
Radiant-Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 12-The Hanged Man

Robert Wangs: JUNGIAN TAROT-The Hanged Man

Key 12 if full of meaning for the Occultist (Studier of the Hidden) and Qabalist (Receiver). This card refers to the reversal of thought, that is the seen in the "Mirror" of reflected light that we call "the World". The Occultist knows that the enlighten multitude have reversed the thought of I Am by seeking outside, what is only truthful, and hidden inside. All existence is dependent on Cosmic Law, and not man made rules. Another meaning for this key-12 is Suspend the Mind, something the Yogis, call Samadhi, a word with no equivalent in English; However, it is an exalted mental state that the aspirant becomes in the Divine Consciousness of Pure Being and/or the Divine Creative, where one becomes the one meditated on, instead of the meditator. Here there is a reverse of consciousness, where the subject becomes the object, as one looks down from the Unconscious to the consciousness.
This is the logical consequence of enlightenment, where one is in a psychological state of believing that what they thought themselves to be, is totally lost and/or sacrificed to a greater principle.Hence, this card represents an action of the Greater Self. The Son has resolved the dualities of male and female creating within himself the perfect balance of Mother and Father, (The Divine Hermaphrodite) which means sacrificing all vestiges of the personal self. In Tarot, the Hanged Man is but one aspect of the Perfected and/or Greater Self; other aspects are represented as the Magician (Magus), by the Lover (s) and the Sun.

The Mirror reversal of the Soul.
The in more modern Qabalistic Tarot, the Universal Element assigned to this card is the Hebrew letter- Mem, which is water and is the "first mirror" and/or "Self Reflection" of the I AM. In Water, images are reflected "upside down", an idea carried out by the Key 12, symbolizing reflected Life, of Life in image, of Life taken by the forms of "occult" water and/or Cosmic Substance (Mother Binah's amniotic fluid), often known to Qaballists as the "Great Sea of Mother Binah"-the Creatrix and to Carl Jung as the Universal Collective Unconsciousness.
I have already mentioned that the Hanged Man represents "Suspended Mind" , the occultis that invented the TAROT, knew that man and mind come from the same Sanskrit root word-Manas. The title also refers to the utter dependance of human personality upon the Cosmic Life.

The Art of the Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 12, the human figure is hanging from a Tau (T) cross made of living wood which symbolizes the Cosmic Life. The development of this Tarot image has change slowly over time. At first the hanged man was illustrated as holding bags of silver, as if he represented Judas, relating to Gothic Humanism and alluded to "virtues". Hence, this card at first represented "avarice". Later, this "hung by one foot" became the image of punishment given to a knight who has displayed dishonesty or cowardice. Then in the 18th and 19th century, Tarot commentators linked this card's meaning to the "Dying gods" and/or gods hung in a tree (such as Odin/Christ etc.) and subsequently resurrected.

The Robert Wang- Jungian Tarot-The Hanged man, displays 2 centers of light-one above and one below, with figures foot rooted in the upper (Unconscious) center. This implies that this condition results from interactive waves of thought and experience (The body gives thought/information, in-form-action, which is experience) that happens between the conscious and unconscious, brought about by the use the Kundalini force, represented by the coiled serpent wrapped around his body. Kundalini is best described as the Cosmic Sex Force (maker of stars), a Serpentine flow of Electric and Magnetic energy from which all things are created and destroyed. Hence, not to be released in one who is not 2=1. Not to be experimented with by the uninitiated!

The arms of the Jungian Hanged man, also form the bottom of the double pyramid of " as above so below". Thereby linking the Macrocosm and Microcosm through the interaction of the unconsciousness and consciousness.

With similar numerical comparison, the crossed legs of the Hanged Man also equals the number 4 of the Emperor.Therefore, they are red, the color of action and fire., the particular qualities of the sign of Aries.
On the Rider-Waite-Smith -hanged man, the upper garment is blue, representing water (Hebrew Letter-Mem), as well as, the robe of the High Priestess, who symbolizes the "Universal Mind Stuff" which is often called the "Astral Plane" by many in the mysteries.

In his book, The Tarot, Dr. Paul Foster Case states that "The Head of the Hanged Man is... LVX, in manifestation as the logos" which means that by his white hair, suggests identity with the Emperor and the Hermit. Therefore, he is the Ancient of Days, reflected in the incarnate life of personality. The Roman numerals L, V, and X are respectively, 50, 5, and 10; making their sum 65 which is the Hebrew name for ADNI/Adoni, Lord. The One Light is now the word made flesh and is also represented by the esoteric Hebrew word, IHSHVH=Yod-Heh-Shin-Vau-Heh and/or Yeheshua, because Jesus was named after the Hebrew Hero Joshua. This may be only important to the student that has had considerable advancement along the path of "Above all things, know thyself".
Therefore, mundanely, this is a man-turned-upside-down, inverted and contrary to the way we view most people. In Qaballah an "upright" person is one who is obedient to the Esoteric Law of Love, which is not the common way of thinking, seeing, or speaking. Hence, Jacob Boehme said, " to walk in all things contrary to the world". For those who don't know, Jacob Boehme was a German philosopher, Christian mystic, and Lutheran Protestant theologian.
Now some people may see this point of view antagonistic, but it is far from it. One need only look about the environment and see that most people are stuck in an emotional quagmire; that most people are in trouble, and that most people can't get along with themselves or the world. It seems self-evident that most people have put "the cart before the horse" in their practice/experiment in/of Life. The knowledge of the Law of "cause and effect" is self-evident; hence, the miseries affecting most people are the negative results of misuse of the Law "as i think, therefore, I AM". This is not a weakness nor a fault, it is the indoctrination and dogma of the programed brain that is profaned by the program of Patriarchal Rulership, where slaves are need to fulfill the Wealth of the "few who rule the many". "self-loathing" and searching for a savior to come and somehow make them "more intelligent" is how a slave thinks. Free, upright people, Know they are the Light of the Word, Images of the Divine Creative, and that we incarcerate or free our own Selves by the way we Perceive ourselves to be. This is the knowledge behind the axiom of "Above all things, know thyself".

Some may see a "free choice" as a victory, but in all instances of wisdom it is "total surrender". For as soon as truth of Self is realized, total surrender is the only logical and sensible course of action as It is submission of personal consciousness to the direction of the Universal Mind. The Magician/Magus, foreshadows this submission by pointing his wand to the above, "stating Thy Will not My will". Paradoxically, this total submission of personal life to Life Itself, makes us intensely positive in our view of others. For now we see them as "anothers", i.e., "Everyone I see, is Another way to be me". Nobody who follows this course will become a human doormat. Here we know ourselves to be vehicles to a power in which there are no insurmountable obstacles. I AM-Spirit-Mind-Body, which is another description of the "Supreme Being".

Therefore, the idea presented by the Hanged Man-Key 12, is that mental attitude of "thy will not my will". This attitude comes from the understanding that our will is an illusive mask of words, plastered on our identity by "the false will of outside authority". Only "I AM" is our author. "Me" must become the "Will of the One". Therefore, I (identity) Am (mind) Me (the assumption of Mind), must become One Will and One Way to enact that Will.
When thrown in a divination, The Hanged Man-Key 12- implies:
- The instinct of sacrifice and devotion.
- Overcoming the ego.
- Changing one's ways.
- Redemption.
- Maturity.
- Finding Wisdom.
- The redemptive absorption (Surrendering to the One Will).
If reversed:
- At a Standstill.
- Being stuck hanging in the air.
- Not seeing any purpose in life.
- Resistance and self-sacrifice.
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