Above all things, know thyself!

The Animal Totem Tarot-Key 6-The Lovers

The Rider- Waite-Smith-Tarot-Key 6-The Lovers
On the Rider-Waite-Smith Card, - Key 6-THE LOVERS, the Sun is the man (Adam), the Moon is the Woman (Eve), and the Divine Fire that is above the Abyss, is represented as Cupid or the Solar Angel.

On the Rider-Waite card shows the Angel with hands raised in blessing as a symbol of the Divine uniting force. Dr. Paul Foster Case of B.O.T.A. Tarot has stated that the Sun is self-consciousness and that the Moon is subconsciousness. Dr. Paul Foster Case considered that these are both aspects of the One Life Breath, each working half of the body. Mundanely we know them personified as the Male half and the Female half of the human brain.

As Dr. Paul Foster Case has stated, "When the Solar and Lunar currents of the Life-Power are rightly perceived, rightly discriminated, and when their operation is kept in proper order, the personality of the man (Woman) engaged in this practice becomes a free, unobstructed channel for the outpouring of the cosmic life force." Case considered THE LOVERS card to represent one of the dualities united by the Spiritual Self. Just as most Tantric, Western Sex magick, and Gnostic practitioner's do.
On the RWS Lovers Card, the Sun that is behind the Solar Angel is bright yellow signifying the Sun in our sky. It is the dynamo of energy that all flora and fauna of earth derive energy from. It also symbolizes the ageless wisdom of potential consciousness. Therefore, the Sun is seen as the body of a Being; a Being in Qabalah, is an infinite and eternal Presence (The Sun will die, but not the energy).

The angel is Raphael, angel of Air (Intelligence) the element also that is attributed to Gemini, the astrological sign given to this card. Raphael is also considered to be the great archangel of the eastern quarter of the heavens. On the RWS-card, he represents the subconscious and is therefore related to the Fool. Yellow indicates its airy nature, and the Angel's violet robes carry out the same idea, because violet is the color-complement to yellow. Clouds also imply his airy nature. Raphael is the Life-Breath, pranic force of the Super consciousness (Supernal Triangle- of Kether-Chokmah-Binah). His influence is shown streaming from his hands to the lovers below.
"The foundation of all life, of the whole universe, is the subtle life force energy that yogis call prana. You can’t see it, or touch it or taste it, but most yogis have had an experience of prana, the subtle energy that flows through our bodies. This mystical energy moves through our bodies and animates our every action–from gross physical movements to minute biochemical processes. Creating an understanding and awareness of prana is important for yogis to understand the purpose of many hatha yoga exercises.
The Sanskrit word prana was first referenced in the 3,000-year-old Chandogya Upanishad text and was further refined and described in laterUpanishads. The traditional texts ofAyurveda, Tantra Yoga, and Hatha Yoga further developed and elaborated on prana and the energetic anatomy that supports it."

In many traditions, prana refers to the life force or vital energy that animates the body, mind, and spirit. While often translated as "breath," prana is more encompassing than just physical respiration. It’s seen as a subtle energy or cosmic force that flows through the body, much like the concept of qi in Chinese philosophy.
Here’s a breakdown of prana's functions, particularly as they relate to physical, energetic, and spiritual levels:
1. Physical Function (Breath as a Life-Sustaining Force)
- Oxygen Supply: On the most basic level, prana is taken into the body through breath. By breathing, we take in oxygen, which is essential for cellular respiration, energy production, and general bodily functions.
- Detoxification: Exhaling releases carbon dioxide and toxins, which helps maintain a balanced internal environment.
- Nervous System Regulation: Conscious breathwork, or pranayama, can influence the nervous system. Techniques like deep breathing can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
2. Energetic Function (Prana as Vital Force)
- Energy Channels (Nadis): According to yogic philosophy, prana flows through channels called nadis, especially the central channels Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. This flow impacts physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional health.
- Balancing Energy Centers (Chakras): Prana plays a key role in balancing the chakras, which are considered energetic centers within the body. When chakras are balanced, prana can move freely, supporting physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
3. Mental and Emotional Functions
- Mental Clarity and Focus: Controlled breathing can calm the mind, clear mental fog, and sharpen focus. In meditation and pranayama, managing the breath is a pathway to reducing stress, increasing emotional resilience, and achieving mental equilibrium.
- Emotional Regulation: By calming the nervous system, prana also helps regulate emotional responses. Pranayama, for instance, can reduce the intensity of anxiety or anger by promoting a sense of groundedness and inner calm.
4. Spiritual Function (Prana as a Connection to Universal Energy)
- Inner Awakening and Higher States of Consciousness: Advanced breathwork techniques aim to increase pranic flow, which is thought to stimulate spiritual awakening. Practices like Kundalini Yoga use breath to awaken dormant energy and expand consciousness.
- Connection with the Divine or Universal Life Force: In spiritual practices, prana is seen as a bridge between the individual and the universal. It’s the means by which one feels connected to the greater cosmic energy, often experienced as a state of oneness or harmony with the universe.
Prana, then, is the conduit of life and spirit, flowing through and sustaining us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Cultivating awareness of prana, particularly through breathing practices, is a core element in many spiritual traditions aimed at achieving a harmonious balance between body, mind, and spirit.

