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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: The Rider-Waite-Tarot- Ace of Wands &The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms -Ace of Wands.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

June 21, 2024

The Rider-Waite-Smith- Ace of Wands

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Ace of Wands

. The Ace of Wands represents the Vital Force (Sex force) of energy, that enlivens, fertilizes animates all things. It is attributed to the Spirit, as it is the spiral "breath" in all things. The Greek Word Spiro-meaning "breath" is the foundation of the English word Spirit, as it is for the word Spiral. Both Spirit and Spiral refer to this Universe of Energy, as it is a Spiral Multi-verse, and all living things breathe. Breath is a Collective Unconscious operation that is part of all beings' "instinctual" wet ware. Thus, we could point out that the senescence of the Spirit is in the breath, which is what many philosophies do. For instance, the Sanskrit (Hindu) word Prana, and the Chinese Word Chi are both achieved and expanded in flow through breathing and breathing Yogas; they are both: life and/or Spiritual Force. They represent the Fiery force of Life, i.e., Spirit. You are the breath of your body!

Tree of Life

The Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) ACE OF WANDS shows a leafing club/Wand, the leaf shapes are those of flaming Yods (meaning hands) going in the direction of the individual Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. The All-Powerful name of God in the Qabalah is Tetragrammaton and the Yod is the first Hebrew letter, of the Hebrew spelling of that name - YHVH (you may look all this up in the book QABALISTIC TAROT by Robert Wang). The Yod, is associated with the English word, "Father".

When you look upon the Ace of Wands, you are viewing the Fire (Father) aspect of the One Energy that is in all things and in all Sephira on the Tree of Life. This One Energy is suggested as the life force in the sprouting wood wand of the RWS Tarot and the energy of fiery light projected by the lady magician on the Sacred Kingdoms Tarot Ace. According to the study of Thermodynamics this is "the One Energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed and is called the 1st Law. The laws of thermodynamics may seem deceptively simple to state, but they are far-reaching in their consequences. The first law asserts that if heat is recognized as a form of energy, then the total energy of a system plus its surroundings is conserved; in other words, the total energy of the universe remains constant. Then there is also another Universal Constant called "Transformation" and/or change. The motion of energy (transition) moves from one opposite to another. and/or one transformation to another. This is represented in Alchemy as Putrefaction, Dissolution, Solution, and Coagulation.

The Fire also represents Spirit which "Knows Itself through form/measurement", and thus is loosely explained as the underlying Fire in all things (Sex/fertile/fecund, vital energy). However, this is in no way a complete understanding of the Spiral Energy {Spirit} that is all around us, as us, below us and above us, and unseen by us; However, deeply felt by us as the " Inner-Self".

The Ace of Wands represents the invisible "movement within all motion", i.e. "Will-to-Force", which is about as clear an understanding as we can get. The Qabalah, calls it, ".... the primordial Energy of the Divine manifesting in Matter", yet it is at so early a stage that it is not definitely formulated as Will (Conscious Spirit) and has no form until Binah-the third Sephiroth-Understanding, who is the Great Mother, begins form/measurement, by "Understanding" it. One can say the Kether-One Energy, is passive until it is "switch on" by the Will-to-Force, which is the 2nd Sephiroth-Chokmah, who is called "Father God".

Chokmah-2nd Sephiroth-1st ejaculation of Energy

Please note: The small cards, known as Minor Arcana, are not Divine Persons as are the Atu (Major Arcana). Rather, they are sub-elements and/or "blind forces" under the Demiourgos (Creative Intelligence), Tetragrammaton. These "blind forces" are ruled by the Intelligentsia, in the Yetzirah World, who go forth from the Sechemhamphorach (Lord of the Universe). Lord being an Anglo-Saxon word for Husband or Husbandry and means that he is "keeper of Her Forms". In other words, "There was no Father 'till she Named Him Father" (Gnostic Text), simply stating the Form of Father (Fire-Light) belongs to Her creative Dark-Womb. This is one of the many mysteries studied by the Qabalist and theoretical quantum physicists. A study just too lengthy and in-depth for this one blog excerpt but one that enhances self-knowledge, for this implies that we are not from "light'" but have the power to form it into "information" and manifest it as "ourselves". Thus, one can say that we are Spirit who forms Time/Light, as first "self-image": Light being the "first measurement" of Self.

Adam Khadmon (The heavenly human)

Before we pass out from over extension of our reasoning processes, it is enough to know for now, that we understand that the Element of Spirit (Fire) has its own Lords of the Atu or Major Arcana, (Magus, Emperor, Hermit etc.). And each Atu possesses its own private, personal, Universe, making a "multi-verse", with all Demiourgos complete, just as EVERY MAN AND WOMAN is a complete composite of the 10-dimensional Universe depicted by the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life! This Homo Sapiens Archetype is called Adam Khadmon- The Divine Human.

Now all of us are taught that we are built "incomplete" and must seek Goodness (God-ness-----Demiourgos-ness) to "make it to heaven". Somehow, we are incomplete and imperfect, yet fully functional. This is an obvious error of thought, for we are perfectly designed to pursue even Greater Imaginings of Self, which is something "Perfect" and/or "complete" can only do.

