Above all things, know thyself.

Radiant Edition: Rider-Waite-Smith-Page of Cups
The Page of Cups on the Rider-Waite-Smith and the Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms both represent mastery of emotional objectivity achieved by working through manipulation, jealousy, possessiveness, and seduction. The Traditional effeminate Knave card of Tarot became the Page and then later in the more Western Hermetic occult Tarot, the Princess of an element suit. This is because of the knowledge of the Hermetic Qabalah of YHVH. You may investigate this further in Robert Wang's: The Qabalistic Tarot or the Thoth Tarot, by Aleister Crowley.

The Animal Totem Tarot- Page of Cups.
The Animal Totem Tarot -Page of Cups is the equivalent of the Pages of Traditional Tarot. However, there is more emphasis on youthfulness, sensitivity, creative energy, and playful curiosity. Here one is feeling that something wonderful and mysterious is beginning in creation. like seeing the beached cup through a wave. This innocent playfulness could be something new, or something old that is being revised a recognition that feels like something new. Opening up to the world around you as a place of wonder is making this a practice of self-care playfulness that turns into self-love.
In Western Hermetic Qabalistic Magick and Tarot, there is the doctrine of Tetragrammaton (YHVH) where He' --the final earthly component, and the daughter (Princess), is set upon the Throne of the mother, to awaken the Eld of the All-Father. In the words of Zoroaster, Tetragrammaton is a “rebounding, whirling forth, crying aloud". Therefore, The YHVH is not a dead symbol, but a whirling Sphere of Divine Action. However, this piece of arcana was not revealed in traditional tarot and is certainly not shown in the more traditional Tarot of the RWS or shown in the Animal Totem Tarot.

The Qabalistic word Tetragrammaton (יהוה, YHVH), the four-letter name of God, is one of the most central and profound symbols in Western Hermetic Qabalah. It represents the Divine as a unified, all-encompassing principle and serves as a key to understanding the nature of creation, the self, and the spiritual path. Its layers of meaning unfold through its connections to the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, the four elements, the four worlds, and the process of spiritual realization.
The Four Letters and Their Symbolism
Yod (י):
- Elemental Association: Fire (Wands)
- Sephirotic Correspondence: Chokmah (Wisdom)
- Meaning: Yod is the seed, the primal point of energy or creative force. It represents the beginning of manifestation and the Divine Will that initiates creation. For the aspirant, Yod signifies the spark of inspiration and the realization of their divine origin. Yod, is represented by the King or Thoth Knights in each suit.
Heh (ה):
- Elemental Association: Water (Cups)
- Sephirotic Correspondence: Binah (Understanding)
- Meaning: Heh represents the receptive, formative aspect of creation. It is the vessel or matrix where the seed of Yod begins to take shape. In the aspirant's journey, it symbolizes the cultivation of inner understanding and the ability to nurture the seed of spiritual insight. The first Heh represents the Queens of each suit.
Vav (ו):
- Elemental Association: Air (Swords)
- Sephirotic Correspondence: Tiphareth (Beauty)
- Meaning: Vav is the connecting force, the mediator between the higher and lower aspects of the Tree of Life. It signifies the process of uniting opposites—spirit and matter, divine and human. For the aspirant, Vav represents the path of integration, where one seeks harmony and balance through the application of spiritual wisdom in daily life. Vau/Vav represents the Prince of each suit.
Final Heh (ה):
- Elemental Association: Earth (Pentacles/Disks)
- Sephirotic Correspondence: Malkuth (Kingdom)
- Meaning: The final Heh represents the physical manifestation of the Divine Will, the completion of creation. It is the material world as the reflection of the divine blueprint. For the seeker, it emphasizes grounding spiritual realization into practical life and seeing the divine presence in all aspects of existence. It relates to the Princess of each suit, who is the youngest member of the Court Cards.
The Four Worlds
The Tetragrammaton also corresponds to the Four Worlds of Qabalah:
- Atziluth (Emanation): Yod – The archetypal, unmanifest realm of Divine Will.
- Briah (Creation): Heh – The world of Divine understanding and creative blueprint.
- Yetzirah (Formation): Vav – The astral and formative realm where patterns take shape.
- Assiah (Action): Final Heh – The material world of physical manifestation.
Through this model, the aspirant learns that creation flows from the highest spiritual planes into the material world. This flow mirrors their personal evolution, as they refine their consciousness and align themselves with the divine plan.
Tetragrammaton and the Aspirant's Path
For the Western Hermetic seeker, the Tetragrammaton is not merely a name but a map of spiritual ascent and integration:
- Unity with the Divine Will (Yod): Recognizing the divine spark within and aligning one's will with the greater cosmic order.
- Cultivation of Inner Understanding (Heh): Developing receptivity, intuition, and the ability to hold and shape spiritual insight.
- Integration of Opposites (Vav): Bridging the gap between spiritual ideals and material realities, living as a conduit for divine energy.
- Manifestation of Divine Purpose (Final Heh): Embodying one's spiritual insights through action, bringing the divine presence into the physical world.
The Name as a Tool for High Magick
In High Magick, YHVH is often invoked as a symbol of power, balance, and divine authority. It is used in rituals, meditations, and visualizations to align the aspirant with the universal forces it represents. For example:
- The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram invokes the four letters to balance the elements and cleanse the space.
- Meditation on the letters helps to unlock their deeper meanings and integrate their energies into the practitioner's life.
Practical Reflections for the Aspirant
The Tetragrammaton encourages the seeker to view themselves as a microcosm of the Divine. By contemplating its structure and meditating on its meanings, they come to understand:
- Their spiritual origin (Yod).
- Their inner capacity for growth and understanding (Heh).
- Their role as a mediator of divine energy (Vav).
- Their responsibility to manifest their divine purpose (Final Heh).
In this way, the Tetragrammaton becomes a sacred tool for self-realization and a guide to harmonizing with the mysteries of creation.

