
Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-King of Pentacles
The Rider-Waite-Smith King of Pentacles is most effective in illustrating the fecund growth of this Earthly Fire. Surrounding his throne- bound King, dressed in robes of greenery, is a dense growth of green plants. On his head he wears the royal crown, decorated with the five petaled rose of the Western Goddess and surrounded in a wreath of fertility. The heads of the bulls on the throne are a medieval symbol of fertility and the Lion heads show his link with the Sun. Waite's King holds the scepter of the Sun in one hand and a Pentacle, the symbol for earth and also mankind, on his lap with the other, acknowledging the union of male and female forces (Sun and Moon) in this one King. Dressed in a robe of harvest, the purple grapes also support the fact that this king is fertile and of good harvest; he sows well and therefore, reaps well. Hinting at his active battle status, underneath his robes, he shows an armored leg. However, here he is in repose and not in battle, as no sword is shown.

B.O.T.A. Tarot- King of Pentacles

The B.O.T.A. King of Pentacles, also shows grapes, bull, scepter and pentacle, although he is dressed in violet colors of the sky. Faithful followers of my blog, know by now that Chokmah, the 2nd Sephiroth and ruling intelligence of the Kings and Thoth Knights is both Wisdom and the Will to Force. He is the idea of male polarity and is the dynamic motion that is projected as the kings or in the European myth of the fertile forest god, as the Green Man.

Because of Patriarchal rule of our cultures it is proper to think that Male came first and that Female came latter. This argument is also because of our short-sighted animal physical perspective on sexuality, where big strong stud is better than soft small female. The startling fact to some, is that if you come up with the idea of Male, then you come up with the idea of female at the same moment.There is no male concept without the concept of female and vise verse. So the argument of whom came first, is null and void when talking about the Supernal Triangle. Chokmah is the second Sephira and thus is also the force behind the four Deuces. The Personification of that force is represented in the four Kings of traditional Tarot. In other words, Chokmah's will to force, is at its most concentrated and dense elemental form on Earth when represented as an archetypal personality as the King of Pentacles.
The Will to Force (Chokmah) and the Will to Form (Binah) united produce the Will - To - Be, i.e. The Divine Creative,which is the way of saying the mating of I and Am produces the idea of Being , which when "made manifest" is a "me" and/or a personality. Our concept of sexuality is in need of adjustment before we can understand the One Energy that made itself Two and/or 0=2.

Tarot Card Personality Birth Wheel
As a Archetypal personality, the Knight/King of Disks, is usually born as a dark hair man with dark eyes. Unless very well dignified, he is heavy, dull and material. He would be very laborious, clever, and patient in material matters; "A man of the sod".
- A concern for the body and good health.
- A doctor or herbalist concerned with health.
- The querent is showing the spirit of fertilization, as joyous practicality, steadfastness, reliability and is an epitome of material success.
- Generous, courageous but is not prone to seeking adventure.
- Ordinary activity, in social position, accomplishments, experiencing a physical success that is relaxed and enjoyed.
- A mature reliable, dependable, and wise male upon whom others may depend on and with whom they lay their burdens.
- A dark male, who is both courageous and lethargic in tendencies. However driven in matters of material success
- A Doctor of physical medicine.
- Valour.
- Realizing intelligence.
- A good financial provider who understands and likes work knowing it leads to financial security. The querent may be such a person or involved with such a person in their life. The surrounding cards or position in the reading would support this understanding.
If reversed, it implies:
- Conservative.
- Materialistic.
- Dogmatic.
- Weakness.
- Pettiness.
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