
The Radiant Tarot-Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 2-The High Priestess

B.O.T.A. Tarot- Key 2-The High Priestess
The Traditional Tarots of Rider-Waite-Smith and B.O.T.A. (Brotherhood of the Adytum) are both nearly similar. Both use the astrological symbol of the Moon, which is a symbol of reflection, duplication (as in Mirror) and idea. The crescent moon is cup shaped and represents the feminine and subconscious quality of receptivity. It is readily seen that the factors of reflectivity and duplication are essential to memory, of which this card also represents.

Western Hermetic Qaballist have known for centuries that the universe is made up of "Mind Stuff", and that all is Mind's Self-Reflection as I AM. Hence, the Universe is made up of mental-energy. To the Hindu this energy is called, Prakriti, and has always been symbolized by water and a virgin. The High Priestess is considered a Hermaphrodite Virgin, as she contains the idea of both sexes but as of yet not manifested either. The blue back ground, as well as, the flowing robe that dominates both cards, represents water. The Curtain behind her, represents virginity and connects the 2 pillars of light and darkness and all other pairs of opposites, thereby symbolizing the associative powers of the subconscious. The paired opposite symbolism is also carried out by the ornaments on her veil which represents Life's active and passive modes of self-expression. The pomegranates are the sacred fruit of Persephone, the Virgin Goddess of Spring.

The stone cube she is sitting on, represents the cube of Time/Space. The Stone aspect of the cube represents an esoteric word for representing Union, Life and Wisdom (Philosopher's stone).

The Silver Crown represents the waxing and waning of the Moo; Therefore, representing periodicity and rhythm. The Scroll represents memory, history, the record of experience. Her Sephiroth on the Tree of Life is called the Hebrew letter Daath and is the invisible Sephira of Knowledge. Hence, it is the Womb threshold of the Supernal Triangle. The Word TORA, that is on the scroll, signifies Law.

The B.O.T.A. key 2-High Priestess card also use the Western Hermetic Qaballistic meanings of Hebrew letters . The Dark pillar is named Beit or Beth (spellings of Hebrew letters are phonetic)meaning House or Temple. The White pillar is lettered with the Yod or Yud Hebrew Letter, signifying the "Hand of God" and/or the One Energy.

On the bottom right of the B.O.T.A. card is the Hebrew letter Gimel, meaning Camel. For will carry the deserving soul through the abyssal womb back to its "seed atom" source, unharmed and cleansed entirely of illusion. This is a lengthy and often long journey at the end of the "Dark night of the Soul". Something we'll get into later in these blogs.
When the High Priestess card is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- Longing for inner sources.
- Being guided.
- Becoming one with the original cause.
- Intuitive perception.
- Spiritual wisdom.
- Patience.
If reversed:
- Daydreaming.
- Escaping from reality.
- Moodiness.
- Doubt.
- Phoniness.
- Existential dread.
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