The Tarot of Eli 2: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ten of Pentacles & The Prophet Tarot- 10 of Pentacles

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons

· RWS and Prophet

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ten of Pentacles

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The Tarot Cards are the depicted Idea or image language of the Collective Energy Conscious that is displayed as the Tree of Life. The Rider-Waite-Smith Ten of Pentacles follows the design of the Tree of Life as completion. By placing the Tree of Life Ten Sephiroth pattern in pentacles over a background of opulence. Thus, this card illustrates the more prosaic implication of complete wealth. This includes the wealth of a happy family life, from grandmother, husband, wife, children, and dogs. The Grandmother is wearing an elaborate cloak displaying embroidery of prosperity and fecund opulence, complete with geometric figures, magical sigils, and zodiacal signs.

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The Prophet Tarot- 10 of Pentacles

The Prophet Tarot- 10 of Pentacles displays a silver and black picture of the same family life. The Pentacles are displayed in a Tree of Life pattern, and grandma is communicating to the dogs. Her robe is covered with sacred geometry that is almost obliterated by silver. The card states that everything in the querent's life is coming together magically. The stress of earning money by challenging work is over, as you have gained stability. Home life is full of comfort and satisfaction. You have found some peace, welcome it in.

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The 10th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life MALKUTH is Earth or the physical world. Malkuth is called- KINGDOM, which is also called the Active Word and/or Assiah. It is the lone Sephira of this World. In the other Worlds of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, there are planes of 3 Sephiroth, a ternary of Intelligent energy composing a triangle, but Assiah/Malkuth stands alone, for it is the completion of all the other States of Energy Conscious. This is because The Kingdom is the Only Sensual Activity of Creation. Now I know this may seem otherwise to the Initiate who sensually experiences the "Inner Worlds" of the Tree of Life upon traveling "upward" through the Astral/Akasha of the Psyche. However, in "higher" states of consciousness, they often forget that they are still "attached" to a Sensual body, and thus still feel the conscious experiences. But to travel, the other Sephiroth without a body is to feel nothing at all! There is only One Sense to The Collective Unconsciousness, which has evolved over millennial to become the sense of "I" (I AM) sight. All the "Five Senses" (33) of the mundane body, are just Transformations of that One Sense of the all-seeing "I". Thus, Self is all there is and all you'll ever see as it is the only "I". The Qaballist understands that "I AM" is the truth of Self; but what I AM is, well... that is merely an assumption.

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To those who practice the Mysteries or Ancient Wisdom, there are more senses "felt" than five. For some as many as ten, for a Tantric master as many as 33 but the process for awakening is not for this blog to describe, so if you are interested in a greater Wealth of Sensuality....start your journey up the Tree while you still support a physical body, you'll find that you will practice Tantra along the way. Tantra is a Sanskrit word that means "To expand and liberate", while Qabalah is a Hebrew word that means, "Receiving" or "to receive". One can see how they go together, as receiving from the Greater Self, expands and liberates the Spirit-Mind-Body of the receiver. Hence, the practice of Qabalistic Tarot is a Tantric Rite.

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The name for the One-Mind, is I AM. Each of us has inherited that Mind of the Creatrix/Creator. As it is done above, by declaration, it is done below. I AM... declares existence, what I AM declares manifestation. I AM Wealth, declares your manifestation as wealthy. I AM Poverty (I Seek), declares an impoverished manifestation and/or a "not having". Declarations focus energy-in-motion (emotion) hence, they produce the Law of Attraction, for the energy all around you now is forced to move in the direction you emote. by Declaring " I AM Wealth, I Am Health, I Am the Will and the Way, I own the Day" one is full of "attractive" and expansive things.

The message of the 10 of Pentacles, is "As above so below"; meaning that all is Mind-above and below. This is also expressed in the Toa Koen, as " If it is here, it is there, and if it is there, it is here. If it is not here, it is not there and if it is not there, it is not here".

When the 10/Ten of Pentacles is thrown during a reading, the querent.

  • Is assured of physical prosperity and abundance.  But being a Ten, the end of a cycle, means it may be short lived.
  •  Is at a physical crossroads where supply is stable, but boredom has set in and is non-stimulating. However, the time for taking security risks is approaching and will soon arrive.
  • Is experiencing happiness and wellbeing, especially in family matters.
  • Is using the wealth of resources and talents to build lasting structure in the physical world.
  • Is experiencing group support in which manifestation takes place.
  • Is taking emotional or financial risks.
  • Isolating oneself, for the sake of title and money.

If reversed it implies:

  • Greed.
  • Avarice.

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