The Tarot of Eli 2: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Queen of Cups & The Fairy Tarot-Queen of Summer.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Alchemical, Tantric, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Fairy Tarot and RWS

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith-Queen of Cups

Astrologically, the Queen of Cups is in the last Decan of Gemini and the First two Decans of Cancer.

Both the Rider-Waite-Smith and the Manara cards concentrate on this aspect of tranquility. On Waite's card She is seated on a throne, on the shore of a tranquil sea, with ornate moon chalice in hand. She uses this moon chalice, to see her visions.

Again, Waite and Smith, in their very ornate card, show only the mundane meanings of this card. Medieval art rather than the Avant-garde art of Lady Frieda Harris's Qabalistic Thoth Deck, or the fantasy art of Fairy tarot. Lady Frieda Harris and Alister Crowley went into the deeper arcane meanings of Qabalistic Tarot (see these comparisons on the nontraditional tarot blogs of

Every depiction in the Fairy Tarot and Rider-Waite-Smith card says water, her clothing, the sea and shoreline and the Moon Chalice and the merchildren, one with a fish are images that decorate her throne.

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Queen of Cups

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The Fairy Tarot- Queen of Summer.

The Fairy Tarot-Queen of Summer a beautiful and serene fairy queen standing in a lush summer landscape. Here she radiates love and peace and is surrounded by adoring fairies with lanterns. She is extremely intuitive and understands your soul more than you do. She is surrounded with sun flowers which implies she creates happiness, which is why so many fairies are vying for her attention.

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Traditionally, sunflowers are associated with various symbolic meanings across different cultures and contexts. Some common interpretations include:

  1. Adoration and Loyalty: Sunflowers are known for their unique trait of turning their heads to follow the sun throughout the day. This behavior has led to their association with adoration, loyalty, and dedication. In the language of flowers, sunflowers can convey messages of steadfastness and unwavering loyalty.

  2. Happiness and Positivity: With their vibrant yellow petals and large, bright blooms, sunflowers are often seen as symbols of happiness, joy, and positivity. Their cheerful appearance can uplift spirits and evoke feelings of optimism and hopefulness.

  3. Strength and Resilience: Sunflowers are robust plants that can thrive in various environmental conditions, often symbolizing strength, resilience, and endurance. They endure hardships such as drought and still manage to grow tall and strong, making them symbols of resilience in the face of adversity.

  4. Fertility and Vitality: In some cultures, sunflowers are associated with fertility, vitality, and abundance due to their prolific growth and the large number of seeds they produce. They are often seen as symbols of growth, renewal, and the cycle of life.

  5. Spirituality and Enlightenment: Sunflowers have also been linked to spiritual concepts such as enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge. Their ability to track the sun's movement across the sky has led to interpretations of seeking enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Overall, sunflowers hold a rich tapestry of meanings, embodying qualities of loyalty, happiness, strength, fertility, and spirituality, making them a versatile symbol that resonates with many people worldwide.

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This the Queen of Cups card is traditionally assigned the astrological signs of the Sun in the house of Cancer.

Cancer is the astrological sign associated with those born between June 21st and July 22nd. Here are some key characteristics of Cancer individuals:

  1. Emotional Sensitivity: Cancer is a Water sign, which makes its natives highly emotional and sensitive. They tend to feel things deeply and are often in touch with their own emotions.

  2. Nurturing and Protective: Cancer individuals are known for their nurturing and protective nature. They often take care of their loved ones and are fiercely loyal to family and friends.

  3. Intuitive: Cancers have a strong intuition and gut feeling. They can often sense when something is amiss or when someone needs support.

  4. Home and Family-Oriented: Family is of utmost importance to Cancer individuals. They have a strong attachment to their home and enjoy creating a safe and comfortable environment for their loved ones.

  5. Mood Swings: Due to their emotional nature, Cancer individuals can experience mood swings. They may have moments of intense joy and then suddenly become withdrawn or moody.

  6. Imaginative and Creative: Many Cancer individuals have a creative streak. They may enjoy artistic pursuits like writing, painting, or music.

  7. Cautious and Reserved: Cancers can be cautious when it comes to new people and situations. They may take their time to open up and trust others.

  8. Tenacious: Once a Cancer sets their mind on a goal or task, they are incredibly tenacious and will work hard to achieve it.

  9. Empathetic: They have a strong sense of empathy and often put themselves in others' shoes, making them compassionate and understanding.