The normal meaning of the word perfection denotes stasis and non-motion; However, the universal meaning of perfection is flexibility and/or transformation. Life must move, to be Alive. Potential must be sought and is never found in crystalized "perfection". However, to those who know, we are perfectly designed to experience the infinite self-awareness intimately through a process of transformation. This being so, many religious people believe they are in the image of God/Spirit, and/or made by God/Spirit and have inherited the Divine Creative mind of Imagination and Rationale (Creativity-making you a Demiurge), but somehow, this Divine all Knowing, all building, all Creating Power, has judge you a sinner and/or an error! Really...? Who would worship such an incompetent god who creates dysfunctional beings as itself?

An image of the Divine, created by Divine Will, would not be created as dysfunction, simply because The Divine Creative wouldn't create what it wouldn't want to be. Therefore, you are made in a completeness of joyous curiosity, a Wholeness collective of tens of dimensions of intelligence that must always progressively identify Itself as evolutionary Self-Awareness through creation of "self-image", for the infinite cannot measure itself! Therefore, the solution to this conundrum is to constantly experience change/transformation as Self-Awareness. The Qabalistic World of Assiah, the Physical world, has been created to give Self-Measure and thereby, turning information into in-form-action (experience) which turns information into knowledge and the accumulation of self- knowledge into wisdom.!

You are the Child of The Divine Creative as a Self-image. And contrary to the Patriarchal indoctrinated belief this "imperfect" child of the Divine, is granted the unending potential Wisdom and of "free thinking" (freedom of choice/free to choose one's fate) that empowers progressive creation! Without error, there is no correction, a process which we call attaining Wisdom. This understanding is lost to you because you are taught to belittle your identity or are belittled by cultural definitions that make you believe someone else has rule over you, even though you are made "in God's image" and have that freedom of choice/to choose your own fate.

In other words, manifesting as any perspective of Self you choose. This negates the lie that you are an infection of the "false ego", and who promotes ignorance as "faith". In other words, you allowed someone else to measure you and define you and suffer from amnesia that came from being "beaten about the head" with worded clubs, and viral programs used to keep you lost from your true trinity family. How ridiculous! Because of this assault on yourself value, you may have forgotten that Goddess/God doesn't build what Goddess/God doesn't want! The Mother of Form is known as Mother Binah, the 3rd Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. She is known as "Understanding" and she "understands" you into being!

RWS-Ace of Wands

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- Ace of Wands

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Ace of Wands uses the image of light and shows the Hero's journey as one on a path of discovery, of new beginnings, creative potential, and inspiration. What is not seen is that we are the Fire/Spirit that animates all image in our name of I AM. The energy presented as light and fire on this card is the True Identity of Self, the body is the Avatar it operates for the purpose of "Self-Awareness", and/or the sense of being. Being is the whole goal of this "one energy" and/or the Great Self that creates all selves to experience the idea of self. "I AM Energy, not seeking it" is the true message of the Wand cards. The name of Self is I AM, and we all begin our journey as Life, by the declaration of I AM "this or that". I AM health, I AM wealth, I AM the Will, I Am the Way, I own the day, is a very powerful self-awareness that anyone can be just by declaring it so. Hence, we see a magus and/or sorcerer (from the source) declaring herself.

Before I wander too far into the Minor Arcana, you should know that the Major Arcana are the subtle forces "behind the scenes", while the Minor Arcana represent the psychical, "in your face", objective world's personification of these Cosmic Forces; "As above, so below". This symbol of " If it is there, it is here, and if it is here, it is there, if it's not here, then it is not there", which is the Tao's way of saying "as above so below".

The Ace of Wands is often called the "seed of Fire", and/or the spermatic effect of the "Big Bang". It is raw, unbridled, tremendous outgoing force of "I Will Be" (Kether's God name of Eheieh-Meaning "I Will Be") for a society or an individual. It suggests the root energy of life itself and the effect of its movement. This may cause an intense struggle for an individual as they advance towards significant self-knowing. In a social egregore, self-knowing is the cause of birth or fall of nations, such as occurred during the French and American revolutions. Hence, "divide and conquer" is the Patriarchy's (Military Industrial Complex) axiom to control the masses and we all are now programed in the pleasure/pain training of Pavlovian divisionism. Your "will-to-be" has been profaned by indoctrination and dogma a media controlled "word hypnosis", so that you will become only what is defined "as you" by the few who rule the many.

The Ace of Wands states that you are now embarking on a new adventure or are seeking to expand your creative potential. It also states that you are all the energy you need to do so! It is time to open your eyes to the creative portal that surrounds you as it is the potential in you, around you, above you, and beneath you. .... the kingdom of God, is outside of you and inside of you!

You are the Creative Trinity that rules the All!

When the Ace of wands is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Energy. 
  • Initiative.
  • Passion.
  • Willingness to take risks.
  • Courage.
  • Decisiveness.
  • Potency. 
  • Pioneering spirit (the ace is always recognized as an opportunity that lies within us and wants to be used.)
  • New plans will become fruitful. 

When Reversed:

  • Destruction through exaggeration.
  • Failure due to arrogance.

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.

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