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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Nine of Wands & The Manara Erotic Tarot-9 of Fire.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Numerical, and Tantric Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

December 11, 2023

The Ride-Waite-Smith- Nine of Wands

The Rider-Waite-Smith nine of Wands, depicts an injured man leaning on a leafy (fertile) staff/Wand as if awaiting further attacks from some enemy. Around him (or her) are the other eight wands/staffs formed in a palisade of protection. All this imagery signifies strength in opposition, for although injured, when attacked this one will meet the attack with force. Along with this primary meaning, there are also the possible adjuncts that come with it, including delay, suspension, and adjournment.

The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot - 9 of Fire.

The Thoth 9 of Wands is called STRENGTH, and the Milo Manara Erotic Tarot- 9 of Fire, displays a surprising amount of strength, in a surprising way. However, Jelaluddin Rumi, a 12 century Sufi Master, stated that, "Surprise is the greatest gift of all" and in truth, it takes a certain emotional strength to except surprise with the joy of discovery, both of which are illustrated in the Milo Manara Card. Milo seems to understand that "Wands" are phallic, and the magic truth, that the Strength of Woman controls that phallus.

Fire is Ardor, in the Erotic Tarot, so every card of this suit is about "sexual strength" and Ardor. Milo Manara assigns:

  • Vigilance. 
  • Defense.
  • Limit. 
  • Attention. 

To him, 9 of Fire card also assigns the astrological meaning of the Moon in Sagittarius which means the need to feel free and unencumbered when dealing with changes. Therefore, the phallus is free and unencumbered in this illustration. Which again, means to accept surprise with ease. Plus, the true strength is when the Anima -the Feminine Muse, and the Animus, the male rationale, work together in one united front.

Also, this card suggests that one must control one's interests, if not there will be extremely dangerous instability. What is of paramount importance is to remember that even the most seemingly "balanced" individuals have within them primitive subconscious feelings which may erupt to the surface without warning. By not denying that such feelings exist in the "survival mind" of the subconscious, one becomes best equipped to function in a world of "masks".

All this sleight of hand shows us that we are viewing the Universe from an upside-down perspective, a reflected image rather than the Original Image. We think we are people trying to become more spiritual. However, Universal Divine Creative is condensing its Self-Aware data into your image. Hence, the Universal Spirit is making itself more "physical" (condensed) and is not "seeking to be more spiritual" as intimacy with creation is the goal of Spirit. Here the strength of your manifestation is realized, when your meditations raise you to the level of Tiphareth (You Solar Self/Soul) and you find out that you are the one being meditated into existence. Therefore, the Truth of Strength is revealed in "Above all things, Know thyself". "I AM Spirit, seeking intimacy with all creation", is the true understanding of the Self. Intimacy requires sensuality and that is what the body gives "Spirit"; However, in the body's subconscious is a deep fear of its own death and is often suffering from a "mind virus" that encourages self-destruction. Of this, the spirit must be aware, and not suppress it, but acknowledge it and adopt the subconscious with the love of wisdom and understanding and the Truth of Transformation. Unless we are in control of mind and body, our spirit will not be present in this world, nor will it be whole. This lack of spiritual presence is shown in lack of Will power over the mind and body.

When the Nine/9 of Wands or 9 of Fire is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Great strength, power, and recovery from sickness.
  • A tremendous inner force that can't be shaken but fear and apprehension will try, without success. 
  • The illusion of doubt may rear its ugly head, but success will prevail.
  • That with the Moon's influence, Illusion is always prevalent, such is the burden of imagination; However, there is such a great strength of Will present, as shown by the Sun as a driving force, that despite the strife and self-doubt, the querent will succeed in all endeavors.
  • Imagination may be a burden when fear based, but if used properly, by balancing it with rational thought, it is so light a burden that it becomes pleasurable creativity.
  • The Strength of the Fiery balance of Spirit and Body is all potential and has no known limits.
  • To love the body as part of the Whole Spirit.
  • If reversed, it implies:

  • Physiological injuries.
  • Contradictions. 
  • Suppressed sexual urges that come out as aggression and violence. 

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