-ignorance & inertia). At the bottom of the Formative circle is the alchemical sign of dissolution, identical to the astrological sign of Aquarius. It is said in Alchemical circles that Dissolution is the Fundamental Process of the Great Work.

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The Jackal-headed Hermanubis represents the evolution of consciousness from the lower forms to the higher. His jackal head represents intellectuality, while the red color symbolizes passion and activity. Beyond him is the position of the Intellect that most people have not yet traversed. In his position on the wheel, he symbolizes the mundane person's level of intellectual activity.

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The Sphinx represents the Real Self of the human, behind the veil of personality. When the inner senses develop and/or unfold (Divya Siddhis/Magic Abilities), corresponding to the outer senses, we become aware of One Thing, which transcends personality. The "One Thing" is the spokesman of the riddles of existence. It remains motionless while the wheel turns. The blue color relates the Sphinx to Memory, the basic function of the subconscious, as if to emphasize the idea that the highest self-knowledge is self-recollection. (Man know thyself).

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The Wheel itself is the whole whirling cycle of cosmic expression. The involution of Cosmic Radiant Energy into matter (FOHAT), is represented by the yellow serpent on the Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 10 card and the yellow chain on the Animal Totem-wheel of fortune card.

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On the outer wheel of the RWS card and the Animal Totem card is dedicated to the material world. Shown are the letters TARO, counter changed with the Hebrew letter IHVH (YHVH). Since Hebrew Letter represent numbers, the numerical value of TARO is 671, important in Qabalah as several certain titles of Malkuth-The Kingdom. The value of IHVH (YHVH) is 26, hence the total numeration of the eight letters on the wheel is 697, and by adding the digits of 6+9+7 we get 22- a number associated with the wheel since time immemorial, and the numbers in the Hebrew Alphabet, symbolized by the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot.

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Transposition of the letters TARO may make the following five words: ROTA-TARO-ORAT-TORA-ATOR. "Ator" is the old Latin form of the Egyptian Goddess Hathor (Mother God-often shown as a Cow because of the crescent shape of the cow horns and the milk of life.). Therefore, this grammatical error of a Latin sentence is often translated as, " The Wheel of Tarot speaks the Laws of Hathor (Laws of Nature)." 

Physiologically, the Wheel represents the law of periodicity in mental activity, whereby, mental states tend to reoccur in definite rhythms, as well as the law of the involution of the undifferentiated conscious energy, and its evolution through a series of personalized forms of itself. It is the Law of Cause and Effect, making sure that we "reap what we sow'".

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Hathor is a significant goddess in ancient Egyptian mythology, and she is often associated with love, music, dance, motherhood, and joy. One of her distinctive features is her strong connection with cows and the symbolism associated with them.

  1. Cow Symbolism: Hathor is frequently depicted with the head of a cow or as a woman with cow ears. The cow was highly revered in ancient Egyptian society as a symbol of motherhood, fertility, and nourishment. Cows were also associated with abundance and the agricultural fertility of the land.

  2. Motherhood and Nourishment: The cow symbolism of Hathor emphasizes her role as a nurturing and maternal figure. She was considered a protective deity, especially in her aspect as a mother providing sustenance to her people.

  3. Goddess of Music and Dance: Hathor was also revered as the goddess of music, dance, and joy. She was believed to entertain the gods and humans with her musical talents. The sistrum, a musical instrument resembling a rattle, is often associated with Hathor, and it was used in her worship.

  4. Associations with the Sky: Hathor had celestial aspects as well. She was sometimes linked to the sky and the sun. In some myths, she was considered the eye of Ra, the sun god, emphasizing her protective and nurturing qualities.

  5. Role in the Afterlife: Hathor played a role in the journey to the afterlife. She was sometimes associated with the deceased's rebirth and protection in the afterlife. Hathor was believed to welcome the souls of the departed and provide them with nourishment and comfort.

Hathor's influence extended across various aspects of Egyptian life, from fertility and agriculture to music, dance, and the afterlife. Her association with cows underscored the importance of motherhood, fertility, and the nurturing aspects of the divine feminine in Egyptian religious and cultural beliefs.

When the Wheel of Fortune is thrown in a divination it implies:

  • Continual growth and decay.
  • Eternal change.
  • Alteration. 
  • New beginnings.
  • Acceptance of destiny.
  • Understanding the purpose in life.
  • The transformation of the lower into the higher.
  • Unexpected turn of events (good fortune).
  • Perception of Karma.
  • Composure and high spirits through deep self-knowledge and acceptance of purpose in life.

If reversed:

  • Turn for the worst.
  • Fatalism.
  • Not taking responsibility for your own thinking.

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