The Tarot of Eli 2: The Tarot of the Sacred Kingdoms-Key 2-The High Priestess & The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Key 2-The High Priestess.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantra, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Sacred Kingdoms and RWS

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Tarot of the Sacred Kingdoms-Key 2-The High Priestess.

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The Rider-Waite-smith Tarot- Key 2-The High Priestess

The Rider-Waite-Smith-key 2-High Priestess and the Tarot of the Sacred Kingdoms-Key 2 card emphasizes this Goddess Sophia of Wisdom. The blue color of the card RWS card also emphasizes the element of Water and the "blue Sophia" that is often shown as a blue lotus. On the RWS Key 2 The Moon is also shown quite plainly as a crescent at her feet and a glowing orb, as in full moon, on her head, with the Waxing and Waning moon represented on either side, forming a crown. On her breast is the equal armed solar cross that implies she is the unifying and balancing agent between the Two pillars, one dark, one light as represented in the Temple of Solomon. The Scroll in her lap is the "Scroll of Law" established by the High Priestess, the Torah. Torah is also a manipulation of the Latin word Rota, meaning "wheel". Implying that Tarot is the Law, as well as the very Wheel of Life.

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Tarot of the Lost Kingdoms- Key2-The High Priestess.

The Tarot of the Sacred Kingdoms-Key 2- the High Priestess also has the twin pillars of enlightenment as twin candles, and the two felines as the shadow of the subconsciousness and the bright awareness of the awake consciousness. She represents intuition, mystery and hidden knowledge. The fact that she is shown as a black high priestess, links her with the Nubian Queens of historical renown.

Among the renowned queens of ancient Egypt, several Nubian queens stand out for their power, influence, and contributions to Egyptian history and culture. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Queen Tiye (c. 1398 – 1338 BCE): Tiye was the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and the mother of the famous Akhenaten, who attempted to revolutionize Egyptian religion by introducing the worship of the sun god Aten. Tiye was highly influential during her husband's reign and played a significant role in diplomatic affairs, often corresponding with foreign rulers.

  2. Queen Ahmose-Nefertari (c. 16th century BCE): Ahmose-Nefertari was the wife of Pharaoh Ahmose I, the founder of the New Kingdom and the first ruler of the 18th dynasty. She played a crucial role in the expulsion of the Hyksos, who had ruled Lower Egypt, and is often considered one of the most important queens of the New Kingdom period.

  3. Queen Amanirenas (c. 40 – 10 BCE): Amanirenas was a warrior queen of the Kingdom of Kush, which was located in modern-day Sudan and was closely associated with ancient Egypt. She led her army against the Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Augustus Caesar, successfully defending her kingdom against Roman invasion and securing favorable terms of peace.

These are just a few examples of the great Nubian queens who left their mark on ancient Egyptian history, demonstrating their strength, intelligence, and leadership in a predominantly male-dominated society.

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Bast, also known as Bastet, was a prominent goddess in ancient Egyptian religion, often depicted as a lioness or as a woman with the head of a lioness or domestic cat. She was primarily associated with protection, fertility, childbirth, music, dance, and joy. Here are some key aspects of Bast's mythology and significance:

  1. Role as a Protective Goddess: Bast was revered as a protective deity, especially safeguarding homes, families, and women during childbirth. She was believed to ward off evil spirits and malevolent forces, offering her devotees safety and security.

  2. Association with Cats: Cats held a special significance in ancient Egypt, and Bast was closely associated with them. Cats were revered for their ability to hunt pests such as mice and snakes, and they were often kept as pets. Bast's association with cats elevated her status as a guardian and protector.

  3. Symbolism of Lions: As a lioness goddess, Bast embodied strength, ferocity, and maternal instincts. She was often depicted with a lioness's mane or as a lioness-headed deity, symbolizing her fierce protective nature.

  4. Celebration and Festivals: Bast was honored with festivals and celebrations throughout ancient Egypt, particularly in the city of Bubastis (Per-Bast), where her principal temple was located. The Festival of Bast was a joyous occasion featuring music, dance, feasting, and revelry.

