The Tarot of Eli2-LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Three of Wands & The Manara Erotic Tarot- 3 of Fire.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· RWS and Manarra

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Radiant-Rider-Waite-Smith-Three of Wands

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot (RWS tarot)- Three of Wands- depicts a stately and calm looking gentleman, looking outward towards the sea, at his own ships sailing away in commerce. He is holding and slightly leaning on one staff/wand in his right hand while the other 2 are planted in the ground behind him, forming a triangular enclosure. Therefore, he symbolizes established strength. As always in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the wands are sprouting leaves, indicating they are fertile, fecund, and creative power.

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The Manra Erotic Tarot- 3 of Fire.

The Erotic Tarot- 3 of Fire depicts a theme of impulsive sexuality. Here, taking the initiative is represented as a woman deciding this male isn't going to "get away" and acting impulsively. What many men don't seem to get, is that the woman decides which male is to be her mate. No matter how big his ego, it wasn't ever about him, it was about the subconscious idea of her perfect mate, the Animus. As Carl Jung stated, the image of the perfect male is in every woman's unconscious as is the idea of the perfect woman in every man's unconsciousness. When they match their inner mate with their outer mate, we have what many people call "their soul mate". However, more often, somewhere along the journey of hot romantic love, he or she does something that doesn't correlate with that "perfect image", which is often why relationships start hot, but soon run cold and the search goes on. However, this card is about the Fire element, which is sexual power. "God is sex", is a hard one to get through the heads of those who have profaned the act. Fecund, and Fertility, are the acts of Creation. Spirit is fire, and those of fiery spirit are noted for their sexual appetites. Fire drives impulses, and this lady is displaying impulsive sexuality, which fits the card exactly. For the Sun in Aries, is Springtime and in sexual expression, it is called the "Adorable violence".

Therefore, the meaning of the Three of Fire is:

  • Exploration.
  • Discovery. 
  • Taking the initiative.

The Astrological meaning- The Sun in Aries which implies:

  • Impulsiveness.
  • Lives assertively. 

Traditionally, the Wands are red and gold, symbolizing the universal element of Fire. This element is the "Spirit" in all things and/or the motion within the movement of everything. Hence, we have polarities shown on more colored cards, as one end of the wand is in the air and the other end grounded pr as on the Manara Erotic Tarot Card a male and female engaged in sexual communion. Energy must have point A and point B to flow to, for it to animate an object. Since all "things", must have a measurement to exist in form, this energy can flow from the "Above to the Enclosure Below" and/or from light to dark, male to female, positive to negative etc. On the RWS cards the wands are shown sprouting leaves, implying fertility.

The implied advice of this card is to act and accept assistance as a partnership or cooperation is possible.

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When the Three/3 of wands is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Enterprise.
  • Discovery.
  • Effort.
  • Trade.
  • Established strength. 
  • Commerce.

When Reversed:

  • The end of troubles.
  • Suspension or cessation of adversity.
  • Disappointment.
  • Toil.

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Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

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