It would be irresponsible of me not to show you some examples of pranayama breath. I find that to give love, we must be love and to stimulate a pranic loving embrace with the body is part of self-love.
Therefore, there are several types of pranayama exercises, each with distinct benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. Here are a few widely practiced ones, along with their traditional benefits and recommended techniques:
1. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
- Benefits: Helps calm the mind, balance energy channels (nadis), reduce anxiety, and enhance focus. It's said to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
- How to Practice:
- Sit in a comfortable position.
- Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale deeply through the left nostril.
- Close the left nostril with your ring finger, then open and exhale slowly through the right nostril.
- Inhale through the right nostril, close it, and exhale through the left. This completes one cycle.
- Practice 5–10 cycles, gradually increasing over time.
2. Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath)
- Benefits: Energizes the body, increases mental clarity, stimulates digestion, and detoxifies the lungs and respiratory system. It’s also considered to cleanse and activate the third eye and crown chakras.
- How to Practice:
- Sit upright with your spine straight.
- Take a deep inhale, then exhale quickly and forcefully through the nose, contracting the lower abdomen with each exhale.
- Inhales are passive and natural between each sharp exhale.
- Start with 20 pumps, gradually increasing to 50 or more.
- Note: This pranayama should be avoided by those with high blood pressure, pregnancy, or respiratory issues.
3. Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)
- Benefits: Soothes the mind, reduces stress and anger, relieves tension, and improves concentration.
- How to Practice:
- Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
- Place your index fingers on the cartilage of your ears to partially close them.
- Inhale deeply, then gently press on the cartilage while exhaling slowly, making a humming sound like a bee.
- Focus on the vibration and sound, feeling it throughout your head and body.
- Repeat for 5–10 breaths.
4. Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath or Ocean Breath)
- Benefits: Enhances focus, calms the nervous system, and is warming. This breath is often used during asana (yoga poses) to sustain energy.
- How to Practice:
- Inhale slowly through the nose, partially constricting the throat, as though you were breathing through a thin straw.
- Exhale with the same constriction, creating a soft, ocean-like sound.
- Maintain a steady rhythm, focusing on the sound and sensation in your throat.
- Practice for 5–10 minutes, or incorporate it into a yoga session.
5. Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Breath)
- Benefits: Cools the body, calms the mind, and reduces feelings of anger and anxiety. It’s often practiced in hot weather or when feeling agitated.
- How to Practice:
- Sit in a comfortable position.
- Roll your tongue into a tube (or if you can’t, keep it flat).
- Inhale slowly through the rolled tongue, feeling the cooling sensation.
- Close your mouth and exhale through the nose.
- Practice 5–10 rounds or more as needed.
- Note: Avoid this technique if you have respiratory or throat issues.
6. Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breath)
- Benefits: Boosts energy, stimulates the nervous system, strengthens lung capacity, and invigorates body and mind.
- How to Practice:
- Sit comfortably, keeping the spine straight.
- Inhale deeply, expanding the abdomen, and then exhale forcefully, contracting the abdomen.
- Both inhale and exhale should be quick and forceful, using abdominal movement.
- Start with 10 rounds, then take a break, and repeat up to 3 sets.
- Note: Avoid if you have high blood pressure or heart conditions.
Each of these pranayama techniques has unique effects, so you may want to choose or combine them depending on your needs. Remember to start gradually and focus on maintaining a calm, meditative state throughout.