  5. Evolution of her Worship: Over time, Bast's attributes and significance evolved. Initially associated more closely with the sun god Ra as his defender and daughter, she later became more closely associated with the domestic sphere and maternal aspects of life.

  6. Transformation into Bastet: In later periods of Egyptian history, particularly during the Late Period and Ptolemaic period, Bast underwent a transformation into Bastet, a more domesticated and nurturing form of the goddess. Bastet was often depicted as a cat-headed woman, emphasizing her maternal and protective aspects.

Bast's worship persisted for millennia in ancient Egypt, and her imagery and symbolism continue to capture the imagination of people today, symbolizing the enduring bond between humans and their feline companions.

The Tarot High Priestess is the purest essence of consciousness, which is symbolized as the element Water in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck her robe becomes water as it flows over the crescent moon. She is the very essence of Water making blue and the moon appropriate symbols. The Moon controls fluctuations, tides of the water-like flow of consciousness being controlled by hot and cold emotions. The High Priestess is the idea behind the idea of form.

Now I know this concept is an impossibly difficult one to understand and the most descriptive of Qabalistic terms may seem nonsensical, but the High Priestess is the Womb of Consciousness, but she is both Male and Female.......much like a Hermaphrodite (Hermes-Aphrodite) that can present both genders as itself.

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The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- High Priestess sits before a tapestry that illustrates both the "Garden of inherited knowledge" and the veils of light that hide her face. The Palms on the Tapestry suggest Male force and the Pomegranates on the tapestry suggest female womb. However, the Pomegranates also indicate the Elysian Mysteries and Persephone, Greek Goddess of Spring; I suggest research on these. Using the book, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets: by Barbra Walker.

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In various cultures and belief systems, both the black cat and the snow leopard hold symbolic significance, often associated with goddess imagery and spiritual meanings.

  1. Black Cat: Traditionally, black cats have been associated with both positive and negative symbolism. In some cultures, they are seen as symbols of good luck and prosperity, especially in places like Japan and Egypt. However, in Western folklore, black cats have often been associated with witchcraft and superstition, particularly during the Middle Ages, when they were believed to be familiars of witches. In the language of animals, the black cat can symbolize mystery, independence, intuition, and the unknown. It often represents a connection to the unseen or hidden realms, making it a potent symbol in various mystical and spiritual practices.

  2. Snow Leopard: The snow leopard, found in the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia, is a majestic and elusive creature. In many cultures, the snow leopard is revered as a symbol of power, grace, and spiritual significance. It is often associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a guardian of the mountains. In Tibetan Buddhism, the snow leopard is sometimes considered a manifestation of the deity Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. In the language of animals, the snow leopard symbolizes strength, resilience, adaptability, and a deep connection to the spiritual realm. Its elusive nature also signifies the ability to navigate through life's challenges with grace and perseverance.

Both the black cat and the snow leopard carry potent symbolism in the realm of spirituality and mysticism, offering insights into the unseen forces at play in the universe and serving as guides for those who seek deeper understanding and connection.

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The Tarot- The High Priestess, is called the Anima, by Carl Jung. She is the eternal woman who represents the ultimate secrets of the Unconscious (another meaning for the black cat), as often shown as water or Ocean and even the black cat exhibited on this card. She is shown as the Moon, for she controls the tides of consciousness. She also sits between the Shadow pillar and the White light pillar (Black cat and Snow leopard) as a balance between the two; For Wisdom is neither good nor bad, it is often the "grey area" as shown by the grey color of the 2nd Sephiroth-Chokmah-Wisdom. The High Priestess represents unseen wisdom that resides in the Universal Collective Unconsciousness.

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The pomegranates and their blooms on the Rider-Waite-Smith key 2 representing the "womb" are also shown along with the Tora scroll on her lap. She also wears the equal arm cross of the 4 universal elements. The palm trees in the background represent the masculine force.

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In all men is a High Priestess (Anima) and in all Women is a High Priest (Animus). It is accepted that the inner and outer personalities are complimentary: However, a very methodical and scientific Persona usually suggests an emotional and often irrational inner being. As before stated, the encounter of the Anima by the Animus, especially in dreams, is a very genuine experience. Her activity as antagonist brought on by social programing, always at work in a man as compassion and brings many qualities that the culture has given to the feminine: gentleness, softness, emotionality, love of home and beautiful things, empathy, etc. However, one may rightly assume that a culture's and/or society's perceptions of male and female shall evolve, as will the individual's personality when in interaction with the Anima and Animus becomes inseparable within the brain.

