The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 17-The Star & The Animal Totem Tarot - Key 17-The Star

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Animal Totem and RWS Tarot

Above all things, know thyself.

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The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 17- The Star

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The Tarot - Key 17-The Star

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In the Rider-Waite-Tarot rendition of Key 17-The Star, the Great Mother is shown pouring her living water (Mem) on both the Water and the Earth. The Sun above implies that She is the mother of every living thing under the Sun, which is the Sixth Sephiroth-Tiphareth on the Tree of Life. Behind her is the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" with the Bird of Hermes in its branches, referring both to the Garden of Eden and the Magician Card of Hermes-Thoth-Mercury.

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The Hebrew/Qabalistic word kokab, means Star, but more specifically it means Mercury. The inclusion of Mercury-Magician implies that we must use the will power of the Magician as the directing force in meditation, to understand this path of Tzaddi (meaning-fish hook) which the Star Card represents on the Tree of Life. The eight-pointed stars all refer to the Key number and the opposite composite of Hod- the 8th Sephiroth known in English as Splendor and the Key 8- Strength Card. A vague reference to the raw Natural Kundalini force (inner plasma/star).

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The eight-pointed star, often referred to as the octagram or octangle, holds significance in both Tarot symbology and Western Hermetic Qabalah. Let's explore its meaning in each context:

1. Tarot: In Tarot, the eight-pointed star is also associated with the Strength card in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. The star represents cosmic harmony, balance, and the alignment of spiritual and material forces. It symbolizes the infinite connection between the divine and the earthly realms. The Strength card, with its depiction of a woman gently taming a lion, reflects the harmonious integration of inner strength and compassion.

2. Western Hermetic Qabalah: In Western Hermetic Qabalah, the eight-pointed star is often linked to the Sephirah Hod on the Tree of Life. Hod is associated with intellectual and communicative aspects, and the eight-pointed star signifies the balance and harmony achieved through the harmonious integration of these qualities. It represents the intersection of masculine and feminine energies, forming a synthesis that leads to enlightenment and understanding.

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In both contexts, the eight-pointed star serves as a symbol of balance, unity, and the harmonious integration of various forces. It encourages practitioners to seek equilibrium in their spiritual journey, blending the dualities present in life to attain a higher understanding of the self and the universe.

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As stated, In the Western Hermetic Qabalistic TAROT-THE STAR, is the 28th Path of Tzaddi that connects the Sephiroth Netzach (Victory) to the Sephiroth Yesod (The Foundation). This is the path called the Natural Intelligence, by Dr. Paul Foster Case, founder of the Builders of the Adytum, in his instructional text, Thirty-Two Paths to Wisdom; Natural intelligence because it is the Path of proper approach to the Divine Energy inherent in each person. It is Natural Intelligence, as it represents the proper use of Imagination----which is Divine Intelligence used in "image making: Many people call it the Creator or Creatrix.

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In the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom, the Magus Paul Foster Case stated that: The twenty-eight path [Path of Tzaddi} is called the Natural Intelligence, and it is so called because through it is consummated and perfected the Nature of every existing thing under the Sun." {the brackets are my own insertion).

Qabalists know the Star Card represents the proper use of imagination, through the energy of meditation.

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Even though meditation feels like a personal activity, successful meditation shows us that it is not we that are meditating but rather, we are the meditated! Truth be known, The Higher and/or Solar Self brings the Personality into meditation. In the context of meditation, the Personality uses the Path of Tzaddi, The Fishhook, in searching for reality; However, meditation is also The Higher Self angling to pull the Personality up from the depths of self-enclosure of the "false ego", which is a reality imposed on us by the physical senses and the Patriarchal indoctrinated hypnosis of words.

