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The Tarot of Eli 2: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot -Nine of Pentacles & The Fairy Tarot- 9 of Autumn.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Numerical, Astrological, and Alchemical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

April 17, 2024

Radiant Edition: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Nine of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith card rarely strays from the mundane divination meaning of any card and the Nine of Pentacles is no exception. Here Waite depicts the divination meaning of inheritance or material gain. The medieval theme of a Lady of inherited wealth and her falcon, implying royalty. She is out in the lush pentacle blooming Vinyard landscape symbolizing continual growth and success. This continual growth is also symbolized by the roses on her gown. Everything is golden and warm, and gain is all around. The female figure subtly implies that the Goddess Venus is enjoying the fruitfulness of earth.

The Fairy Tarot- 9 of Autumn

The Fairy Tarot-9 of Autumn illustrates a very successful fairy enjoys a relaxing moment amongst an abundant harvest of grapes and vegetables, while playing her harp. However, the meaning of this card is much the same as the RWS- 9 of Pentacles card. Here, the lady fairy has gained an exceptionally large sense of confidence, well-being, and security. She has gained on all levels that are physical.

  • Wellbeing.
  • Material security.
  • Superiority.
  • Serenity. 

Traditionally there is applied the Astrological meanings of Venus in Virgo, as the need to love critically, and partially, to manipulate money carefully, with attention to detail, often critically.

Individuals with Venus in the house of Virgo may exhibit certain characteristics influenced by the combination of Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and Virgo, an earth sign known for practicality and attention to detail. Here are some key traits associated with this placement:

  1. Analytical Approach to Love: Venus in Virgo individuals approach love and relationships with a meticulous and analytical mindset. They may analyze their feelings and evaluate the practical aspects of a relationship before fully committing.

  2. Practical Expressions of Affection: Practical gestures and expressions of love resonate with individuals with this placement. They may show love through acts of service, such as helping with daily chores or providing practical support.

  3. Attention to Detail in Aesthetics: Venus in Virgo individuals appreciate beauty in a detailed and refined manner. They may have a keen eye for aesthetics, noticing subtle details that others might overlook. This could manifest in their fashion sense, home décor, or artistic preferences.

  4. Reserved and Modest Love Style: These individuals may not be overly demonstrative in their affections and can be somewhat reserved in expressing love. Modesty and a sense of humility may characterize their approach to romantic relationships.

  5. Desire for Order and Organization: Venus in Virgo individuals may seek order and organization in their relationships. They might feel more comfortable when there is a clear structure and routine, and they may appreciate partners who share these values.

  6. Health and Well-being Considerations: Virgo is associated with health, and individuals with Venus in this sign may be mindful of the health aspects of their relationships. They might prioritize maintaining a healthy lifestyle and encourage their partners to do the same.

It's essential to consider the entire birth chart for a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's astrological profile, as other planetary placements and aspects can further influence their personality and approach to relationships.

Qabalistically the 9 of Autumn and 9 of Pentacles card is Yesod the Ninth Sephira in Assiah and/or the influence of Yesod in the Material World. Yesod, meaning foundation- is governed by the Moon. In the material world this influence is very favorable for amassing things, but with Venus in Virgo, there is a lack of overt feelings accompanying this great efficiency. The Goddess of Love in the house of the Virgin, can cause some consternation. Therefore, you may just have to force yourself to celebrate.

When the Thoth 9 Pentacles/9 of Autumn is thrown during a reading it implies:

  • Inheritance and/or material gain, sometimes within 9 weeks or 9 months or the querent is experiencing it now for those time periods.
  • A certain amount of Integrity, skill and talent has produced material gain and a sense of accomplishment.
  •  Material gain, where talent and skill have come together in either a beginning stage of material gain or a good flowing gain into wealth.
  • Diligence and discipline have gained one a fruitful lifestyle.

If the 9 of Pentacles/9 of Earth, are ill defined by surrounding negative cards, it implies:

  • A lack of discipline in material matters and the failure that comes with it.
  • Avarice.
  • Deception.
  • Empty plans.

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