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To a Christian, the High Priestess, may appear as the Stella Maris and/or the Mother Mary. or the Papist (female Pope). Hence, the starry sky. However, she is best represented as a more ancient Goddess, like the sky goddess Nuit of the ancient Egyptians pantheon. For sure, she is all phase of Woman, the Mother Hera, the Virgin Diana, the hag Hecate, and/or the Trinity Goddess that is Maid, Mother and Crone. Therefore, she can be charming, loving, and supportive or deceptive, very arbitrary, and cruel which in this state would be called the "ice queen" by the ancient Norse. Which is a very revealing image of manmade fear of the Goddess who is both Life and Death of all created forms. She isn't considerate of individual desires, for She is Life itself, and our desires are often so self-Centered they have nothing to do with the expansion and liberation of Life itself. Hence, the fear of ambitious men who want to control life. I personally, am the leopard she holds dear.

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Ice Queen

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As one progresses in the mysteries, one begins to understand that every archetype has a Positive and Negative side (Light Angelic and Shadow-Animal survival mind), both of which must be encountered for true self-knowledge. This is shown as the twin pillars on the RWS High Priestess and the two cats on the Sacred Kingdoms- High Priestess card. However, the High Priestess may appear through active imagination (Meditation), this archetype is invoked, and a conversation begun, the effect is immensely powerful. However, the contents of the Unconscious are often brought to the surface, and these can be unpredictable. For we have a shadow side to the Universal Collective Unconscious as well as an enlightened side. Each of us must balance the 2 sides of one mind-trinity of subconscious, awake consciousness and unconscious, within ourselves (Maid-Mother-Crone). For we are the Spirit that is "Will-to-be" and have willed our earthly presence.

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THE HIGH PRIESTESS/PRIESTESS acts upon the First Matter of the MAGUS, causing it to function in the pattern of a figure eight lying on its side: the lemniscate. This represents a total unified energy cycle of both opposed and duplicated vibration (Anima and Animus). This holding, enclosing, and duplicating function is that of the first female quality on the Tree of Life.

THE HIGH PRIESTESS represents what Carl Jung called the "virgin anima", related to "virgin milk" which he called the "life giving power of the unconscious."

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To the inquiring mind, I really recommend one gets the book: THE WOMAN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHS AND SECRETS, by Barbara G. Walker and looks up the Moon Goddess Myths. THE HIGH PRIESTESS relates a concept so subjective, that much repetition of information, in differentiating perspectives is required. The Divine Creatrix is a mystery worth investigating!

When the HIGH PRIESTESS, is thrown during a reading for the non-initiated, the querent is experiencing:

  • The principle of self-trust indicates an easily working state of harmony and inner independence.
  •  A self-knowing. 
  • Accessing hidden Knowledge from the unconscious. 
  • Self-sufficiency, self-trust, and intuition. 
  • It's not time to make decisions now. Meditate on it.
  • You've come up against the Truth, and more self-knowledge is needed. It's time to reflect on how to grow.

To the aspirant male, she represents the Spiritual Bride of the Just man (The Animus, no longer of this world) When he reads the Law, she gives the Divine Meaning to this law. The Arcana is revealed, the Mystery is unfolded, futures are seen.

To the aspirant Female, she is the Papess associated with St. Mary Magdalene, or the Great Shakti of the triple Hindu Goddess Kali, or the Greek Gnostic Sophia, the original Mother of the Holy Trinity. Considered one of the Highest and Holiest of the Major Arcana. Complete development of Feminine Powers that go deeper in meaning than the words, intuition, or insight, can convey. She is the Law of inherited Wisdom.

When this card is reversed:

  • Your concentration on your "inner life" has become an addiction, causing many problems in your outer life.
  • Lost interest in ordinary life, loss of friends, and connection to family. 
  • Lack of self-knowledge.

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