
Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith-Queen of Pentacles
The Rider-Waite-Smith Queen of Pentacles, mundanely expresses her fertility, with a lush rose arbor above her Throne. The throne showing stone motifs of a goat head, acknowledging the sign of Capricorn and a bulls head implying her fecund nature. With a Sun hat, Veiled in greenery and clothed in the Red of Binah, she passively holds a golden Pentacle in her lap, implying wealth. These are not the only hints at her dynamic power, for the hare at the bottom right represents the Mother Goddess Power of the Greek goddess Hera or the European goddess Eostre (Easter), the German goddess Erda or the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar (pronounced-Easter). This is the persona of Gaea to the modern pagans. Here we have Earth, in all her fertility, and fecund growth. The tulips at her feet represent loving royalty.

The authority of the Tarot Queens originate in Binah, the Third Sephiroth who is the "will to form" and is a force that is imposed on the Pure Fiery Energy of Chokmah. She is known as Understanding, for an idea, once understood, can be molded into manifestation, i.e. formed.
The B.O.T.A. Tarot-Queen of Pentacles is shown on a throne topped with a pineapple, a symbol of the cornucopia of fruitfulness. There are no tulips; instead there are white lilies, implying purity. The rose arbor is there and the cherub embossed on the throne is also there. Rather than holding the pentacle on her lap, as in the Rider-Waite-Smith Queen of Pentacles, she is offering it to the querent.
Qabalistically, these are not Persons, but States of Conscious Energy, called "Beings" (Sephiroth) in the philosophy of Qabalah and are parts of the Divine Universal Collective Unconscious, meaning the deep Imagination, where images are formed. Images are the only way to realize these deep inner layers of Mind and "that" before Mind; Before Mind, which is a "vessel" and/or womb, there was only Kether a "no-thing" whose first invention of thought and/or "word of god", was "Eheieh" which translated into English means, "I Will Be". You are the being that is fulfilling that command. Therefore, the Queens of Tarot, can represent a core personality of a Soul.

Binah is the 3rd Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, in the upper part called the Supernal Triangle, she is the essence of Womb, and I often call this state of Mind a "Womb with a View", because She conceives by viewing and understanding. The True Mind (not the brain) communicates in image, not words. Therefore, your persona is an image, and not words. The lesser ego, is built of words, and therefore, a fantasy of man-made identity. You are not made of words. You are made of Spirit's Will to Force and Will To Form. Hence, to "Above all things, know thyself", requires you to tare down the Tower of Babel that are words, and see yourself through the eyes of the Great Creatrix. She loved you into being.
The Queens all represent the Water in each suit; therefore, the Queen of Pentacles represents Water of Primal Earth. Water being the symbol for Intuition, Emotions and Consciousness and Earth being manifestation. Queens are enthroned in the Element of Consciousness, as Will To Form and Will Energy to bring forth the Will to Force of the King, by realization and understanding . She develops that force into information and/or in-Form-Action. As emotive-consciousness does to idea (I Dea-is Greek for "I Goddess").

When thrown during a reading, the Queen of Pentacles represents an archetypal personality that is:
- A person interested in physical nutrition and health.
- A shedding of poor eating habits for those of a new diet.
- A shedding of old habits, or even the purchasing of new clothes.
- The querent does all things she can do well and it will be fruitful
- One of a high level of compassion, nurturing abilities. loving physical life and all it has to offer.
- One who is exceptionally procreative and nurturing in the nature of Mothering.
- Power of practical wisdom on the physical level and in the inner world, applied spiritual wisdom .
- A dark woman of great heart and serious cast of intelligence.
- Opulence
- Generosity
- Also implies presents from a rich relative or a rich and happy marriage for a young man.
- Erda, the Teutonic Mother Earth seen as a warm an nurturing deity.
If reversed it implies:
- Embitterment.
- Hardening.
- Infertility.
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