Above all things, know thyself.

The Rider-Wait-Smith-Tarot-Key 9- The Hermit

The Animal Totem Tarot - Key 9- The Hermit.

Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 9-The Hermit

The Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 9-The Hermit represents the Hebrew letter-Yod, which means the Hand of God or The Hand of Mankind, for both are connected to the Great Image Maker (Creatrix). The letter Yod, which is shown as the shape of the hermit figure, indicates power, means, direction, skill, dexterity; However, it is more the sign of inclination, tendency, aptitude, predisposition, or potency than of actual activity.
In Qabalah, this letter is the first letter of Tetragrammaton (YHVH), which means "4 letters", and is the "secret name of god", as its pronunciation is critical to linking one with the Supreme One, having its seat in Kether. Moreover, Qabalist's also say that the letter Yod has upper and lower meanings. The upper part of the letter Yod represents the Kether, the Crown, while the lower half represents the 2nd Sephiroth-Chokmah-Wisdom- "Father God".


The Hand of the Divine Creative.

Above are a couple of reference books to help you get over yourself and get on with you!

Attributed to Yod, is the sense of Touch, and the same Hebrew letter also meaning Coition, where the sense of touch is particularly active. Esoterically, the letter Yod refers to the experience of Union with the Supreme Self, the true I AM of the Cosmos- an experience that is intensely pleasurable and is often compared to the rapture of sexual ecstasy. Flesh-0-phobes may disagree with this comparison, but then they haven't read the Song of Solomon, or the mystical poetry of the Persian Sufi (Mostafa Jelaluddin Rumi, for one) nor the writings and poems of St. Teresa of Ávila. Upon reading them, one will find out that the greatest minds known to mankind have no scruples about explaining the Spiritual orgasm within the human body as an extremely spiritual experience known as the "rapture" and/or ecstasy.
North-Below is the direction ascribed to Yod. For when we most perfectly remember ourselves, we experience this blissful merging of personal consciousness with the Great I Am.

On the Rider-Waite-Smith, the image of the Hermit, is associated with Virgo the Virgin, whose color is yellow-green and whose musical tone is F-natural. Virgo is a mutable or common earthly sign and is attributed to the letter Yod. Mercury (Virgo the magician) rules Virgo and is thereby exalted in Virgo. All this implies that Virgo is therefore dominated by self-formative and represents the highest manifestation in which self-consciousness is experienced. Therefore, The Intelligence of Will, is associated with the letter Yod and thereby, the Hermit.

Individuals born under the Sun sign Virgo, which is typically associated with those born between August 23 and September 22, are believed to exhibit certain characteristics. Keep in mind that astrology is a belief system, and interpretations may vary. Here are some common traits associated with Virgos:
Analytical and Detail-Oriented: Virgos are known for their meticulous and analytical nature. They pay close attention to details and are often thorough in their work.
Practical and Grounded: Virgos tend to be practical and down-to-earth individuals. They approach situations with a realistic mindset and prefer tangible results.
Organized and Methodical: Virgos are often well-organized and enjoy creating order in their surroundings. They appreciate structure and prefer to have a systematic approach to tasks.
Intellectual and Curious: Virgos have a natural curiosity and enjoy expanding their knowledge. They are inclined towards intellectual pursuits and may have a keen interest in learning.
Modest and Humble: Virgos are typically modest and humble, not seeking attention or praise. They are more focused on their work and achievements rather than seeking external validation.
Cautious and Practical: Virgos tend to approach situations with caution, carefully considering the potential risks and benefits. They are pragmatic decision-makers.
Service-Oriented: Virgos are often associated with a desire to help others. They may find fulfillment in roles that involve service, caregiving, or assisting those in need.
Perfectionistic: Virgos may have a tendency towards perfectionism, striving for high standards in their work and expecting the same from others.
It's essential to remember that these traits are generalizations, and individual personalities can vary widely. Astrology provides a broad overview, but various factors influence a person's character, such as their Moon sign, rising sign, and the positions of other planets in their birth chart.

There is a passage in the Qabalah which says, "Yod is above all (The Father) and with Him none other is associated." Hence, the Tarot Term the Hermit is used in Key 9, as a Hermit lives alone and is isolated (As is the One Energy/Father).
On traditional tarot art, such as The Rider-Waite- Smith-Key 9- The Hermit is shown alone and isolated on a mountain peak, far above the travelers for whom he is holding his lantern high as a beacon, a guide in the darkness.