  10. Loyal and Protective: Cancer individuals are fiercely loyal to their loved ones and will go to great lengths to protect and support them.

These are some of the main characteristics associated with the astrological sign of Cancer. It's important to remember that while astrology can provide insights into personality traits, individual variations can be significant, and not everyone born under the same sign will exhibit all of these traits to the same degree.

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Qabalistically, these Queens are not Persons, but States of Conscious Energy, called "Beings" (Sephiroth) in the philosophy of Qabalah and are parts of the Divine Universal Collective Unconscious, meaning the Powerful Imagination, the Creatrix, where images are formed. Images are the only way to realize these deep inner layers of Mind and "that before Mind"; Before Mind, is a "vessel" and/or womb, of magnetic energy, there was only Kether whose god name is Eheieh, a "no-thing" whose first invention of thought and/or "word of god". "Eheieh" which translated into English means, "I Will Be". You are the being/image that is fulfilling that command. Therefore, the Queens of Tarot, can represent a core personality of a Soul /Solar Psyche. The Psyche is All that is Mind, (Unconscious-subconscious, and waking conscious). It is above, around, below, and inside. As a united whole this is our True Self a Ternary Consciousness who is the Sun (radiant energy) of the Divine.

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Binah is the 3rd Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, in the upper part called the Supernal Triangle, she is the essence of Womb, and I often call this state of Mind a "Womb with a View", because She conceives by viewing and understanding. The True Mind (not the brain) communicates in image, not words. Therefore, your persona is an image, and not an identity of words created by "word hypnosis" of the media. The lesser ego/Devil, (Entropy in physics) is built of words, and therefore, a fantasy of Subconscious survival thinking and/or shadow identity.

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The use of words as identity is a product of the Shadow subconscious identity manipulation and is called "antilife"(evil). You are not made of words but of The Greater Understanding of the Oneself as Itself. You are made of Spirit's Will to Force and Will to Form. Hence, your presence is to "Above all things, know thyself", which requires you to tear down the Tower of Babel that are words, and see yourself through the eyes of the Great Creatrix who loved you into being as the Solar Child of the Divine Creative. You are the bright ACTION while the Shadow is REACTION.

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The Queens all represent the Water in each suit; therefore, the Queen of Cups/Queen of Summer represents Water of Primal Earth. Water being the symbol for Intuition, Emotions and Consciousness and the blood of Earth being manifestation of water. Queens are enthroned in the Element of Consciousness, as Will to Form and Enclose Energy (by realization and understanding) to bring forth the Will to Force of the King. She develops that force into information and/or in-Form-Action. As emotive consciousness does to idea.

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The word idea comes from Greek ἰδέα idea "form, pattern," from the root of ἰδεῖν idein, "to see" -all of which are the functions attributed to the Goddess/Creatrix and/or the Great Ocean of Consciousness, Binah.

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Tarot Core Personality Birth Wheel (Queen of Cups or Queen of Summer).

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When the Queen of Cups or Queen of Summer is thrown during a reading:

  • The querent is showing issues surrounding motherhood.
  • Suggesting emotional empowerment, as the querent is able to express feelings honestly, blamelessly and without judgment.
  • Implies too much imagination about issues and not enough action taken to solve them.
  • Emotional and Intuitive capability that show highly evolved interpersonal interactions and psychic abilities.
  • Implies the querent is extremely empathetic and thus must watch out for moodiness and fluctuating feelings that often come from those around her.
  • Suggests that one inspires from within and could be a time of Deep inner musings, thoughts focused within where the mind is engulfed in Imagination. 
  • That a mature woman of deep sexual and fertility powers, where everything in her life is related to nourishment, sexual exchange, passionate giving and receiving maybe involved in the life of the querent or is the querent.
  • Motherhood, or new ideas formulating for a creative line of work.
  • An ethereal person of the highest ideals imagined.... sometimes unattainable in the physical world of constant change.
  • Wisdom and virtue.
  • Can denote a perfect spouse and a good mother.

If reversed:

  • Distinguished woman who is not to be trusted.
  • Vice.
  • Perverse woman.
  • Dishonor.
  • Depravity. 
  • The Stepmother of fairy tales.
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If reversed, it implies:

  • Embitterment.
  • Hardening.
  • Infertility.
  • Deviousness. 
  • Shadowy side of survival thinking.
  • The fairytale witches. 

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