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The Tarot of Eli 2: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Knight of Pentacles & Jungian Tarot-Prince of Pentacles

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons

October 18, 2022

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Knight of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith- Knight of Pentacles, focuses on this mundane meaning of enduring, stalwart and imperturbable character. This medieval knight is stationary, holding a Pentacle in his right hand and firmly seated on his sturdy statue like mount. In the background is a cultivated field implying his contribution to agriculture as a fecund force of growth (bringing forth the vegetation) which suggests the Green Man, as does the green foliage on both his helm and the charger's bridle. The whole card is bathed in sun light which suggests summer fertility.

JungianTarot-Prince of Pentacles

The Prince of Pentacles, is shown as being more attentive than the Rider-Waite-Smith Knight, this is because Robert Wang knows the knights/Princes are ruled by the 6th Sephiroth Tiphareth, which is The Central Sun of our conscious energy expression into incarnation. Tiphareth is called -Beauty, which is a collective harmony and is as high as our Personal Conscious can go up the Qabalistic Tree of Life. In Tiphareth, one sacrifices his personality - that which he believed themselves to be, to the Higher Self-the original Divine Golden Child of the Queen and King. Hence, he is called a Prince in the Qabalistic Thoth Tarot, of which Robert Wang is well connected. Tiphareth is the root intelligence of all the Princes/Knights of Tarot and is the Light of the Soul, on which the life of the Psyche depends.

This state of Consciousness is known in the Mysteries of Ancient Wisdom, as the Christ, or Buddha consciousness and it brings the body into a "higher" state of vibratory life force; a force some know as "unconditional Love". When the body channels this State of Energy Conscious that is Tiphareth, the physiology changes into that of a "Masters body". However, only through diligent meditative techniques and ritual divination is this conscious state possible to physically experience.


The Traditional Tarot Knights, are called the Prince of the Chariot of Earth. Prince and Emperor of the Gnomes and they are attributed to the last Decan of Aries and the first two Decan of Taurus.

This Prince is the Air of Earth and/ or Specific Air of Primal Earth. Hence, they are attributed to the ancient mythology of the Green Man of the Forest.

The both the Rider-Waite- Smith and Jungian knight/Prince  of Pentacles, is the Prince of Disks on the Qabalistic Tarot Birth Wheel. Denoting a very earthly personality.

The Jungian Tarot- Prince of Pentacles

The Self-Assured Son.

This Prince is linked to Taurus (the bull of earth), and can be "bull headed". He is certain he is right and does not easily listen to the advice of others. This stubbornness works in his favor in business, as he won't stop until he succeeds, he will even bring himself to compromise to succeed. He is a good stalwart companion, with an outgoing personality that loves to play. He also can be a kind and gentle partner in a relationship, despite his natural detachment and impatience. He is frequently intuitive and has interest in metaphysics and the occult, although he has an inner conflict on what to believe. Besides early religious training, this conflict can appear as a result of a natural pragmatism which makes him most comfortable with cause and effect relationships of science.

Under negative influences he can be arrogant and demanding and tends to alienate those around him. He will then insist that others are at fault, totally ignoring his participation in the problem.

When the of Prince/ Knight of Pentacles is thrown during a reading:

  • A young person who is responsible and serviceable. 
  • Implies issues of physical activity. Such as: bodybuilding, muscle tone, sports, and a steel like resolve to move through issues and remove blocks. 
  • The querent is in a kind of Moving meditation, a focus on the material world, experiencing personal balance and productivity.
  • Becoming or is a builder who works steady towards their goals and being singularly focused on establishing security.
  • The querent or a youth in their life, is both kind and trustworthy and will complete a long and laborious task, "come hell or high water".
  • There is suggested a Mastery here, of change and harvest procured by knowledge and productivity.

If reversed implies:

  • Stubbornness.
  • Phlegmatic nature.
  • Stagnation.

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