The Tarot of Eli 2: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ten of Cups & The Fairy Tarot- 10 of Summer.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons

· Fairy Tarot and RWS

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ten of Cups

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The Tens imply, fixed, culminated, completed Force and the Rider-Waite-Smith card concentrates its imagery on the phenomena that all happiness comes from the above. Hence the rainbow band of Cups. This concept is opposed to the mundane belief that "Accumulation of Things" makes one happy. The idea here is that Happiness created us as it's material expression, rather than the gathering of material makes us happy which is what the adults are thinking. However, when observing a child playing, one may understand that happiness is what we are, not what we seek. This was well expressed in the Nag Hammadi Library, a Gnostic Text where Jesus Christ is quoted as saying (Gospel of Didymos Judas Thomas): "Let the seeker seek until he finds, for when he finds he shall become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he shall become astonished! When he becomes astonished, he shall know that he is ruler over the All."

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When we seek happiness outside of ourselves by accumulation of things, titles, or people, after time, we become troubled, for what we thought was happiness, just becomes mundane and mediocre at best. But after this realization, one begins looking inward, and after being truthful to themselves, they become astonished! For within is the fulfillment of the One who began this universe as "I Will Be", which created the One Mind of I AM (recognition of existence) and after we dig through all the mental trash of our man-made worded identity, we find the glowing Sun of the I Am within, who is now happy and content, for it is now "I AM Being", a fulfillment of the Original Will ! We now understand that we are the One who is All, reflecting upon itself as a "Me".

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The Fairy Tarot- 10 of Summer.

The Fairy Tarot-10 of Summer displays a loving scene of fairy family life amongst the wealth of Mother Nature. Here the loving couple of the 2 of Summer card have created a beautiful life for themselves and their children. The butterfly boat represents the emotional currents of their life that will continue to evolve and thrive.

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Traditionally the 10 of Cups card is assigned the Planet Mars in the house of Pisces. When Mars, the planet of action, assertion, and energy, is in the dreamy and sensitive sign of Pisces, it creates an interesting blend of energies. Here are some characteristics of Mars in the house of Pisces:

  1. Subtle Expression of Energy: Mars in Pisces tends to express its energy in a more subtle and indirect manner compared to its placement in more assertive signs. Individuals with this placement may not always confront situations head-on but instead prefer to navigate them with a more gentle and intuitive approach.

  2. Sensitivity and Empathy: Pisces is a deeply empathetic and compassionate sign, and Mars here imbues the individual with a heightened sensitivity to the emotions and needs of others. They may possess a natural ability to understand and empathize with people's struggles, making them excellent listeners and counselors.

  3. Creative Energy: Mars in Pisces infuses the individual with a creative and imaginative spirit. They may excel in artistic pursuits such as music, poetry, dance, or visual arts, using their creativity as a means of self-expression and emotional release.

  4. Idealism and Spirituality: Pisces is a spiritual and idealistic sign, and Mars here can infuse the individual with a strong sense of idealism and a desire to make a positive difference in the world. They may be drawn to humanitarian causes or inspired to fight for justice and equality.

  5. Tendency Towards Escapism: While Mars typically represents action and forward movement, in Pisces, it can sometimes lead to a tendency towards escapism or avoidance of confrontation. Individuals with this placement may struggle with asserting themselves directly, preferring to retreat into their inner world or engage in activities that provide an escape from reality.

  6. Sacrifice and Selflessness: Mars in Pisces may manifest as a willingness to sacrifice personal needs for the greater good or for the sake of others. They may be selfless in their actions, putting the needs of others before their own and finding fulfillment in acts of service or compassion.

  7. Vulnerability and Sensitivity to Criticism: Pisces is a sensitive and impressionable sign, and Mars here can heighten the individual's vulnerability to criticism or harsh treatment. They may struggle with asserting boundaries and standing up for themselves, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible.

Overall, Mars in Pisces blends the assertive energy of Mars with the sensitive and empathetic qualities of Pisces, resulting in individuals who are compassionate, creative, and spiritually inclined, but who may also struggle with assertiveness and boundaries. Learning to harness the creative and compassionate energy of this placement while also asserting oneself when necessary can lead to a fulfilling and balanced expression of Mars in Pisces.

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The 10th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life MALKUTH is Earth or the physical world. Malkuth is called- KINGDOM, which is also called the Active Word and/or Assiah. It is the lone Sephira of this World. In the other Worlds of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, there are planes of 3 Sephiroth, a ternary of Intelligent energy composing a triangle, but Assiah/Malkuth stands alone, for it is the completion of all the other States of Energy Conscious. This is because The Kingdom is the Only Sensual Activity of Creation.

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Now I know this may seem otherwise to the Initiate who sensually experiences the "Inner Worlds" of the Tree of Life upon traveling "upward" through the Astral/Akasha of the Psyche. However, in "higher" states of consciousness, they often forget that the Mind is still "attached" to a Sensual body, and thus still feel the conscious experiences. But to travel, the other Sephiroth without a body is to feel nothing at all!

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There is only One Sense to The Collective Unconsciousness, which has evolved over millennial to become the sense of "I" (I AM) sight. All the "Five Senses" (33) of the mundane body, are just evolutionary Transformations of that One Sense of the all-seeing "I". Thus, Self is all there is and all you'll ever see as it is the only "I". The Qabalist understands that "I AM" is the truth of Self; but what I AM is, well... that is merely an assumption that we call "freedom of choice".

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The Divine Androgyne

To those who practice the Mysteries or Ancient Wisdom, there are more senses "felt" than five. For some as many as ten, for a Tantric master as many as 33 but the meditative process for awakening is not for this blog to describe, so if you are interested in a greater Wealth of Sensuality....start your journey up the Tree while you still support a physical body, you'll find that you will practice Tantra Yoga along the way. Tantra is a Sanskrit word that means "To expand and liberate", while Qabalah is a Hebrew word that means, "Receiving" or "to receive". One can see how they go together, as receiving from the Greater Self, expands and liberates the Spirit-Mind-Body of the receiver. Hence, the practice of Qabalistic Tarot is a Tantric Rite. I recommend one gets the A Chakra & Kundalini Work Book, by Dr. John Mumford.

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The name for One-Mind is I AM. Each of us has inherited that Mind of the Creatrix/Creator. As it is done above, by declaration, it is done below. I AM... declares existence, what I AM declares manifestation. I AM Wealth, declares your manifestation as wealthy. I AM Poverty (I Seek), declares an impoverished manifestation and/or a "not having". Declarations focus energy-in-motion (emotion) hence, they produce the Law of Attraction, for the energy all around you now is forced to move in the direction you emote. by Declaring " I AM Wealth, I Am Health, I Am the Will and the Way, I own the Day" one is full of "attractive" and expansive things.

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The message of the 10 of Cups, is that you have reached the highest level of happiness at this stage in your life and it is finished as a phase. A new phase of your emotional life is now begining.

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  • Emotional contentment, reached after strife.
  • Happiness found internally.
  • When motivated by love of being, the unfoldment of the highest wisdom.
  • Experiencing an emotional relationship or psychic work that is stable and satisfying with awareness that soon it will be time to move on.
  • The gift of bringing light and good cheer to others, simply by happily being yourself.
  • The fulfillment of a desire of paramount importance and not necessarily what one wants.
  • A happy town (Rider-Waite-Smith). 

When ill defined by the surrounding cards or reversed, it implies: (Reversed meanings are not used in Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tarot-such a Thoth Tarot. Ill dignity comes from surrounding cards).

  • Sentimentalism. 
  • Bathos.
  • Inner emptiness.

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