The Animal Totem Tarot - Page of Cups is truly exciting, for there is no experience this one doesn't want to have. The Page of Cups personality will try art, song, dance, and acting... experiencing life as I AM a joyous express of the Divine Creative.


Shown here, a seal engrossed in a new discovery and the air is full of magic wonder. Being focused on the joy of discovery creates a wonderful feeling of wholeness where Spirit-Mind-Body magick is born.
The shoreline represents a very important part of this card, for it is where Water/Intuition and Earthly sand (logic) interact. Here, intuition applies the necessary knowledge to use "wet sand" as a form building device, Sand Castles!

The seal is a deeply symbolic creature in spiritual and shamanic traditions, often representing balance, intuition, creativity, and adaptability. As a totem animal, power animal, and spirit guide, the seal’s characteristics resonate with themes of emotional depth, transformation, and the ability to navigate different realms—spiritual, emotional, and physical.
Seal as a Totem Animal
A totem animal represents the core traits and energies that resonate with an individual’s personality or life path. The seal as a totem signifies:
Emotional Depth:
- Seals are creatures of the sea, which in many traditions symbolizes the subconscious, emotions, and intuition. Those with the seal as their totem are often deeply empathetic and sensitive to emotional currents in themselves and others.
Playfulness and Joy:
- Seals exhibit a natural playfulness in their movements and interactions. This totem reminds individuals to embrace lightheartedness, creativity, and the importance of enjoying life amidst responsibilities.
- Living both on land and in water, seals embody the ability to transition seamlessly between different realms or aspects of life. People with this totem often find themselves balancing multiple roles or adapting to various environments with ease.
Adaptation and Resilience:
- Seals can thrive in the shifting tides of life. When called upon, they provide guidance on how to adapt to changes, overcome obstacles, and find balance in chaotic situations.