The Animal Totem Tarot -Key 9-The Hermit
The Animal Totem Tarot -Key 9-The Hermit displays the Ancient of Days as a Praying Mantis who is a light holder with a sun between its antennae.
In various fairy tales and folklore, the ancient of days are often portrayed as wise and magical figures.
These figures of ancient wisdom are in some cases shown as grandmothers. Here the Hermit-Mantis might be referred to simply as a power animal, a totem animal, or a spirit guide and who knows, it could be a grandmother.

The Praying Mantis is revered across various cultures and spiritual traditions as a potent symbol and guide. Whether regarded as a power animal, totem animal, or spirit guide, the Praying Mantis embodies distinct characteristics that offer insight, protection, and wisdom. Below is an exploration of these roles and the unique attributes associated with the Praying Mantis in each context.
1. Praying Mantis as a Power Animal
A power animal is a spirit being that serves as a source of strength, guidance, and protection. When the Praying Mantis appears as a power animal, it embodies the following characteristics:
Focus and Patience
- Calm Observation: The mantis is known for its stillness and ability to wait patiently for the right moment to act. As a power animal, it teaches the importance of being present and observing circumstances carefully before making decisions.
- Strategic Thinking: It encourages strategic planning and thoughtful action, ensuring that efforts are directed efficiently toward achieving goals.
Adaptability and Flexibility
- Versatility: The Praying Mantis symbolizes adaptability in various situations. It inspires individuals to remain flexible and adjust strategies in response to changing environments.
- Resilience: It represents the ability to withstand challenges and emerge stronger, promoting resilience in the face of adversity.
Intuition and Insight
- Inner Wisdom: The mantis enhances intuitive abilities, guiding individuals to trust their inner voice and make decisions based on deeper understanding.
- Clarity of Purpose: It helps clarify one's intentions and aligns actions with personal values and objectives.
2. Praying Mantis as a Totem Animal
A totem animal serves as a spiritual emblem that reflects an individual’s personality traits, strengths, and life path. The Praying Mantis as a totem animal encompasses the following attributes:
Stillness and Reflection
- Meditative Presence: The mantis encourages periods of stillness and reflection, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.
- Mindfulness: It promotes living in the moment and appreciating the present, enhancing mental clarity and emotional balance.
Grace and Poise
- Elegant Movement: The graceful movements of the mantis symbolize elegance and composure, inspiring individuals to handle life's challenges with grace.
- Balanced Energy: It represents a harmonious balance between action and contemplation, urging a balanced approach to life's pursuits.
Mystery and Spirituality
- Enigmatic Nature: The mantis embodies mystery and the unknown, encouraging exploration of the spiritual realm and deeper truths.
- Spiritual Growth: It supports spiritual journeys, facilitating connections with higher consciousness and universal wisdom.
3. Praying Mantis as a Spirit Guide
A spirit guide provides wisdom, direction, and support on one's spiritual path. When the Praying Mantis serves as a spirit guide, it offers the following guidance:
Clarity and Decision-Making
- Insightful Guidance: The mantis assists in gaining clarity on complex situations, helping individuals make informed and thoughtful decisions.
- Problem-Solving: It offers creative solutions and innovative approaches to overcome obstacles and challenges.
Protection and Empowerment
- Defensive Strength: The mantis symbolizes protective energy, shielding individuals from negative influences and promoting personal empowerment.
- Inner Strength: It reinforces self-confidence and the courage to pursue one’s true path with determination.
Transformation and Growth
- Metamorphosis: Reflecting its natural lifecycle, the mantis as a spirit guide encourages embracing change and personal transformation.
- Continuous Learning: It inspires a commitment to lifelong learning and the pursuit of wisdom, fostering continual personal and spiritual development.
The Praying Mantis, in its roles as a power animal, totem animal, and spirit guide, embodies a rich tapestry of symbolic meanings. It teaches patience, strategic thinking, adaptability, and intuitive insight as a power animal. As a totem animal, it emphasizes stillness, grace, and spiritual mystery. In the role of a spirit guide, it offers clarity, protection, and support for transformation and growth. Embracing the lessons of the Praying Mantis can lead to profound personal and spiritual enrichment, guiding individuals toward a more balanced, insightful, and empowered existence

The White beard on the Traditional Hermit, declares he is the "Most Holy Ancient One", identified with the Primal Will (I Will Be). Another Qabalistic Title for the One is bestowed upon him by his gray robe, which suggests the One "Concealed within all Concealment" (Chokmah). He is the source of All and yet he is also the goal of all endeavor. His staff or candle holder is reminiscent of the Hebrew Prophet, Moses.

