
The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Key 14-Temperance

The Fairy Tarot-Key 14- Balance

The Rider-Waite-Smith Key 14-Temperance card is named the Intelligence of probation or trial, by Dr. Paul Foster Case, founder of the Builders of The Adytum (B.O.T.A.). He is referring to the testing through which every aspirant must pass before they can reach the heights of Initiation (the mountains behind the Temperance Image). The object is to determine one's temper and/or strength, much like the act of tempering metal and thereby, creating the right combination of flexibility and strength. There is a distinct quality of equilibration, as the aspirant must be perfectly balanced with reference to all their vehicles (Spirit-Mind-Body).

Adam Khadmon-The Androgynous Heavenly Human

The Angel in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot illustrates a blue sky, free of clouds and a halo of wisdom around the head. Here, the middle path between two extreme courses of action must be chosen.

The Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) Tarot- Key 14-Temperance: Radiant Edition
The Temperance card, of the RWS Tarot, displays the vital life force shown as water that is poured from one cup to another, implying that one opposite is tempered or mediated by the other. This principle is far reaching and practical, since within the context of any given experience we learn to consciously bring opposites into play.

Counting to ten.
At the most mundane level, this card implies "counting to ten" when anger flares, helping us avoid doing anything rash. Or it can mean counting our blessings when life is going wrong. At a more subtle level, this is an invocation of another point of view. This inner self-debate helps us to realize and neutralize the emotional or intellectual significance of a situation and to see as an observer. This card points out the realization that there are dualities in everything, and that we function in pendulum swings from happy to sad, from love to hate, and from thoughtful to emotional.

The 3rd level of this card is much more refined as it refers to the wave interaction of those positive and negative sexual energies consciously through Tantric Yoga, or certain little understood Jewish or Christian meditational practices.; a process symbolized in the past by using alchemical and other symbolic terms.

The White Robes of the- Angel represent purity. At the breast of the Rider-Waite-Smith figure, is shown the displays white square with a red triangle in its center (a "secret" symbol for Tetragrammaton). The white square is the "symbol for the 4 square world of mankind" and the red triangle is the symbol for the universal element of fire. Temperance is the uniting of the male (animus) and the female (anima) principles.

The Fairy Tarot-Key 14-Balance
The Fairy Tarot-Key 14-Balance depicts a fairy dressed in white holding a chalice in one hand and one finger pointing upward, indicating all comes from above. The mighty lion is spewing red iron ore-tinged water into the chalice. The blood red iron=ore colored water represents the feminine energy (blood of mother) while the white water represents the male energy (semen). Together they intermingle in the chalice and symbolize the male and female strength that resides in all of us. In the forefront of the Lion is a large white Iris flower. White is symbolic of purity. However, there is also a Greek myth about the goddess Iris.

In Greek mythology, Iris is the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the gods. She is the daughter of Thaumas (a sea god) and Electra (an Oceanid). Iris is often depicted as a winged goddess, and she travels with the speed of wind from one end of the world to the other, delivering messages for the gods.
One of the most well-known myths involving Iris is related to her role as a messenger. In Homer's Iliad, Iris is sent by Hera to deliver a message to Achilles, urging him to release the body of Hector, whom he had slain in battle. Iris is known for her loyalty and impartiality in carrying out the divine commands.
Another notable appearance of Iris is in the works of Hesiod, where she is described as a link between gods and humanity, particularly in conveying the will of Zeus. Her association with the rainbow is explained as a connection between the heavens and the earth.
Overall, Iris is a fascinating figure in Greek mythology, symbolizing communication, connection, and the link between the mortal and divine real

Attributed to this card but not shown on either one, is the zodiac sign of Sagittarius which is the ninth astrological sign in the zodiac, and it is represented by the symbol of the Archer, often depicted as a centaur (half-human, half-horse) holding a bow and arrow. This sign falls between November 22 and December 21.
Here are some key traits and characteristics associated with Sagittarius:
Adventurous: Sagittarians are known for their love of adventure and exploration. They have a natural curiosity and desire to learn about the world around them. Traveling to unfamiliar places and experiencing diverse cultures to them.
Optimistic: Sagittarians tend to have an optimistic outlook on life. They are hopeful and see opportunities even in challenging situations. This positive attitude can be infectious and uplifting to those around them.
Honest: Honesty and bluntness are common traits of Sagittarius individuals. They value truth and can sometimes be brutally honest, which may come across as tactless to others.
Independent: They value their independence and freedom. Sagittarians don't like feeling tied down or restricted, and they often seek out experiences that allow them to maintain their autonomy.
Philosophical: Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and philosophy. As a result, Sagittarians tend to be philosophical and love exploring the deeper questions of life. They may have a strong interest in spirituality or higher knowledge.
Social: Sagittarians are typically outgoing and enjoy socializing with a wide range of people. They are friendly and have a knack for making friends easily.
Restless: Due to their love of adventure and exploration, Sagittarians can sometimes become restless when they feel stuck in routine or confined to one place for too long.
Impatient: They can be impatient and prefer quick results. Waiting for things to happen or for others to catch up with their ideas can be frustrating for them.
Generous: Sagittarians are often generous with their time and resources. They enjoy helping others and can be quite charitable.
Sports and Physical Activity: Many Sagittarians have a strong interest in sports and physical activities. They have a lot of energy to burn and enjoy staying active.
It's important to note that while these traits are associated with Sagittarius individuals, everyone is unique, and not all Sagittarians will exhibit all these characteristics. Astrology offers general insights, but individual personalities can vary widely based on other factors in a person's birth chart.

On the RWS card, the Angel rests one foot on water, signifying the cosmic mind stuff and the other foot is on land, signifying the "solid" world of physical manifestation. The RWS Angel pours water from the cup in its left hand to the right. The cups are gold, because they represent the golden radiant light that all living creation comes from. The upper cup represents the self-consciousness, corresponding to the man in Key 6-The Lovers. The lower cup represents the Woman in Key 6-the Lovers and Subconsciousness. The stream of mind stuff flows/vibrates between them in equilibrium.

On both cards, the Angel or Female Fairy is the I AM and/or the Greater Ego of the Soul-Tiphareth the 6th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. Therefore, the Temperance and Fairy figure is shown adapting and modifying the personal stream of psychic energy in the actions and reactions of the self-conscious and subconscious aspects of human personality. The belief here is that the Holy Guardian Angel (Higher-Self), makes all the tests and trials which lead us along the path of attainment. Personalities must be tempered to handle the fiery emotional force of the Inner Sun/Son of God/Horus. The only correction necessary is the intellectual correction of both thought and emotion. Therefore, the wise man acts as if all tests, and tempering of intellectual corrections are his alone. Even though he knows better.
The twin mountain peaks on the RWS Temperence represent Chokma-Wisdom and Binah-Understanding, and the yellow circle with a dot in the center on the angel's forehead as shown on the RWS Tarot Card and the bright white light around the fairy's head represent the Sun above them both referring to the Primal Will of Kether (God name of Eheieh-I Will Be). White is the color representing purity.
When the Key 14-Temperance/Balance card is thrown in a divination. It implies:
- Dissolve and bind.
- Reunification of that which is dissolved (0=2, 2=1)
- The philosopher's stone is the goal.
- The search for the innermost core of being.
- The proper measure.
- Proportionality and harmony.
- Anima and Animus, blending into One.
- Achieving a beautiful balance.
- Moderation in all things of life.
- Harmony between the Spiritual and Physical Aspects.
If reversed:
- Excess (conflicts and dissipation).
- Tendency towards extremes.
- Disharmony towards mind and body.
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