The mountain below the Angel has several meanings: as the abode of the Gods (Sinai, Mt Olympus, Meru, Fujiyama). They also suggest climbing, aspiration and attainment. We all have peaks to climb and the inner incentive to action, the disposing element in our mind that leads to violation, has always been in the background becomes the idea of climbing above our present position. Hence, it also symbolizes what the Alchemist calls the Great Work. Then there is the fact that the Mountain is often used to represent the phallic symbol of pregnancy and/or gestation, suggesting preparation, organization and like ideas.
The man at right, is Adam, made to till the soil and is considered the "Namer" of things. He is also the Magician of Tarot. Behind him is a tree bearing the 12 flaming fruits-The Zodiac. Each flame is tripled because astrologers subdivide each sign into 3 parts and/or decanoates. Hence, this is seen as the Tree of Human Life and its fruits represent the 12 types and the 36 subtypes of personality and/or self-conscious expression.
The woman represents Eve (to the Western Hermetic Qabalist she is Lilith-the noncompliant woman), the compliant woman. Behind her is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The 5 circular fruits on this tree represent the 5 senses.

According to Waite, up the tree climbs the serpent of sensation, because temptation arises from the memory of sensation in the Subconscious. However, the serpent is also the symbol for wisdom and of redemption (The Sumerian Anunnaki-Enki-bringer of knowledge). This is because wisdom and liberation result from the right adaptation of the very forces, which at first tempt us into mistaken action. Thus Dr. Waite says, "The suggestion in respect of the woman is that she signifies the attraction towards the sensitive life which carries with it the idea of the "Fall of Man", but she is the working of a secret law of Providence, rather than a willing and conscious temptress (Eve). it is through her so-called lapse that man shall rise ultimately, and only by her can he complete himself."

The woman looks towards the Angel and the man towards the Woman. This is because the self-conscious intellectual mind is the determining factor in personal consciousness but does not directly become aware of the Super consciousness (Greater Self). Yet, Self-consciousness does receive and transmit the powers of the Super consciousness; However, conscious awareness of the nature of those powers comes careful observation of the activities of the subconscious and the mind virus of the False Ego and/or Social egregore.

Powers and/or Divya Siddhis (Magic abilities) are developed from within, and the subconscious within is "the woman". Development comes by response of the "inner" to the "outer". Hence, the relationship of the subconscious to the self-conscious should be one of loving intimacy and not fear, nightmares and evil.

Therefore, the 2 lovers are shown nude., as in hiding nothing and pure. Hence, this image warns us against attempts to bully or coerce the subconscious. Persuade the subconscious by focused understanding and it will do anything for you. By endeavoring to drive it harshly will enact the law of reverse effort giving the parasitic mind virus of the false ego with more power to resist, so that you get the result of the opposite of that which you wished to gain.
Again, discernment is the key to a happy harmony between subconscious and awake self-consciousness. The framer of suggestion, and/or identity is the self-conscious and therefore it carries the burden of observation and discernment. It helps to remember, what the many people call the "child within" is your real personality, the false persona is your adult social mask. To "above all things know thyself" you must enter the subconscious basement of your mind and lovingly rescue the original personality that you were forced to reject when you were young.

The Animal Totem Tarot -Key 6-The Lovers.
The Animal Totem Tarot-Key 6 The Lovers emphasizes love, relationships and choices thereof. The social egregore falsehood has created for us an ugly duckling story which is really a story of the "child within"(inner self) taking it's time to manifest the outer self. During this phase of development, the inner self must realize that there is nothing missing in itself, it belongs and is designed perfectly to be itself, no matter what others see it as. For others, can only see as they think themselves to be.