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It helps to understand that we are not a brain, nor any kind of separate physical device. We are both the Transmitter and the Transmitted; a ternary combination of Spirit- I, Mind-Am and Body-Me. Just as a Radio Transmitter (in our case-Spirit/Solar Self) transmits frequency "everywhere but nowhere" at the same time and would be unheard without a radio receiver, so would the frequencies of Plasmic Spiral Energy (Spirit) be unheard without a physical vehicle tuned to that life frequency. In this scenario, Spirit is the Collective Unconscious, and the individual frequencies would be Soul/Solar Stations while the human vessel would be the receiving Soul radio and/or microwave frequencies of "self-awareness".

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The Star Card figure represents the purest manifestation of the Great Mother Binah (3rd Sephira) at the level of Personality, preceding enclosure in matter. She is the Same figure found in The Empress, in her royal regalia; The High Priestess and in The Universe cards; However, on the Rider-Waite-Smith Card she is illustrated as unveiled or un-robed, further representing her purity and unburdened freedom and not trying to balance or control anything.

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The Star is associated with the love and the inspiration sign of Aquarius. In the ancient world, Saturn was said to govern Aquarius, referring us to Binah the 3rd Sephirotic Being and The Universe- Key twenty-one.

Because the Star card represents the universe resolved into its ultimate elements, it relates to many more Paths than any other card in the deck. Thus, I recommend getting the textbook by Dr. Paul Foster Case, TAROT-a key to the Wisdom of the Ages-and studying the many Hebrew-lettered path-chart on the Tree of Life that he presents in the book.

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Wish upon a star.

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To the aspirant, the Star card represents the "Lower Eden", from which the Personality originates and the Emperor Key 4-, represents "Upper Eden" where the Fiery Solar or Higher Self originates, i.e., The Solar Logos. Here too, we see a relationship of The Star Path (Tzaddi) relating to another Path, that of the emperor (Heh). The Star card also relates to Planet Venus, which to the ancients was seen as the "Morning and Evening Star", also referred to as Lucifer, the Most beautiful of all Archangels, referring to the Sephiroth Tiphareth-Beauty, which is the Solar Logos.

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To the enlightened, Lucifer is not seen as an underworld figure, but rather the Self who bears its own Light. But with proper enforcement of propaganda and word hypnosis the meaning of Beauty (Synchronicity) became an Underworld Angel who was so narcissistic that he challenged God----which is the common dogma or Christian view and a profaning of the Solar Self that is the Soul. For if one seeks their soul/spirit, they deny being it and thereby, become subservient to an outside and therefore, false will/dogma.

We all must study history to see how the Christianity took the names of gods and goddesses of other religions and demonized them, which only contributed to ignorance and lost self-awareness. The truth is that the Latin word Lucifer is like the Greek Christos (Sun, also Zeus Christos or Sun of God) ----both relating to the fiery Sun/Son of God....The Solar Logos and/or our Higher Self. Lucifer is Latin for "light bearer" and/or the Star Venus. On the Star Card, the 7 stars surrounding the Main Golden Star, are the number of Venus and the number of major chakras in the human form.

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The 7 Major-Energy centers (Chakras along the spine) are in the human form.

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The Trees, in the background in the RWS -Key 17- The Star, refers to the brain and nervous system. Isis, Virgin Empress, or Nature, who is symbolized as the kneeling woman whose left leg supports her weight and rests upon the earth and/or physical plane. Her right leg maintains her balance, and rests upon the waves of the pool, thereby, indicating balance is maintained by control of vibration/frequency/emotion. Then there are five streams of water, all of which represent the common knowledge of five senses; However, according to Yogis and Modern Medical Science, there are thirty-three senses. Hence, Revelation is the stage of unfoldment attributed to the Star-Key 17.

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The Hermaphrodite Brain.

