The Tarot of Eli2-LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Three of Wands & Jungian Tarot- 3 of Wands

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Jungian Rider-Waite

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Radiant-Rider-Waite-Smith-Three of Wands

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Robert Wang: Jungian Tarot- 3 of Wands

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Three of Wands- depicts a stately and calm looking gentleman, looking outward towards the sea, at his own ships sailing away in commerce. He is holding and slightly leaning on one saff/wand in his right hand while the other 2 are planted in the ground behind him, forming a triangular enclosure. Therefore, he seems to be symbolizing established strength. As always in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the wands are sprouting leaves, indicating they are fertile, fecund, and creative power.

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The Jungian- Tarot- 3 of Wands, is very minimalistic, as is common practice with the Small Cards (Pips or Minor Arcana). The Wands are red and topped with gold flames, symbolizing the universal element of Fire. This element is the "Spirit" in all things and/or the motion within the movement of everything. Energy must have a point A and a point B to flow to, for it to animate an object. Since all "things", must have a measurement to exist in form, this energy can flow from the "Above to the Enclosure Below" and/or from light to dark, as shown on this card, or male to female, positive to negative etc..

According to Robert Wang, this card is of mysticism, religion, and the occult. It implies deeply hidden currents of energy flowing deep within the Universal Collective Unconscious, as opposed to the individual. Therefore, it can be taken to mean the absorption of reality of the individual into something greater--this would be a positive growth of Self Awareness if done consciously (To thine own self be true). Since energy has only "Will to Be", it can be for good or evil, and thereby also represents total madness if the fantasy materials are uncontrolled and imposed on the self-conscious. In other words, I AM (I exist) is truth, but what I exist as, is totally fantasized and/or assumed.  

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This is the card also represents the Old Hermetic axiom- of "watching the watcher", the key to active meditation or imagination. Since the 3 of wands represents a collection of trinity archetypes of transformation, it may mean travel for its own sake, or it may mean an outpouring of benevolence and charity.

When the Three/3 of wands is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Enterprise.
  • Discovery.
  • Effort.
  • Trade.
  • Established strength. 
  • Commerce.

When Reversed:

  • The end of troubles.
  • Suspension or cessation of adversity.
  • Disappointment.
  • Toil.

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