In many cultures, the swan is seen as a powerful totem, spirit guide, and power animal, representing transformation, grace, intuition, and beauty. Here are the key characteristics and spiritual associations often attributed to the swan:
1. Transformation and Rebirth
- The swan’s life cycle is symbolic of personal transformation. The story of the "ugly duckling" turning into a graceful swan symbolizes growth, self-discovery, and becoming one's true self.
- Swans are often associated with profound internal changes, encouraging individuals to embrace personal growth and gracefully accept life’s transitions.
2. Grace and Beauty
- Known for their elegance, swans embody poise, grace, and inner beauty. They teach us to embrace both inner and outer beauty, moving through life with dignity.
- The swan often appears as a guide for those needing to cultivate elegance in how they approach challenges, respond to others, or handle life’s complexities.
3. Intuition and Psychic Awareness
- Swans are connected to water, an element symbolizing emotions and intuition. As a totem animal, they often guide people in trusting their inner voice and embracing psychic or intuitive gifts.
- Swan medicine can help those who feel disconnected from their intuition or wish to deepen their spiritual insight and emotional awareness.
4. Love, Devotion, and Loyalty
- Swans are often seen in pairs, symbolizing loyalty and lifelong partnership. They are known for forming strong, lasting bonds with their mates, symbolizing devotion, fidelity, and true love.
- Swan symbolism can be a powerful guide for individuals seeking to strengthen their relationships or those drawn to the path of self-love and commitment to personal values.
5. Duality and Balance
- Swans are associated with the integration of light and dark aspects of the self, symbolized by their graceful appearance and contrasting colors. Black and white swans, in particular, represent the harmony of opposites and the need to balance different aspects of one's life.
- As a spirit guide, the swan encourages self-acceptance and helps individuals reconcile conflicts within themselves.
6. Sensitivity and Depth of Emotion
- Swans are very sensitive creatures, attuned to their environment and the energies around them. They symbolize emotional depth, teaching those who resonate with them to honor and explore their emotional worlds.
- For people who may struggle with expressing feelings or embracing vulnerability, the swan serves as a reminder of the beauty in exploring and expressing emotions deeply and authentically.
7. Spiritual Journey and Inner Peace
- In Celtic and Native American traditions, the swan is seen as a guardian of the soul’s journey and a protector of sacred, inner peace. The swan's serene presence on water represents a sense of calm and stillness, guiding others on their spiritual paths toward inner harmony.
- Swans are often associated with exploring higher states of consciousness, moving toward enlightenment, and maintaining a calm, centered spirit amid life’s turbulence.
8. Creativity and Artistic Inspiration
- Known for their ethereal beauty and symbolism, swans are frequently associated with the arts, poetry, and music. As a totem, the swan encourages those it guides to find inspiration in beauty, express their creative gifts, and bring more art and wonder into the world.
- Swan medicine is especially beneficial for artists, writers, and musicians who want to connect more deeply with their creativity or who are working on a significant artistic transformation.
When the Swan Appears as a Guide
- If the swan comes to you as a spirit guide, it may signify a need to focus on transformation, self-love, and the beauty within. It encourages openness to intuition and trust in one’s inner knowing, helping you navigate periods of change with grace.
- Swans also remind us of the importance of gentleness and patience as we grow, teaching us that true strength can be found in graceful acceptance and understanding of our deepest selves.
The swan, as a spirit guide, encourages a journey of graceful transformation, deep emotional connection, and peaceful self-discovery, helping individuals find balance, love, and harmony in their lives.

Here one has an influential decision or choice to make relating to matters of the Heart. Hopefully this results in a loving light making the communion of hearts possible. Either way, right now you are in need of harmony and connection in your life. It will arrive, but not without loving your presence on the earth.

THE LOVERS card also relates to the Hermetic Marriage, or "Chemical Wedding", as written in the 17th century in a text called: The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenceutz which is one of the key documents of Hermetic-Qabalist. I've found this alchemical text very readable, much like a fairy tale, and yet one of the most profound pieces of esoteric or Gnostic symbolism ever written.