As I have stated many times, 9 is the number of completions. However, there is more. This completion is inseparable from and identical with the primary idea which begins the process of manifestation. The sign that precedes all manifestation is 0- the Fool, and 9- the final figure of the digital series, denotes completion.

In numerology and gematria (Qabalistic Numerology), the number 9 holds profound significance, often symbolizing completion, wisdom, and a higher form of spiritual understanding. Here’s a breakdown of its characteristics:
Numerology of 9
Completion and Fulfillment: The number 9 is the last of the single-digit numbers (1-9) in numerology and represents the end of a cycle. It signifies completion, both on a personal and universal scale, making it a number linked to the culmination of events and experiences.
Humanitarianism and Service: Numerologically, 9 is often associated with humanitarianism and altruism. People influenced by this number are often driven by a desire to serve others, striving for justice and contributing to the greater good.
Spiritual Enlightenment and Wisdom: The number 9 symbolizes a deep inner wisdom and understanding of the spiritual and material realms. It’s often seen as representing someone who is on the verge of spiritual completion, having accumulated significant insight and mastery over life's lessons. Hence, it is the number on the Hermit card.
Symbol of Universal Love: It embodies universal love, selflessness, and compassion. This number encourages an all-encompassing love for humanity and a focus on the well-being of others.
Balance Between the Physical and Spiritual: Since 9 is the highest single digit, it marks the point where the material and spiritual realms converge. It represents the bridge between these two planes, symbolizing mastery over both.
Gematria of 9
In gematria (the Hebrew mystical system of assigning numerical values to letters and words), 9 is associated with several key ideas:
Teth (ט): The 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Teth (ט), which has the numerical value of 9. Teth symbolizes the concept of concealed good or hidden potential. The form of the letter suggests a vessel, indicating that hidden within challenging or difficult situations, there is often a latent good waiting to be revealed.
Significance in Divine Manifestation: The number 9, through its association with the letter Teth, points to the idea of divine manifestation in the world. It suggests that what appears as chaos or negativity in life is often part of a greater, more benevolent plan, hidden from immediate perception but available through deeper spiritual insight.
Connection to Truth: In gematria, the word emet (אמת), meaning “truth,” has a value of 441, which reduces to 9 (4+4+1 = 9). This reinforces the idea that 9 symbolizes spiritual wisdom and ultimate truth, as well as the ability to perceive hidden realities.
Nine Sephiroth Below Kether: In the Qabalistic Tree of Life, there are nine Sephiroth below Kether (Crown). These Sephiroth represent various stages of manifestation and spiritual progression from pure, formless consciousness to the material realm. The number 9, therefore, is seen as a symbolic bridge between the divine (Kether) and the manifest (Malkuth).
Cycle of Completion: The number 9's inherent mathematical quality of always returning to itself in sums (e.g., 9x1=9, 9x2=18 → 1+8=9) is symbolic of completion and a self-contained cycle in gematria. It suggests an underlying cosmic order and the inevitability of returning to spiritual truths.
Symbolism in Various Traditions
Tarot Correspondence: In Tarot, the number 9 is connected with the Hermit card, which represents introspection, solitude, and spiritual wisdom. The Hermit carries a lantern, symbolizing the inner light that guides one toward higher knowledge and self-awareness.
Western Hermeticism: In Hermetic traditions, 9 is often linked to the concept of initiation and the completion of a significant stage of spiritual evolution. It represents the point where one has integrated various experiences and is ready for a new phase of consciousness.
Esoteric Insights on 9
Numerical Uniqueness: The number 9 has a unique characteristic in that multiplying it by any number and reducing the digits always returns to 9. This quality gives it an almost mystical consistency and reinforces its meaning as the number of completion, returning to the source, and infinite cycles.
Astral and Cosmic Influence: Nine is also often associated with higher realms of consciousness, astral travel, and cosmic awareness in esoteric systems. It suggests a connection between the material world and the cosmic order, indicating that 9 is a number that transcends the physical and taps into the universal.
The number 9 is a powerful symbol in numerology and gematria, representing completion, spiritual wisdom, and humanitarian service. It connects the material world with higher spiritual realms and embodies the concept of universal love, compassion, and truth. In gematria, its association with Teth and hidden good further deepens its meaning as a number of profound spiritual insight, indicating that behind all appearances lies a greater divine plan.

