The Tarot of Eli 2: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot -Nine of Pentacles & B.O.T.A. Tarot- 9 of Pentacles

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Numerical, Astrological, and Alchemical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Rider and BOTA

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Nine of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith card rarely strays from the mundane divination meaning of any card and the Nine of Pentacles is no exception. Here he depicts the divination meaning of inheritance or material gain. The medieval theme of a Lady of inherited wealth and her falcon, implying royalty. She is out in the lush pentacle blooming landscape symbolize continual growth and success. This continual growth is also symbolized by the roses on her gown. Everything is golden and warm and gain is all around. The female figure, subtly implies that the Goddess Venus is enjoying the fruitfulness of earth.

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The B.OT.A. Tarot- 9 of Pentacles, lacks visual clues to its meaning. The primary meaning is Prudence. Here the Copper and green vertigis colors of Venus are represented surrounding a golden pentacle of material gain. There is also, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, 

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Qabalistically this card is Yesod the Ninth Sephira in Assiah and/or the influence of Yesod in the Material World. Yesod, meaning foundation is governed by the Moon. In the material world this influence is very favorable for amassing things, but with Venus in Virgo, there is a lack of overt feelings accompanying this great efficiency.

This efficient amassing of material things, is shown by the design complexity of the B.O.T.A. pentacle arrangement.

When the 9/Nine of Pentacles is thrown during a reading it implies:

  • Inheritance and/or material gain, sometimes within 9 weeks or 9 months or the querent is experiencing it now for those time periods.
  • A certain amount of Integrity, skill and talent has produced material gain and a sense of accomplishment.
  •  Purely material gain, where talent and skill has come together in either a beginning stage of material gain or a good flowing gain  on into wealth.

If reversed it implies:

  • A lack of discipline in material matters and the failure that comes with it.
  • Avarice.
  • Deception.
  • Empty plans.

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