The fact that the word Sword or Armor (Zain) is the word meaning of this life path and that blood is spilled on this path, are all reconciled and/ or reinforced in this text. This understanding requires some meditation on the Alchemical text.

However, true love is the annihilation of the individuals involved. For they become a composite self rather than an individual self. For instance, and simply put, let's say a red crayon-persona becomes the lover of a blue crayon-persona, each in union, annihilates the other, as they now become purple. In the act of physical sex, blood is spilled as well, either in the first penetration, or the Semen of the Male, which is made from his blood. Love requires sacrifice and here that sacrifice is seen. For a Woman in a true marriage of spiritual lovers, gives up her ego to the man, and vise-verse.

The -Lovers card, is full of Angelic blessings, wishes, hopes, and beauty (6th Sephirot-Beauty and/or the Solar Self). Seen here, the Lovers create a special place, a paradise of mutual respect and adoration. All pretense and/or protective walls are removed, as shown on the RWS card leaving both naked and perfectly themselves. When 2 become 1, eyes become unclouded and the couple can do things they never thought possible and make each other stronger through active trust.

Thoth Tarot-ATU 6-The Lovers
In Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tarot, (Thoth) the Lovers represent the marriage of the inner-Anima (Female-) and Inner-Animus (Male), and/or the reunion of the divine couple (Chokma-Wisdom and Binah-Understanding) that makes the stars sing, with unlimited possibilities and potentials.

Meditations with The Lovers Tarot Card may create some difficulty because they may involve the direction of the awake self-consciousness towards the possibility of resolution with the unconsciousness, a condition of perception that has variously been called the "Atman", "the Higher Self", "Buddha or Christ within". Regardless of the way in which we address this figure, it is important to look beyond gender into the heart/soul.

This is an active path, for the self-control and will be attributed to Mercury, which directs the movement and integration of opposites and is not passive; in fact, it is the fiery force or the Serpent Force known as the Kundalini which is celestial masculine fiery force, united with the celestial Feminine Watery force (flowing in waves as "serpentine:) both in equal measure and full of fiery dynamic, and inspirational qualities.