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The idea of "33 senses" is an intriguing intersection of ancient yogic philosophy and modern interpretations of human sensory perception. Let’s break this down:

Yoga and the 33 Senses

In yoga and Vedic philosophy, the idea of multiple senses goes beyond the five conventional senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell). Yoga acknowledges both physical senses (jñānendriyas) and subtle senses tied to deeper aspects of perception and awareness. Here's how the 33 senses may be understood in the yogic framework:

  1. Five Jñānendriyas: The organs of perception — ears (hearing), skin (touch), eyes (sight), tongue (taste), and nose (smell).
  2. Five Karmendriyas: The organs of action — hands (grasping), feet (locomotion), mouth (speech), genitals (procreation), and anus (elimination).
  3. Five Tanmatras: Subtle elements corresponding to sensory experiences — sound, touch, form, taste, and smell.
  4. Five Mahabhutas: The great elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) that interact with the senses.
  5. Mind (Manas): Considered a sense organ for processing sensory input and forming thoughts.
  6. Higher Aspects of Awareness:
    • Buddhi (Intellect): Discerning, analytical sense.
    • Ahamkara (Ego): The sense of individuality.
    • Chitta (Memory): The sense of retention and recall.

When these are combined with the various subtle dimensions of perception and spiritual insight mentioned in yogic texts, they culminate in a framework of 33 modes or faculties of perception.

Medical Science and Expanded Sensory Models

Modern science traditionally recognizes the five basic senses but has expanded the understanding of human perception to include a variety of specialized senses, which, when counted, align closer to the yogic idea of 33 senses. These include:

  1. Balance (Vestibular Sense): The inner ear's ability to sense gravity and motion.
  2. Proprioception: Awareness of body position and movement.
  3. Temperature (Thermoception): The ability to detect heat and cold.
  4. Pain (Nociception): Perception of physical harm or injury.
  5. Internal Senses: Awareness of internal states, such as:
    • Hunger
    • Thirst
    • Fullness
    • Heartbeat
    • Breathing

Science also acknowledges sensory modalities specific to certain receptors, such as:

  • Light sensitivity in circadian rhythms (photosensitivity).
  • Magnetic field detection in some animals, with discussions about human potential.
  • Specialized chemical detection (pheromones).

While science doesn't explicitly list 33 senses, when the various specialized senses, internal body awareness, and the subdivisions of traditional senses are taken into account, the number approaches this figure.

Connecting Yoga and Science

The "33 senses" can be seen as a metaphorical bridge:

  • In yoga, they represent the totality of human perception, both physical and spiritual.
  • In science, they reflect an increasingly detailed understanding of how humans interact with their environment.

The correspondence between the two systems suggests a unified understanding of the human experience — where physical and metaphysical faculties together form a comprehensive view of perception.

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The Maiden is the Empress who has entered a new state of innocence (Maid-Mother-Crone also spirals). She eventually becomes the consort of the Hero/Heroine Sun (soul), who now struggles forward in their path in search of her and towards the communion of Anima and Animus that forms an independence of Self-Awareness called the Divine Androgyny and/or Divine Hermaphrodite.

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The Animal Totem Tarot - Key 17-The Star

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The zodiacal attribution to the Star card is the sign of Aquarius and the element of Air. The Lady Star on the RWS Tarot--Key 17- The Star is shown opening the Cosmic jar and releasing the ancient healing and manifestation energy of the Trillions of-year-old serpentine Plasmic forces and/or the DNA molecule foundation of all Life. The Jars could also be considered the Egg of Akasha and/or the Orphic egg.

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The Egg of Akasha (often shown as a pearl), often referred to in metaphysical and esoteric traditions, symbolizes the primordial source of creation and the universe's hidden potential. Here are the key characteristics of the Egg of Akasha:

  1. Primordial Source: The Egg of Akasha represents the initial point of creation from which all existence emanates. It is seen as the source of all potential and the origin of the universe.

  2. Symbol of Unity: The egg symbolizes unity and wholeness, encapsulating all possibilities and realities within its shell. It is a representation of oneness before differentiation into distinct forms.

  3. Cosmic Egg: In various mythologies and spiritual traditions, the Egg of Akasha is akin to the cosmic egg, a universal symbol of the birth of the cosmos. It often signifies the universe's embryonic stage, containing the seeds of all future developments.