The RWS and Sacred Kingdoms- Hermit stands in darkness because what is behind our personifications of the Supreme Reality (The Supernal Triangle on the Tree of Life) is beyond the comprehension of our personal consciousness. The darkness also represents the hidden (occult) interior of the Universal Collective Unconscious of Divine Operation. One might say, darkness represents the dark matter/dark energy (Dark Womb) of the Universe and/or the Abyss.

The snow on the peak of the Rider-Waite Smith Hermit illustrates the cold abstraction of the Ancient One, removed from the everyday warm realities of Life. Yet he holds aloft his own Warm Light, for the benefit of those who toil upward toward him. It is the light of the six rayed star whose interlaced triangles are symbols of the union of "As above, so Below". The six points also hint at Vigo, the sixth sign in the zodiac series.

Although the Hermit or Wise One stands alone on the Mountain top, forest or the desert, s/he is the "way shower", lighting the path for the searching multitudes below, a pilgrimage called "the dark night of the Soul" by St. John of the Cross.
The staff and implement of the Magician that refers to the Archetypal world, is in his left hand, implying he has no need to climb further. The Hermit also represents Causeless Cause which seems far-off and cold, an isolated abstraction. It is related to every circumstance in our daily personal experience. It is consciousness, power, the substance, which is expressed in the least of our experiences. It is the source of our personal light and wisdom and therefore, the objective of all our aspirations. Crowley called it "Lust without need of result". Therefore, the Hermit is our "supreme will " within the manifestation of the Body.

Only by the working of the subconscious body-transforming powers, will our bodies undergo the necessary subtle changes which make them fit vehicles for union with the Supreme Self/Supreme Spirit. A union in which the personal sense of self disappears in the vastness of the I AM. Nothing else exists. For I AM denotes existence, but not as what. The "What" I Am, is assumed. Assumption is Illusion. Assumption is personality and therefore, assumption is fate.

The Hermit is an inner mentor (some call him or her the inner Buddha), who is a comforting figure, who encourages us onward despite the odds, who lifts us up gently when we fall, and who-most of all-knows what we do not. His light shines on the False Ego (mental virus) and thereby, dissolves it away. The Mantis is noted for sitting very still, as if in a deep sleep and then it pounces on its prey so fast it is almost unseen. To the Bushmen of the Kalahari there is a very interesting story about this wonderful creature.

he Bushmen of the Kalahari, also known as the San people, possess a rich tapestry of oral traditions and folklore that have been passed down through generations. Among their most cherished stories are the tales of Tsun, the Praying Mantis, who plays a pivotal role in their mythology. Tsun is not merely an insect in these stories but a complex character embodying wisdom, cunning, and sometimes moral lessons. Here's an exploration of one such wonderful tale concerning the Praying Mantis:
Tsun the Praying Mantis: The Creator and Trickster
The Origin of Fire
One of the most renowned tales involves Tsun's quest to bring fire to the world. According to the legend, in the early days, the world was cold and dark, and all creatures suffered from the absence of fire. Tsun, known for his intelligence and resourcefulness, decided to undertake the perilous journey to the heavens to steal fire from the Sky People.
The Journey Begins: Tsun fashioned a pair of wings from animal hides and feathers, enabling him to fly. His determination was fueled by his desire to alleviate the suffering of his fellow beings.
Challenges in the Heavens: Upon reaching the heavens, Tsun encountered various obstacles set by the Sky People to prevent him from succeeding. These included navigating treacherous winds, avoiding celestial guardians, and solving intricate puzzles.
The Theft of Fire: Using his wit and agility, Tsun outsmarted the guardians and seized the sacred fire. However, in the process, he accidentally left behind some of his feathers, which later gave rise to other winged creatures.
The Return to Earth: Tsun's descent back to Earth was fraught with challenges as well. He had to protect the stolen fire from being extinguished by rain and darkness. Upon his triumphant return, he shared the gift of fire with all living beings, bringing warmth, light, and the ability to cook food.
Lessons from the Tale
Perseverance and Courage: Tsun's unwavering determination highlights the importance of perseverance in overcoming obstacles.
Cunning and Intelligence: The Praying Mantis's ability to outwit the Sky People underscores the value of intelligence and strategic thinking.
Sacrifice and Responsibility: Tsun's journey was fraught with personal risk, emphasizing the theme of self-sacrifice for the greater good.
Tsun as a Trickster
Beyond the role of a heroic figure, Tsun often embodies the characteristics of a trickster in San folklore. Trickster tales involving Tsun typically serve to impart moral lessons, explain natural phenomena, or entertain. For instance:
Creation of the Rainbow: In one story, Tsun, in his playful nature, attempts to create a bridge between the earth and the heavens using his colorful wings. Although his initial attempt fails, it results in the formation of the rainbow, symbolizing hope and connection.
Moral Lessons: Some tales depict Tsun using his cunning to teach lessons about honesty, humility, or the consequences of greed. For example, a story might narrate how Tsun tricks another animal to demonstrate the pitfalls of deceit.
Cultural Significance of Tsun
Symbol of Adaptability: The Praying Mantis, through Tsun, symbolizes adaptability and the ability to navigate complex situations with grace.
Mediator Between Worlds: Tsun often serves as a bridge between the spiritual and physical realms, facilitating communication and understanding between humans and the divine.
Embodiment of Duality: As both a creator and a trickster, Tsun embodies the duality of existence—balancing creation with mischief, wisdom with folly.
The tales of Tsun, the Praying Mantis, are integral to the cultural and spiritual fabric of the Bushmen of the Kalahari. Through these stories, the San people convey profound lessons about life, nature, and the human condition. Tsun's character, with his blend of wisdom, courage, and cunning, serves as both a guide and a mirror, reflecting the values and beliefs of the community. These narratives not only entertain but also preserve the collective wisdom and heritage of the San people, ensuring that their rich traditions continue to thrive across generations.
It is easily seen why the Mantis represents the Hermit as a Totem animal.

