
Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith-Queen of Cups
Astrologically, the Queen of Cups is in the last Decan of Gemini and the First two Decans of Cancer.
Both the Rider-Waite-Smith and Animal Totem Queen of Cups cards concentrate on this aspect of tranquility. On Waite's card She is seated on a throne, on the shore of a tranquil sea, with ornate moon chalice in hand. She uses this moon chalice, to see her visions.

Again, Waite and Smith, in their very ornate card, show only the mundane and/or exoteric meanings of this card. Medieval art rather than the Avant-garde art of Lady Frieda Harris's Qabalistic Thoth Deck, or the Animal art of the Animal Totem Tarot. Lady Frieda Harris and Alister Crowley went into the deeper arcane meanings of Qabalistic Tarot (see these comparisons on the nontraditional tarot blogs of elitarotstrickingy.com).
However, every depiction in the Rider-Waite-Smith-Queen of Cups card says water, her clothing, the sea and shoreline and the Moon Chalice and the merchildren, one with a fish are images that decorate her throne.

Queen of Cups
This beautiful Queen often stares into a Moon Pool, exploring her deepest emotional depths. She isn't a "drama queen" who is immersed in an emotional swamp to her Emotions are her tools of creation and she is the Creatrix who weaves emotions as all things living. When looking into her "Moon pool" all beauty is revealed to you.
The Queen of Cups represents an intuitive, sensual, and empathetic person who is emotionally mature and compassionate. By connecting to others on an emotional level she is a natural healer. This person ca be the querent or someone in their life.

The Animal Tarot - Queen of Cups
The Animal Tarot Tarot-Queen of Cups displays a beautiful Lady Moose diving deep into a lake to eat the wonderful, lush lake grasses. A golden chalice is shown to emphasize the Suit of Cups.
What many don't know is that Moose are very comfortable in lake diving to get at the lush, tasty grasses and greenery grown on lake bottoms. They are great swimmers and can stay down for surprisingly long periods, munching away on their lake salad. I personally watched this lake diving activity while vacationing in Alaska.

The Moose is a powerful and unique animal often associated with strength, independence, and deep connection to intuition. Below are the characteristics attributed to the Moose when viewed as a power animal, totem animal, and spirit guide:
Moose as a Power Animal
When the Moose appears as your power animal, it offers lessons in:
- Self-Esteem and Confidence: The Moose symbolizes self-reliance and confidence in one’s abilities. It encourages you to trust your instincts and embrace your uniqueness.
- Strength and Endurance: Known for its impressive size and stamina, the Moose teaches you to navigate challenges with resilience and maintain balance between power and humility.
- Connection to the Feminine and Intuition: Moose energy often aligns with deep emotional awareness and connection to the subconscious, urging you to honor your inner voice.
- Solitude and Independence: Moose are solitary creatures, symbolizing the importance of finding strength in solitude and being comfortable with self-reflection and independence.
Moose as a Totem Animal
As a totem animal, the Moose is a guide for those who embody or aspire to:
- Inner Strength: Moose people often exude a quiet confidence and are not easily swayed by external influences.
- Adaptability: The Moose thrives in diverse environments, symbolizing the ability to adapt and flourish under changing circumstances.
- Heightened Awareness: With its acute senses, the Moose as a totem represents being highly attuned to your surroundings and perceptive of subtle energies.
- Determination: Moose individuals are known for their determination and ability to tackle obstacles head-on with grace and persistence.
Moose as a Spirit Guide
When the Moose appears as a spirit guide, it may convey messages of:
- Trusting Your Instincts: The Moose urges you to listen to your intuition and inner wisdom when faced with decisions or challenges.
- Embracing Your Uniqueness: Moose energy encourages you to stand tall in your individuality and to recognize your value and contributions.
- Balance Between Power and Gentleness: The Moose teaches you to balance assertiveness with compassion, using your strength in ways that serve rather than dominate.
- Exploration and Discovery: A Moose spirit guide invites you to explore new paths, whether physically or emotionally, and to be open to self-discovery.
Symbolism in Various Traditions
- Native American Traditions: The Moose is often seen as a symbol of endurance, survival, and primal wisdom. Its antlers, which resemble a crown, connect it to spiritual realms and higher knowledge.
- Celtic Symbolism: While not as common in Celtic lore, the Moose may align with themes of sovereignty, grace, and connection to the natural world.
- Shamanic Practices: The Moose is seen as a spiritual messenger, bridging the gap between the material and the ethereal, and as a guide to understanding deep emotional truths.
The Moose embodies a profound connection to the natural world, a harmonious blend of strength and grace, and an invitation to trust your inner wisdom as you navigate life's challenges.