Mystical Connection:
- In folklore, seals are often associated with selkies—mythical creatures that shift between seal and human form. This connection reflects themes of transformation, mystery, and the interplay between the spiritual and physical worlds.
Seal as a Power Animal
A power animal is called upon for guidance, strength, or inspiration during specific challenges or life phases. The seal offers the following as a power animal:
Intuition and Psychic Awareness:
- Seals are highly attuned to their environment, symbolizing heightened intuition. When working with the seal as a power animal, it can help one tap into their psychic senses or inner knowing.
Creative Inspiration:
- Seals are associated with the flow of creative energy. They guide individuals in unlocking their imagination and expressing themselves through art, music, writing, or other creative endeavors.
Emotional Healing:
- The seal's connection to water—the element of emotions—makes it a powerful ally in emotional healing. It encourages diving into the depths of one’s feelings to uncover and release unresolved pain or trauma.
Adaptation and Resilience:
- Seals can thrive in the shifting tides of life. When called upon, they provide guidance on how to adapt to changes, overcome obstacles, and find balance in chaotic situations.
Seal as a Spirit Guide
A spirit guide offers ongoing guidance and wisdom, often appearing in dreams, meditations, or visions to provide spiritual insight. When the seal appears as a spirit guide, its messages may include:
Balance Between Realms:
- The seal, living both in water and on land, teaches the importance of balance between the physical and spiritual realms. It encourages grounding spiritual insights into everyday life while remaining connected to higher consciousness.
Embrace Transformation:
- Seals are symbolic of shapeshifting, reminding individuals to embrace change and flow with life's transformations. This guide helps individuals shed old identities and evolve into new versions of themselves.
Dive into the Subconscious:
- As a spirit guide, the seal urges one to explore the depths of their subconscious, uncover hidden truths, and embrace their inner world. It is an ally for shadow work and dream interpretation.
Trust and Surrender:
- The seal often appears to encourage trust in the flow of life and surrender to the natural cycles. It teaches that sometimes it’s best to let go and allow the currents to guide you.
Connection to Ancestral Wisdom:
- Seals are often connected to myths and folklore, particularly in Celtic traditions. As a spirit guide, they can facilitate a connection to ancestral wisdom and spiritual heritage.
Symbolism Across Traditions
Celtic Mythology:
Seals are closely tied to the selkie myth, representing transformation, the tension between freedom and responsibility, and the longing for one’s spiritual home.Native American Traditions:
The seal is a symbol of abundance, adaptability, and playfulness. It reminds individuals of the richness of their inner world and the importance of maintaining harmony with nature.Nordic and Arctic Traditions:
Seals are revered by indigenous Arctic cultures for their vital role in survival. Spiritually, they represent sustenance, interconnectedness, and gratitude for the Earth’s resources.Key Lessons from the Seal
- Be fluid and adaptable: Life’s tides will change; trust your ability to navigate them.
- Dive deeper: Don’t fear exploring your emotions or spiritual depths.
- Balance work and play: Creativity and joy are just as vital as responsibilities.
- Honor transformation: Embrace the cycles of growth and change in your life.
By embodying the seal's characteristics or calling upon its energy, one can access profound insight, healing, and the ability to navigate the ever-changing currents of life.

Here is a ritual invocation designed to call upon the Seal as a guide or power animal. This ritual is crafted to honor the seal’s connection to water, intuition, transformation, and emotional depth.
Ritual Invocation for the Seal
Purpose: To call in the Seal as a spiritual guide or power animal for guidance, emotional healing, creativity, or transformation.
Perform this ritual during a Full Moon or near a body of water (if possible), as both are associated with the seal’s energy. If neither is available, use a bowl of water as a symbolic substitute.Materials:
- A blue or teal candle (symbolizing water and intuition).
- A small bowl of water (if not near a natural source).
- Sea salt or a shell (to honor the seal’s connection to the sea).
- Optional: Essential oils like sandalwood, jasmine, or ocean-inspired scents for anointing.
- Journal or paper for recording any insights.
- A seal figurine or printed image such as the Totem Tarot Page of Cups card (optional but helpful for visualization).
Space Preparation:
- Create a quiet, sacred space. Place the bowl of water and candle in front of you. Arrange any additional items such as shells or a seal image around the space. Light incense or diffuse essential oils to set the mood.
The Ritual
Step 1: Grounding and Centering
- Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
- Take a deep breath, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Repeat until you feel centered.
- Visualize roots growing from the base of your spine or feet into the Earth, anchoring you firmly. Imagine waves gently washing over you, cleansing and calming your energy.
Step 2: Calling the Elements
Light the blue or teal candle. Say:
“I call upon the element of Water, the realm of intuition and emotion. May its currents guide me into deeper understanding and connection.”Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt into the bowl of water. Say:
“I honor the Sea, the vast depths that hold the mysteries of life. I call upon the wisdom of the Seal to join me in this sacred space.”
Step 3: Invocation of the Seal
With your hands over your heart or the bowl of water, recite the following invocation:
“Great Seal of the Sea, keeper of balance between land and water,
You who dive into the depths and return to the surface with wisdom,
I call upon you now as my guide and ally.
Teach me the ways of flow and adaptability,
Show me how to navigate the tides of emotion and intuition,
And guide me in the art of transformation and creativity.
As you bridge the realms of sea and shore,
Help me bridge the realms of spirit and matter,
And awaken the wisdom within my soul.
Come to me now, O Spirit of the Seal,
So that I may learn, grow, and thrive under your guidance.”
Step 4: Visualization
- Close your eyes and visualize the seal appearing before you, either swimming gracefully through water or resting on the shore. Observe its movements, its energy, and any impressions it communicates.
- If the seal approaches you, imagine it offering you a gift—a symbol of its guidance. Take note of what it gives or shows you.
- Spend a few moments in silent connection, allowing any feelings, thoughts, or visions to arise.
Step 5: Offering and Gratitude
Place a shell, a few drops of essential oil, or a pinch of salt into the water as an offering to the spirit of the Seal. Say:
“Great Seal, I honor your presence and wisdom. Thank you for joining me and for the guidance you bring. May your spirit be ever free and honored in all realms.”Blow out the candle, imagining its light transferring into your heart. Keep this light as a symbol of the seal’s ongoing guidance.
Step 6: Closing and Integration
- Ground yourself by imagining roots drawing back into your body. Feel fully present in the physical world.
- Write down any insights, visions, or feelings in your journal to reflect on later.
After the Ritual
- Be attentive to dreams, signs, or synchronicities involving seals or water. The Seal spirit may communicate further guidance through these channels.
- Honor the seal’s energy by embracing playfulness, creativity, and adaptability in your daily life.
This ritual can be repeated whenever you feel the need to reconnect with the Seal’s guidance or energy.

