The Tarot of Eli 2: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Page of Cups & The Fairy Tarot-Princess of Summer.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Fairy Tarot and RWS

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Radiant Edition: Rider-Waite-Smith-Page of Cups

The Page of Cups and the Princess of Summer, both represent mastery of emotional objectivity achieved by working through manipulation, jealousy, possessiveness, and seduction. The Traditional Knave card of Tarot became the Page and then later the Princess of an element suit. This is because of the knowledge of the Hermetic Qabalah of YHVH. You may investigate this further in Robert Wang's: The Qabalistic Tarot or the Thoth Tarot, by Aleister Crowley.

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The Fairy Tarot- Princess of Summer.

The Fairy Tarot-Princess of Summer is the equivalent of the Pages of Traditional Tarot. Just like the Thoth Princesses, the Fairy Tarot Princesses are the replacements of the traditional Pages Western Tarot.

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There is the new doctrine of Tetragrammaton (YHVH) where He' --the final earthly component, and the daughter (Princess), is set upon the Throne of the mother, to awaken the Eld of the All-Father. In the words of Zoroaster, Tetragrammaton is a “rebounding, whirling forth, crying aloud". Therefore, The YHVH is not a dead symbol, but a whirling Sphere of Divine Action. However, this piece of arcana was not revealed in traditional tarot and is certainly not shown in the Fairy Tarot.

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The Fairy Tarot Princess of Summer is truly exciting, for there is no experience she doesn't want to have. She'll try art, song, dance, and acting... she wants to experience life as a celebration of "I AM" !

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Shown here, the little girl Fairy of Spring has grown up along with the Holy Hawthorne tree she has been tending since Joseph of Arimathea planted it in Glastonbury. She knows that a playful life is up for grabs!

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The Voluptuous Goddess of Summer-Rocks!

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In Qabalistic Tarot of Thoth, the significator of a person is a sun sign. Since Thoth tarot is part of Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tarot, it shows the traditional Page as a Princess. Hence, the Tarot Birth wheel is used to assign a Court Card personality to a person's birthday. This is a "core personality" that is assigned to a querent when reading a "Celtic Cross" Tarot card divination.

Many of us have assorted qualities of all sixteen personality patterns (Court Cards); However, the core personality is the "beginning" persona that represents the Soul, at this manifestation in time. On this wheel, the Princess of Disks represents the Page of Pentacles and the Knave of Earth. This card can also represent a youth in one's life, leaving or entering.

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Merlin and Nimue.

The Page Pentacles and Princess of Summer can be compared to Nimue, the nemesis and consort of Merlin of the Arthurian legends. A deity of the Druids from whom Merlin was purported to learn magic and/or the Greek Goddess Demeter in her youth. This is the Lady of Rebirth and Renewal and to understand the Depth of the Ultimate Womb---is to meditate long and hard on this card, and to read the Goddess Myths with the eye (I) of the soul. In this world, where love is a profit-sharing endeavor, it is hard for most of us to believe that "Love built Me to be Itself"----Love is I AM Now and fears no future. The goddess is Love and the truth is, " Creation is Love" and we are the image of Love made manifest by the Womb/Understanding of the Goddess aspect of the Divine Creative!

We are "Understood" into manifestation!

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When the Page of Cups or Princess of Summer card is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • A fair young person, one impelled to render service and with whom the Querent will be connected.
  • A studious youth.
  • News.
  • Message.
  • Application.
  • Reflection.
  • Meditation.
  • Also these above things directed to business.
  • Pages/Princesses represent young people but also often show opinions, thoughts, ideas, -either in harmony with, or opposed to the subject.

When thrown in reversed:

  • Taste.
  • Artifice.
  • Inclination.
  • Attachment.
  • Seduction.
  • Deception. 
  • Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.

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