The Lovers card in Tarot, with its astrological correspondence to Gemini, draws on many of the characteristics of this versatile and intellectual air sign. Governed by the planet Mercury, Gemini embodies themes of communication, duality, choice, and the blending of opposites, all of which illuminate the deeper meanings of The Lovers card. Here’s a breakdown of the core characteristics of Gemini and how they relate to The Lovers card:
1. Duality and Balance
- Gemini Traits: Represented by the Twins, Gemini is known for its dual nature, which is both multifaceted and complex. Geminis have an innate ability to view situations from multiple perspectives, embodying flexibility and adaptability.
- Connection to The Lovers: The Lovers card reflects the harmony and integration of opposites, mirroring Gemini’s balancing act between dualities. In readings, this often relates to decisions, self-integration, or relationships, where balancing contrasting desires or perspectives is key.
2. Communication and Connection
- Gemini Traits: As a Mercury-ruled sign, Gemini is highly communicative, curious, and sociable. They thrive on exchanging ideas, building connections, and exploring new concepts. Geminis are skilled conversationalists, making them quick-witted, mentally agile, and adaptable to social situations.
- Connection to The Lovers: The Lovers card often signifies communication and deep connections with others. This can point to the importance of open dialogue, understanding, and emotional connection within partnerships. Just as Gemini values conversation and mutual exploration, The Lovers card encourages authenticity and communication in relationships.
3. Curiosity and Intellectual Pursuit
- Gemini Traits: Known as the intellectual of the zodiac, Gemini is curious and constantly in search of new knowledge. Geminis enjoy exploring different interests, perspectives, and experiences, valuing mental stimulation and a broad range of experiences.
- Connection to The Lovers: The Lovers card, at its core, is about choice and discernment, which often involves mental clarity and insight. Gemini’s curiosity aligns with the inner exploration represented in The Lovers, encouraging self-discovery, understanding of motivations, and examination of one’s values and desires before making significant decisions.
4. Versatility and Adaptability
- Gemini Traits: With their flexible nature, Geminis are known for adapting quickly to change, thriving on variety, and being open to new possibilities. They can flow easily between different roles, tasks, and perspectives.
- Connection to The Lovers: The Lovers often represents a choice or a fork in the road, requiring openness to different paths and adaptability to change. Like Gemini’s adaptability, The Lovers card suggests that staying flexible and open-minded is essential when making decisions or navigating complex relationships.
5. Playfulness and Lightheartedness
- Gemini Traits: Geminis are often playful and bring a sense of joy and lightheartedness to life, making them charming and magnetic. This playful side allows them to approach relationships with a sense of fun and spontaneity.
- Connection to The Lovers: The Lovers card can evoke themes of romance and lighthearted connection, echoing Gemini’s love of joy and companionship. This playfulness can remind us to approach relationships with openness and curiosity, embracing the joy of shared experiences.
6. Indecisiveness and Complexity
- Gemini Traits: With their dual nature, Geminis can sometimes struggle with indecisiveness, being pulled between two (or more) choices. This complexity can make it hard for them to commit to a single path, as they often see merits in each option.
- Connection to The Lovers: The Lovers often implies a choice or decision point, highlighting the importance of commitment and discernment. The indecisiveness associated with Gemini is mirrored in The Lovers card’s exploration of values, intentions, and alignment, urging us to make choices with integrity and clarity.
7. Self-Reflection and Personal Values
- Gemini Traits: Geminis are reflective and often explore who they are through interactions with others, learning about themselves through relationships, friendships, and shared experiences. They constantly evaluate and re-evaluate their beliefs and personal values.
- Connection to The Lovers: The Lovers invites us to examine our values, especially in the context of relationships and life choices. This introspection is a hallmark of Gemini, as they seek to understand themselves on a deeper level through relationships and intellectual exploration.
Gemini, as the astrological archetype for The Lovers, brings layers of intellectual curiosity, duality, and the need for open communication. Just as Gemini symbolizes both connection and introspection, The Lovers card reminds us of the power of choice, authenticity, and integration of opposites—whether within ourselves or in relationships. Through Gemini’s lens, The Lovers card teaches us to embrace life’s complexities, explore our values, and communicate openly, both in love and in self-discovery.

The lovers also represent a red-hot marriage, complete with Honeymoon and resulting "little death". There is a type of death here, as the process of crossing the Abyss between sexes means even the death of one's own identity of self. It's a willful and total personality self-destruction and immersion into the Divine. Thus, the Path of Zain, (the Hebrew letter for this card)- The Sword, is apropos. This type of self-annihilation is well described with a quote from the Gnostic Text, The Gospel of Didymos Judas Thomas where it is written that Jesus (Yeshua) answered his disciple's question of "when shall we enter the Kingdom of Heaven", with:
(22) "When you make the Two One, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then you will enter the kingdom."

Yeshua obviously knew of the principles attributed to THE LOVERS/LOVER card, but then he was a Nazarene Gnostic Master which is a Qabalist and was against organized religion; the Word Christos is Greek and refers to the Sun and since there never was a "j "in the alphabet until the 13th century, Zeus was the name used! . Hence, Zeus Christos which means "The Sun/Son of Zeus". Also, "The Kingdom" is the "Garden of Eden" in the esoteric sense of the Supernal Triangle (Super consciousness). 0=2 - "a fall from paradise" until 2=1 which is a return to paradise.

Therefore, we know this all to be symbolic, and the male is not superior to the female in anyway. They represent simultaneous " reproductive aspects of intelligent energy". The symbolism of male is energy in a state of electric activity, outgoing (ejaculated) the catalyst of the creative principle. The female is considered the magnetic-creative principle of energy, enclosing, and acting on the male principle to produce a third principle that is "manifestation" and/or Law of Attraction produces the Law of Manifestation.

