The Tarot of Eli 2: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Seven of Pentacles & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 7 of Pentacles.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Sacred Kingdoms and RWS

Above all things, know thyself.

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Radiant Edition: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Seven of Pentacles

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Tree of Life

The 7s are ruled by the 7th Sephira-Netzach which means Victory. Victory may sound pleasing, but one must remember that Victory requires a battle to be fought and won, sometimes with little reward. The Rider-Waite-Smith 7 of Pentacles is again of a more banal bent. Illustrated is an exhausted farmer, under gray skies, examining his blighted plant of six pentacles from which one pentacle has been harvested and lying on the ground. A disappointing harvest which has taken much work to produce emphasizes the theme of disappointment and a great deal of work for little reward. Much reminiscent of the Greek legend of Sisyphus.

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Legend of Sisyphus

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 7 of Pentacles.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 7 of Pentacles illustrates awaiting harvest time, by contemplating the Harvest Moon. His plans may seem to be moving slowly due to much anticipation and hard work; However, time is often a perspective of want and may be moving along at a faster pace than realized. Hence, Plans may seem to be moving slowly especially to a mind that is instant in a timeless mindscape of imagination, but the pace is often quicker than we perceive.

Astrologically this card is Saturn in the house of Taurus. The plodding pace of the Earth bull is extra slow due to the lead weight of Saturn who is the god of myth called Cronos which is Time and whose metal is lead.

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In both Numerology and Gematria, the number 7 holds deep symbolic significance, though its interpretation varies slightly between the two systems due to their different cultural and mystical contexts. Here's an explanation of the characteristics assigned to the number 7 in each system:


In Western Numerology, 7 is regarded as one of the most spiritual and introspective numbers. Some key characteristics include:

  • Mysticism and Intuition: The number 7 is often associated with deep inner wisdom, spiritual awareness, and intuition. People with strong connections to this number are seen as seekers of truth, often delving into the mysteries of existence.

  • Analytical Mind: 7 is the number of thinkers. It represents an analytical, curious, and philosophical mind. Those influenced by 7 are often reflective and thoughtful, prone to research, study, and intellectual pursuits.

  • Solitude and Independence: The number 7 symbolizes a need for solitude and introspection. It is often linked with individuals who enjoy time alone to contemplate the world and their inner thoughts.

  • Perfection and Completeness: In many spiritual traditions, 7 is viewed as a symbol of divine order, perfection, and completeness, as seen in the creation story (7 days) and other sacred teachings.

  • Inner Development: The challenges faced by those connected to the number 7 often push them toward personal growth, self-awareness, and spiritual enlightenment. This number encourages a journey inward, focusing on inner development over material success.


In Gematria, the mystical system of assigning numerical values to Hebrew letters and words, 7 is imbued with sacred and divine qualities, often reflecting cosmic balance and spiritual concepts. Key interpretations include:

  • Divine Creation and Spiritual Perfection: In Judaic traditions, 7 is a number of divine completion, as it symbolizes the seven days of Creation in the Bible. This connects it to the idea of a divine, perfect order. For instance, the seventh day (Shabbat) is a day of rest and reflection, symbolizing completeness and divine unity.

  • Holiness and Sacredness: The number 7 is seen throughout many religious texts and rituals, such as the seven branches of the Menorah, the seven heavens, and the seven-year cycles of the Jubilee. Each of these instances points to 7 being a number of sacred significance.

  • Chesed (Mercy): In Kabbalistic/Qabalistic tradition, the number 7 is connected to Chesed, the Sephirah representing divine love, mercy, and kindness on the Tree of Life. Chesed is seen as the outpouring of divine abundance and grace into the material world.

  • Completion in Cycles: In Hebrew mysticism, the number 7 is associated with natural cycles, such as the seven days of the week or the seven-year agricultural cycle (Shemitta). It represents the rhythm of time, spiritual completion, and the idea that creation and divine influence are woven into the structure of reality.

  • Rest and Reflection: The 7th position is often linked with a pause for reflection or spiritual fulfillment, as seen with Shabbat and the idea of spiritual restoration.

Synthesis of Numerology and Gematria for Number 7:

In both systems, the number 7 is largely associated with introspection, spiritual knowledge, and divine order. Whether viewed through the lens of Numerology or Gematria, 7 represents a path of discovery—whether of inner truths or cosmic laws. It is a number that transcends the material realm, guiding individuals to deeper understanding, completion, and spiritual refinement.

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The 7 of Pentacles is assigned the Planet Saturn in Taurus. When Saturn is in the house of Taurus in an astrological chart, it influences the individual's approach to responsibilities, structure, and limitations within the realms associated with Taurus. Here are some characteristics:

  1. Material Stability: Saturn in Taurus emphasizes the need for material stability and financial security. Individuals with this placement are likely to be disciplined and practical when it comes to managing their resources.

  2. Slow and Steady Growth: Taurus is an earth sign known for its slow and steady approach. Saturn reinforces this trait, indicating that achievements and personal growth may come through patient and persistent efforts over time.

  3. Conservative Values: The combination of Saturn and Taurus tends to make individuals value tradition and conservative principles. They may be cautious and reserved, preferring the familiar and proven rather than taking unnecessary risks.

  4. Challenges in Change: Taurus is resistant to change, and Saturn's influence can amplify this quality. People with this placement may find it challenging to adapt to new situations or embrace change, preferring the comfort of the known.

  5. Work Ethic: Saturn in Taurus indicates a strong work ethic. Individuals may approach their tasks with a methodical and pragmatic mindset, focusing on achieving tangible results.

  6. Financial Prudence: There is a tendency to be financially conservative and prudent. Saturn's influence may lead individuals to carefully plan and manage their finances, avoiding unnecessary risks.

  7. Potential Challenges: While the disciplined and structured approach is an asset, individuals should be mindful not to become overly rigid or resistant to change. Learning to adapt without compromising values is a key lesson for those with Saturn in Taurus.

Remember, the interpretation of Saturn in Taurus can vary based on the entire birth chart, including aspects and placements of other planets. It's advisable to consider the broader context for a more comprehensive analysis.








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When the 7 of Pentacles is thrown during a reading, implied:

  • Is a fear of failure with finances, health, and relationships. However, 7 in Netzach is a weak event, and deregulation of the element of earth, so soon the querent's project will be completed if determined to "keep on" and ignoring the feelings of never finishing the task.
  • The Determination to release this fear of failure should go on for 7 weeks or 7 months. However, this determination must be hard fought, for there is a tendency to abandon labor, and allow everything to sink in a mire of sloth.
  • Yet again, putrefaction is before the transformation of purification, so this is the point where the "lowest fallen becomes the highest exalted".
  •  Is that you shall succeed if you don't listen to the thoughts of failure that are tempting your brain. Push harder, you'll soon succeed!

If ill defined by surrounding cards, it implies:

  • Deep-rooted blockages.
  • Anxiety about money.

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