The moose is a perfect example of the Queen of Cups who is totally comfortable diving into her emotional depths, unafraid of the currents as she rides them to get back at her natural flow of being. Under this Queens guidance one learns to be an accomplished emotional depth diver, knowing that emotions are energy-in-motion, and must be analyzed and focused into proper creative flow. Loving the Life you are is a natural flow of peace and love.
The Astrological depth of this card is shown as the last 2 decans of Gemini, and the first 2 decans of Cancer are assigned to the Queen of Cups card.

Let’s delve into the astrological decans of Gemini and Cancer:
Last Decan of Gemini (June 12 – June 20):
- Influence: This decan is influenced by another air sign, adding complexity to the Gemini personality1.
- Traits: Individuals born in this period are known for their intellect, wit, and strong communication skills. They are quick thinkers and express themselves with ease2.
- Characteristics: They appreciate power, study it in others, and may use it to further their own aspirations. They are less susceptible to the opinions of those around them and are persuasive1.
First Decan of Cancer (June 22 – July 1):
- Ruler: The Moon governs this decan, enhancing emotional sensitivity and intuition3.
- Traits: These individuals are emotional, sensitive, intuitive, and nurturing. They are good at making decisions and tend to avoid conflict4.
- Characteristics: They have a rich imagination, are very sensitive, and sometimes escape from reality. They are good at rhetoric and possess artistic talents5.
Second Decan of Cancer (July 2 – July 11):
- Ruler: Pluto influences this decan, along with traits from Scorpio3.
- Traits: People in this decan are practical, a bit stubborn, deep-thinkers, sentimental, and great caretakers4.
- Characteristics: They support their position with wisdom and experience, are quiet, determined, and approachable, yet can become fierce if their family is threatened5.
Astrology provides a nuanced view of personality, and these decans offer a more detailed perspective within each zodiac sign. Whether you resonate with these traits or not, they can be a fun way to reflect on personal characteristics and tendencies

Qabalistically, these Queens are not Persons, but States of Conscious Intuitive Self- Energy, called "Beings" (Sephiroth) in the philosophy of Qabalah and are parts of the Divine Universal Collective Unconscious, meaning the Powerful Imagination, the Creatrix, where images are emotionally formed. Using exoteric and esoteric Images are the only way to realize these deep inner layers of Mind and "that before Mind"; Before Mind, is a "vessel" and/or womb, of magnetic energy, there was only Kether whose god name is Eheieh (I Will Be), a "no-thing" whose first invention of Will began thought and/or the "word of god".
"Eheieh" which translated into English means, "I Will Be" began emoting will into energy. You are the being/image that is fulfilling that command. Therefore, the Queens of Tarot, can represent a core personality of a Soul /Solar Psyche. The Psyche is All that is Mind, (Unconscious-subconscious, and waking conscious). It is above, around, below, and inside. As a united whole this is our True Self a Ternary Consciousness who is the Willed Sun (radiant energy) of the Divine.

Binah is the 3rd Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, in the upper part called the Supernal Triangle, she is the essence of Womb, and I often call this state of Mind a "Womb with a View", because She conceives by viewing and understanding idea. The True Mind (not the brain) communicates in image, not words. Therefore, your persona is an image, and not an identity of words created by "word hypnosis" of the Military Industrial Complex media-controlled indoctrination. The lesser ego/Devil, (Gnostic Archon or Native American Wetiko) is built of ruler-controlled words, and false jeopardy-knee jerk emotionally charged images and therefore, a fantasy programed into the subconscious survival thinking brain, forming a shadow/fear identity built to hide your true soul created personality.

The use of words as identity is a product of the Shadow subconscious identity manipulation and is called "antilife"(evil).
You are not made of words but of The Greater Understanding of the Oneself as Itself.

You are made of Spirit's Will to Force and Will to Form. Hence, your presence is to "Above all things, know thyself", which requires you to tear down the Tower of Babel that are words, and see yourself through the eyes of the Great Creatrix who loved you into being as the Solar Child of the Divine Creative. You are the bright ACTION while the Shadow is REACTION to fear based indoctrination.