Also to be noted on the Animal Totem Tarot-Key 6-the Lovers, are twin apple trees in the background; one flowering and one in fruit.
In the language of plants, the apple tree holds rich symbolism in both its flowering and fruiting stages, embodying themes of love, knowledge, temptation, and abundance across many cultures and traditions. Here’s what the apple tree represents in its various stages:
Apple Tree in Flower: New Beginnings, Love, and Potential
- Love and Romance: Apple blossoms are often associated with love, romance, and attraction. In ancient Celtic and Norse traditions, apple blossoms symbolized the start of courtships and blossoming romantic connections, evoking the purity and beauty of new love.
- New Beginnings and Potential: In its flowering stage, the apple tree symbolizes fresh beginnings and untapped potential. The blossoms indicate the promise of future abundance and fulfillment, reflecting the excitement and possibilities of things to come.
- Purity and Innocence: The delicate apple blossoms also embody innocence and purity, symbolizing an untouched phase of life, whether it be a new relationship, project, or chapter.
- Youthfulness and Beauty: Apple flowers are ephemeral, and this fleeting beauty is associated with youthful energy, vitality, and beauty.
Apple Tree with Ripened Fruit: Knowledge, Abundance, and Fulfillment
- Knowledge and Enlightenment: Apples have been symbolic of knowledge since ancient times, most famously in the story of Adam and Eve, where the fruit represented forbidden knowledge. Similarly, in Greek mythology, the golden apples were associated with wisdom and understanding. When the apple tree is in fruit, it represents the realization and harvest of gained wisdom, experience, and insight.
- Abundance and Prosperity: A fruiting apple tree is a powerful symbol of abundance, wealth, and prosperity. In many cultures, apples are seen as symbols of a good harvest and are associated with well-being and financial success. This abundance is not only physical but also symbolic of emotional and spiritual richness.
- Temptation and Desire: Due to its association with the story of the Garden of Eden, the ripened apple can also signify temptation and desire. It represents a pull toward indulgence, curiosity, or the exploration of personal passions that might involve risk or consequence.
- Fulfillment and Harvest: In its fruiting stage, the apple tree is seen as the embodiment of fulfillment, achievement, and the harvest of one’s efforts. It symbolizes a time of completion, where one can enjoy the fruits of their labor, reflecting the rewards of hard work and dedication.
Summary of Symbolism:
The apple tree in flower and in fruit expresses a full cycle of growth, from the purity and potential of youth to the wisdom and fulfillment of maturity. The blooming apple tree celebrates new beginnings, love, and beauty, while the fruiting apple tree stands for the richness of experience, knowledge, and abundance. Together, these stages capture the essence of life’s journeys and the rewards that come with embracing each phase fully.

There are many approaches to the inner self: emotional, intellectual and devotion and/or all the above. Optionally, The Lovers can be seen as an abstract symbol of inner Animus and Anima reunion. or as the kind of romance that comes from a past life connection. But in any event, the Lovers/The Whole Self must be addressed at the individual level before it is possible to approach the more universal qualities of the Magician/Primal Will of I Am.
When THE LOVERS is thrown during a reading:
- The Lovers represent all kinds of Love.
- It is stating a principle of Art and Craft of Relationship.
- What is also suggested is the magical image of the power of surrender in which one form is given up attaining another form.
- Being involved in a process of cooperation. ---combining energies for a common goal.
- Yin Yang attraction of polarities, or universal forces for one another.
- The power of sexual surrender to the Goddess within.
- This card can also mean a love affair with some sort of trial or choice involved... be it marriage or profane love.
- Embrace your desires and trust your heart.
- True Love.
- Feeling lucky in love, a little crazy in love.
- There is the Tantric Philosophy here also, only through physical union with a female can either a man or a god, achieve true reality and the power to deal with it; A Spiritual/ sexual union, is required for shamans, priests, and holy men with the female is required before they gain full possession of their powers. This is also a process for Priestesses, who must be able to invoke the "Divine Phallus" through the Male forces before they can gain their Powers inherited from the Divine Hermetic Marriage.
when reversed and/or surrounded with negative cards, it implies:
- Childishness.
- Frivolity.
- Thoughtfulness divorced from practical consideration.
- Indecision.
- Self-contradiction.
- Sexual hangups.
- Self-consciousness and subconsciousness as antagonists.
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