There is also an inner trickster in all of us, a dark side to the Hermit if you will. It is the false ego, indoctrinated and/or programed into every child and is one that needs the light of wisdom shown upon it. For the only power the False ego (false personality-media-controlled shadow self) is not being seen. It falsely tells you it is you, and yet it is a dark parasitic virus, which has no life of its own and must vampire your mental, emotional energy to exist. Once revealed, it dies in the light of the observer. To be immune to this hidden vampire--this antilife, is to walk like the Hermit, carrying your own Soul light of wisdom and understanding into your subconscious, thereby, removing all fear. To fear or resist this mental virus gives it more power. Instead, understand it is the opposite side of enlightenment, a social egregore designed to control the masses and therefore, as does light remove darkness, your observation of this deceiver, trickster, and bedeviling mental virus exposes its lie, and you regain peace of mind and restore your true presence on Earth. The Native people of Americal called this trickster the Wetiko.

When thrown in a layout, the Hermit Key-9 suggests that we think things through carefully. It is time for introspection so seek a quiet place and go inward, dispelling the fanatical rush of man-made living. You are Life, and not seeking one.

I Am "the light", I don't seek it!
The common man is living a life of deception, as the mind virus of the false ego is attached to the survival mind of the Subconscious and is driving your life like a slave master and whips you with the illusion of emotional fear and pain, if it thinks you are not listening to its lie. It makes you feel that it is you.... a total fabrication of a mind virus, rather than the Sun of the Divine Creative which we have made invisible to ourselves under the caul of words.
You are the Breath of the Body...a Pranic manifestation of Vital Life Force. You are not "alive" you are celestial Life itself, who animates an "aliveness" as your organic representative on earth.

The Egregore that is the Military Industrial Complex.
You are a Psyche, a Solar Self (Soul) not a dark and foreboding predator egregore who has no life of its own and must vampire the living to exist (Much like the Military Industrial Complex). Once exposed by the light of observation and understanding, the darkness vanishes. When matter was created so was antimatter. When life was created, so was antilife. Hence, antilife is live spelled backward and one who can't stand your observation.
It is time you knew you are Life and not seeking a "living".
When the Hermite-Key 9-is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- The instinct to retreat from life.
- Flight from the masses.
- Introversion.
- Truth.
- Knowledge.
- Finding oneself.
- Disillusionment and self-discipline lead to clear discernment.
- Wisdom.
- Enlightenment.
- Emotional maturity.
- Reconnecting to the Source.
- Pondering the mysteries of Life.
When reversed:
- Narcissism.
- Rigidity.
- Hardness.
- Alienation.
- Bitterness and hostility towards life.
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