  4. Etheric Substance: Akasha itself is often described as an etheric, subtle substance that permeates all things. The Egg of Akasha, therefore, is made of this primal, ethereal substance, embodying the quintessence of the universe.

  5. Potentiality: The egg holds the potential for all creation, symbolizing the unmanifested possibilities waiting to be brought into existence. It is the latent energy and information that can manifest in various forms and realities.

  6. Connection to the Akashic Records: The Egg of Akasha is sometimes linked to the Akashic Records, a metaphysical compendium of all knowledge and experiences of the universe. It is believed to contain the blueprints of all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.

  7. Spiritual Rebirth and Transformation: The egg is a symbol of rebirth and transformation, indicating the cycle of death and renewal. In spiritual practices, it represents the potential for personal and cosmic transformation.

  8. Sacred Geometry: The egg's shape is often associated with sacred geometry, representing perfect harmony and balance. It embodies the principles of geometric creation and the fundamental structures of the universe.

The Egg of Akasha serves as a powerful metaphor and symbol in various spiritual, esoteric, and metaphysical teachings, encapsulating the essence of creation, potential, and the interconnectedness of all existence.

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You may remember that the river of Life/conscious, started in the High Priestess Card, but now in the Star Card, is flowing into the Sea of the Great Mother where all form has originated (The Divine Collective Unconscious/Abyssal womb). On the Rider-Waite-Smith Key 17 Star Tarot this spiral river is shown as water being poured into the Moon Pool which implies the DNA double helix being taken out of the Akashic jar/egg.

By Lady Star's stance, she links the solid ground of conscious awareness, implied by the earth and the deep waters of the unconscious. Implied by the Moon pool. She is the Star of Hope.

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This Occult link is associated with the Egyptian Goddess- Sopdet and/or the Dog Star Sirius, whose helical rising on July 19th marked the Festival of Opet, the annual Egyptian festival that celebrated the fertilization of the Nile Valley. The message here is that of new life with greater understanding and insight where the light of the Soul/Solar Psyche is allowed to shine through the body as vital flowing Life force.

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As always, language falls short here. The only true way to experience the Energy that is the Star, is a refined sense of intuition brought on by meditation practices. This Maiden who is the essence of inspiration for the hero (Galahad and his search for the "Holy Grail"), is a very real condition of consciousness called the Sol Invisibilis (Latin-"The Invisible Sun"), Lumen Naturae (the "Light of Nature"), among other descriptive terms.

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Whereas, many descriptive terms are entirely symbolic, other terms, often thought to be symbolic, mean exactly what they say. Such is the case with the star- Sol Invisibilis. This is an inner light, it is a midway point of brilliance, which anyone can experience simply by closing their eyes and "looking" for it. In symbolic terms, it is that into which the emerging self is born, just as the Central Sun of the Milky way galaxy presents the Energy from which the stars are born. This inner light is both guide and gateway. On the Animal Totem Tarot, this inner light is shown as a lighthouse and the reflection of light from a pearl.

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The two pitchers represent the Sun and the Moon merging various aspects of consciousness (rational, intuitional, and imagination), returning them to the primordial pool from which they came. To effectively work with this archetype requires one to be experienced in meditational practices. For she is the one meditating on you into existence and when we become aware of True Self, we realize that we are the bridge that connects the Macrocosm with the Microcosm.

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The Animal Totem Tarot- Key 17-The Star, shows an ouster bed topped by and open oyster displaying a pure white pearl (egg of Akasha). This card's primary intent is to imply that by "wishing upon" a star, one gets what they wish for. There is a caveat to this concept, for as my grandmother used to say, "Be careful about what you wish for, you might get it". There is an implication that wishes have two sides, the wish itself and the price you are willing to pay to have it.

