
Radiant Tarot/Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 3-The Empress

B.O.T.A. Tarot- Key 3- The Empress

Although both Rider-Waite-Smith and B.O.T.A. Tarot decks are considered traditional, the differences in the Decks begins to show up in the Empress. The student colors the B.O.T.A. cards, according to the advice of Dr. Paul Foster Case, who also uses the Hebrew letters to identify his cards; in this case the Hebrew letter Daleth.

Fundamentally, this key represents the Macrocosmic Imagination; imagination means to " image make" and key 3 represents the Great Mother Binah, the 3rd Sephira on the Tree of Life. Therefore, all the symbolism in both decks, basically refers to reproduction, multiplication, and growth. Therefore, she is a pregnant Matron. Her assigned planet is Venus; the goddess Venus is the goddess of Love, Beauty, Growth and Fruitfulness. She also represents the Great Mother principle of Nature, and therefore, also represents the activity of the subconscious/unconscious mind
The Stream and Waterfall, shown on both cards, represents the flowing stream of consciousness. The Stream flows from the robe of the High Priestess, as it does for all the cards of Tarot. We know the High Priestess as the Virginal Maid of the Trinity/Triple Goddess of Maid-Mother-Crone. The Empress is the Mother aspect of this Ternary Goddess. The Water falling into the Pool, as seen on both cards, represents the positive and negative potencies of the Life-Force. These potencies are also symbolized in the Scepter of the Empress. However, the Rider-Waite-Smith scepter is golden, as if it is the Sun, which is a source of all Life-Forces. The B.O.T.A. scepter is that of a Royal Empress of Earth, for she is the force of Nature. The cross on top of her green and gold scepter, represents the Four Universal Elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

The heart, dove, peals, wheat and trees are all Venusian symbols. On both Cards, the necklace of seven pearls symbolizes the astrological planets and the 12 stars on her crown, represent the 12 signs of the zodiac. The B.O.T.A. Empress is dressed in the green robes of Venus and Earth, with a white undergarment. While the Rider-Waite-Smith card dresses their Empress in a white robe, representing purity, and decorated with the red roses of Passion and romantic love. These red roses are displayed behind the granite throne on the B.O.T.A. card. Granite symbolizes earth.

Another difference in the symbology of these 2 traditional decks, is that of the shield. The Rider-Waite-Smith Empress has a shield leaning up against the right side of her throne displaying a white background and the astrological symbol for Venus. While the B.O.T.A. Empress is holding in her right hand, as if cradling a child, a shield of gold with the dove of Venus emblazoned on it. The B.O.T.A. Empress also has her golden slipper resting on the Crescent Moon, for she is also known as the Luminous Intelligence, as the subconscious enlightens us by its deductions from our observations and from our deductive reasoning. Since the Subconscious is the "survival mind" of the Earth, these deductions are not only illuminating, they also make for our general safety, self-preservation, and general welfare. This Luminous Intelligence also assists us in the administration of our environment, assures us of just proportions of all good things, and enable us to find a way out of the limitations and bondage, of indoctrination and dogma, that so cage the minds of mundane populace; cages built out of their own ignorance and misunderstanding. The Title-Empress, simply means "she who sets in order". Hence, She is the ruling feminine power Western Hermetic Qaballist call the Creatrix. The Empress's name contrasts with that of the High Priestess, which indicates cold virginity of a cloistered devotee of the Gods. Like wise, mythology contrasts the Warm-Mother-Goddess, Venus, with Diana, the Virgin Goddess of the Moon.
When the Empress, Key 3- is thrown in a divination it implies:
- Devotion.
- Motherhood.
- Birth (...and to create something new through the connection of the internal and external.")
- The positive side of the Earthly Mother: Love, trust, touch, growth, merging, fulfillment.
- Fondness of body.
- Sensuality.
- Love of abundance.
- Security.
- Safeness.
- Reveling that which is new.
If reversed:
- Destructive Mother (fairy tale stepmother).
- Greed.
- Avarice.
- Envy.
- Self-indulgent.
- Indolence.
- Inflexibility.
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