In Qabalistic Tarot of Thoth, the significator of a person is a sun sign in Western Astrology. Since Thoth tarot is part of Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tarot, it shows the traditional Page as a Princess. Hence, the Tarot Birth wheel is used to assign a Court Card personality to a person's birthday. This is a "core personality" that is assigned to a querent when reading a "Celtic Cross" Tarot card divination.
Many of us have assorted qualities of all sixteen personality patterns (Court Cards); However, the core personality is the "beginning" persona that represents the Soul's tendancies, at this manifestation in time. On this wheel, the Princess of Disks represents the Page of Pentacles and the Knave of Earth. This card can also represent a youth in one's life, leaving or entering.

Merlin and Nimue.
The Page Cups can be compared to Nimue, the nemesis and consort of Merlin of the Arthurian legends. A deity of the Druids from whom Merlin was purported to learn magic in his youth (and later became his Nemesis.). This is the Lady of dreams and renewal and is the youthful aspect of the Triple Goddess of Maid-Mother-Crone. Hence, the caveat with this card implies that if not careful, one can get lost in a dream world and lose touch with reality.
To understand the Depth of the Ultimate Womb---is to meditate long and hard on this card, and to read the Goddess Myths with the eye (I) of the soul. In this world, where love is a profit-sharing endeavor, it is hard for most of us to believe that "Love built Me to be Itself"----Love is I AM Now and fears no future. The goddess is Love and the truth is, " Creation is Love of Being" and we are the image of Love made manifest by the Womb/Understanding of the Goddess aspect of the Divine Creative!
We are "Understood" into manifestation!

Aleister Crowley (Thoth Tarot), in his interpretation of the Tarot, associated the Princess of Cups (also known as the Page of Cups in some decks) with the mythological goddess Venus. Crowley’s Tarot deck, the Thoth Tarot, is known for its complex symbolism and correspondences, and his assignment of Venus to the Princess of Cups reflects his integration of classical mythology with his own esoteric system. Venus, as the goddess of love and beauty, complements the emotional and intuitive qualities represented by the Princess of Cups.
When the Page of Cups card is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- A fair young person, one impelled to render service and with whom the Querent will be connected.
- A studious youth.
- News.
- Message.
- Application.
- Reflection.
- Meditation.
- Also, these above things directed to business.
- Pages/Princesses represent young people but also often show opinions, thoughts, ideas, -either in harmony with, or opposed to the subject.
When thrown in reversed:
- Taste.
- Artifice.
- Inclination.
- Attachment.
- Seduction.
- Deception.
- Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.
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