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How a Pearl is Created Inside an Oyster

Pearls are the result of a natural defense mechanism within certain mollusks, primarily oysters. The process unfolds as follows:

  1. Irritant Invasion: A foreign substance, such as a grain of sand, a parasite, or a piece of debris, enters the oyster's soft inner tissues.
  2. Defense Mechanism: To protect itself, the oyster secretes nacre, a smooth, crystalline substance also known as "mother of pearl." Nacre coats the irritant layer by layer.
  3. Formation of the Pearl: Over time, the continuous secretion of nacre builds up into a pearl. This process can take months or years, depending on the species of oyster and environmental conditions.

Symbolism of the Oyster as a Power Animal, Totem, and Spirit Guide

The oyster is deeply symbolic in many spiritual and metaphysical traditions. Here’s how it is understood in various contexts:

1. As a Power Animal

A power animal is an ally that embodies qualities you can draw upon for strength and guidance. As a power animal, the oyster represents:

  • Resilience and Protection: The oyster creates beauty (the pearl) out of adversity, teaching us to turn challenges into strengths.
  • Inner Treasure: The oyster reminds us that true worth lies within, urging introspection and self-discovery.
  • Adaptability: Living in changing ocean environments, the oyster adapts to its surroundings, teaching flexibility in the face of life's ebbs and flows.

2. As a Totem Animal

A totem animal is a spiritual emblem that reflects your core identity or ancestral connection. The oyster as a totem symbolizes:

  • Humility and Modesty: Oysters are inconspicuous and grounded, symbolizing the value of modesty while still holding immense inner worth.
  • Emotional Depth: As creatures of the water, oysters resonate with the depths of the emotional and subconscious mind.
  • Hidden Potential: Like the hidden pearl, the oyster totem encourages recognizing and nurturing one's untapped potential.

3. As a Spirit Guide

As a spirit guide, the oyster offers wisdom and lessons tailored to spiritual growth:

  • Patience and Persistence: The slow formation of a pearl symbolizes the need for patience in spiritual and personal development.
  • Healing and Transformation: The process of turning irritants into pearls mirrors the transformative journey of healing from emotional or spiritual wounds.
  • Guardianship: Oysters symbolize protection, urging us to shield ourselves from harmful influences while fostering growth within.

Deeper Connections and Interpretations

The oyster is particularly associated with:

  • Feminine Energy: Its connection to water, the moon, and the creation of pearls aligns it with divine feminine qualities of nurturing, intuition, and creation.
  • Mystery and Secrecy: The oyster's closed shell suggests the importance of guarding secrets and protecting sacred knowledge until it is ready to be revealed.
  • Wealth and Prosperity: Pearls have long been symbols of wealth, making the oyster a harbinger of abundance and prosperity.

In summary, the oyster as an anima, totem, or guide teaches us to embrace resilience, transformation, and the beauty of hidden treasures within ourselves and the world around us. Its connection to the pearl reminds us that adversity can be the seed of our greatest creations.

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To accept the gifts of the Divine Feminine, you must also accept the price to pay for it.

When the Rider-Waite-Smith and the Animal Totem Tarot -Key 17- Star Card, is thrown during a reading the querent shall be or will be experiencing:

  • Hope, faith, and unexpected help for 17 weeks or 17 months.
  • Self-esteem and confidence contribute to self-efficiency and talent. 
  • The querent, upon meditating, shall hear their own song (sound frequency), becoming harmony and then emoting love, calm, and peaceful agility.
  • Despair has turned to hope.
  • Basking in peace and serenity.
  •  The querent is or will be, experiencing freedom from all masks, illusions and restrictions while being replenished by the pure waters of the Universal Unconscious.
  • Spiritual illumination. 
  • Truth unveiled. 

 If ill defined by the accompanying cards, there can be the experiencing of:

  • Dreaminess, and deceived hope.
  • Despair.
  • Feeling of hopelessness.
  • Disappointment. 
  • Dishonesty.

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