The Queens all represent the Water in each suit; therefore, the Queen of Cups represents Water of Primal Earth. Water being the symbol for Intuition, Emotions and Consciousness as well as the blood of Earth. Queens are enthroned in the Element of Consciousness, as Will to Form and Enclose Energy (by realization and understanding) to bring forth the Will to Force of the King. She develops that force into information and/or in-Form-Action. As emotive consciousness does to idea.

Tarot Core Personality Birth Wheel.

When the Queen of Cups is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is showing issues surrounding motherhood.
- Suggesting emotional empowerment, as the querent is able to express feelings honestly, blamelessly and without judgment.
- Implies too much imagination about issues and not enough action taken to solve them.
- Emotional and Intuitive capability that show highly evolved interpersonal interactions and psychic abilities.
- Implies the querent is extremely empathetic and thus must watch out for moodiness and fluctuating feelings that often come from those around her.
- Suggests that one inspires from within and could be a time of Deep inner musings, thoughts focused within where the mind is engulfed in Imagination.
- That a mature woman of deep sexual and fertility powers, where everything in her life is related to nourishment, sexual exchange, passionate giving and receiving maybe involved in the life of the querent or is the querent.
- Motherhood, or new ideas formulating for a creative line of work.
- An ethereal person of the highest ideals imagined.... sometimes unattainable in the physical world of constant change.
- Wisdom and virtue.
- Can denote a perfect spouse and a good mother.
If reversed:
- Distinguished woman who is not to be trusted.
- Vice.
- Perverse woman.
- Dishonor.
- Depravity.
- The Stepmother of fairy tales.

Ritual for Calling on the Queen of Cups’ Intuitive Power
This ritual is designed to help you connect with the archetypal energy of the Queen of Cups, enhancing your intuition, emotional depth, and spiritual insight.
- Timing: Perform the ritual during a waxing or full moon to align with heightened intuitive energies.
- Sacred Space:
- Cleanse the space with sage, palo santo, or incense.
- Create a small altar with symbolic items:
- A Tarot card of the Queen of Cups (if available).
- A silver or blue candle to represent water and intuition.
- A bowl of water (preferably moon-charged) to symbolize emotional clarity.
- Crystals such as moonstone, amethyst, or aquamarine.
- Fresh flowers or shells for aesthetic connection to the Queen’s nurturing energy.
- Attire: Wear flowing, comfortable clothing in shades of blue, silver, or white to invoke her energy.
Ritual Steps
- Sit in a comfortable position near your altar. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize roots growing from your body into the earth, grounding you.
- Feel the calming flow of water energy surrounding you.
- Light the candle and say:
"Queen of Cups, Mistress of Emotion,
Guide of Intuition and Deep Devotion,
I call upon your gentle grace,
To aid me in this sacred space.
Reveal the depths within my heart,
Show me where my journey starts."
- Light the candle and say:
Scrying in the Water:
- Gaze into the bowl of water, or dark mirror can be used. Let your eyes soften and remain open to any images, symbols, or feelings that arise.
- Quiet your mind and allow your intuition to speak. If emotions surface, acknowledge them without judgment.
- Close your eyes and visualize the Queen of Cups. Imagine her sitting by a serene moonlit pool, holding her cup, offering it to you. Feel her presence and listen for any wisdom or messages she imparts.
- Spend at least 5–10 minutes in this visualization.
Affirmation and Energy Alignment:
- Place your hands over your heart and repeat the affirmation:
"I trust the waters of my intuition to guide me.
I embrace the depth of my emotions with compassion.
I align with the wisdom of the Queen of Cups."
- Place your hands over your heart and repeat the affirmation:
Offer Gratitude:
- Thank the Queen of Cups for her guidance and the energies you’ve called upon. Say:
"Gracious Queen of Cups, I honor your power,
Thank you for your guidance in this hour.
May your wisdom flow through me,
As I walk this path in harmony."
- Thank the Queen of Cups for her guidance and the energies you’ve called upon. Say:
Closing the Ritual:
- Extinguish the candle and pour the water from the bowl onto the earth or into a plant as an offering, symbolizing gratitude and the flow of wisdom into your life.
After the Ritual
- Journal any insights, images, or emotions that arose during the ritual.
- Be attentive to intuitive nudges, dreams, or synchronicities in the days following.
By aligning with the Queen of Cups, you can deepen your connection to your inner wisdom and navigate life with emotional grace and intuitive clarity.
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