
Radiant Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 8-Strength

B.O.T.A. Tarot- Key 8-Strength
When comparing the Traditional Tarot, such as Rider-Waite-Smith and B.O.T.A. Tarot, one finds the similarities are the majority of the Decks. Although it is a traditional tarot,, there are very subtle changes in the B.O.T.A. Deck. First and foremost, the aspirant must hand color the B.O.T.A. tarot, as a mechanism for deeper input into the Subconscious mind.

On both cards, is represented a very profound esoteric significance of the great cosmic force which Madam Blavatsky called FOHAT, which can be described as Universal Vitality and/or Hindu-Prana. This force is often described in the human form as- Kundalini and/or The Serpent Power.

Sexual Tantra Yoga Practices

The human charka system ( Prana-energy centers)
In this "new age" there are any number of systems which attempt to tell the unwary student how to awaken the coiled and sleeping Kundalini force that resides at the coccyx of the spinal bottom curve. The results of such ignorance, most often makes human wreckage,; people driven to madness and obsession. The Kundalini is a real force (Crowley named it -Lust) and is as powerful in its destruction as it is in integration. Truth be told, every person automatically receives the instruction needed to uncoil and awaken the Kundalini when the time comes for the awakening of a vital and powerful unleashing of an "Celestial Vibration" of the Fiery Spirit. Like an electric condenser, it can be unleashed all at once, and risk burning out the nervous system of the aspirant. This is destructive. Therefore, systems of Kundalini Yoga, Tarot and the Hermetic Western Qaballah begin a tempering process of the body systems that slowly release the Kundalini in a balancing process, like tempering steel, so that nothing is damage and the body is strong and resilient in a Celestial Manifestation of the Solar Self. So in the mean time, don't listen to those who say they can help you release the power of the Serpent force in an action. Such practices are the most dangerous known to mankind.

The Survival Mind

The Subconscious in control of the Survival Mind
That being said, the proper way to prepare your body for the arrival of the Celestial Self, is to safely learn how to control your body, mind, and your emotions. This is done by over-coming the lies of the lesser ego---the animal within. Hence the Rider-Waite-Smith and B.O.T.A TAROT both display a Celestial Being, with the infinity symbol of the horizonal eight over head, holding open or restraining the jaws of a lion. This symbology represents domesticating the animal predatory survival mind and/or the subconscious. The Soul must teach the inner predator, to not fear death. Death, is the Power of the Soul over form, for it produces the life and death of a manifested and therefore, a measured being. I Am the Life and Death of ego/me. So if the ego learns to serve the Will of the Soul, rather than its own feeble attempt at will, it will go on into future manifestations, as the Soul doesn't fix what isn't broken and/or functional. Here, the ego must become an messenger of the Soul's will to the body of the beast. This is called a Mercury ego. The only power the ego has is deception. It uses the illusion of emotional senses of "pleasure and pain" to control the body; something that has been exploited by Rulers and Media since the dawn of those who "control definition". The Ego is the Devil within, the one who tricks you out of being your own master.

Since the ego is automatically controlled by the subconscious, the Subconscious is shown in its unprofaned image of a Woman who has the animal nature under complete control. Because the TAROT works by giving suggestions to the subconsciousness it works automatically towards the expansion of consciousness that makes for an ever greater-control over the continually increasing powers of personality towards that of a Mercury and/or Celestial Being.

On the right-side bottom of the B.O.T.A. Strength card, is the Hebrew letter-Teth-meaning snake. This has been known to occultist for a millennia as "the serpent force". It is comic electricity, the electric of the electromagnetic spectrum of Light. It is the comic Life Force, the conscious energy which takes form as all things, and builds everything from within. The control of this energy, in its subhuman forms, by mental means (magic) is the primary secret of practical occultism. The Occult, means "the hidden" and/or the invisible. All of the Hermetic Mysteries strive to open the body to the Higher Mind so that the "beast is married to the Princess" and/or the foundation for the Beauty and the Beast fairytales.

The serpent also symbolizes, subtlety, secrecy, and wisdom. Hence, in the allegory of Genesis, the serpent is known a the tempter, the devil and is called the "old serpent". This serpent power is the source of illusion, and therefore, called the "father of lies". Yet when it is overcome it becomes the source of salvation. This is because, when the ancients observed a snake shed its skin, it became the symbol of regeneration, immortality and reincarnation. Taste is the sense and digestion is the function applied to Teth by Qabalists. Literally digestion is "feeding" and this recalls Oroboros the serpent that eats its own tail. Scientifically this is correct, as the serpent force that takes the form of organic material feeds on itself and it is often said that ,"Life eats itself to stay alive", which is organic matter's way of imitating immortality. The Universal One Energy, ever remains the same, as it is known, "That the one energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed and transmitted.". The I AM of you, decides the Transformation of this energy. Hence, it is the Universal Constant of Transformation. I AM Transformation!

The North above is the direction assigned to the letter Teth and is represented on the cube of space, by the upper boundary of the northern face, which is the junction between that face and the top of the cube. This line connects the upper points of the line North-East and the line North-West. Respectively, these lines correspond to the Emperor-Key 4 and Key 11-Justice. This north face of the cube is represented by the Tower-Key 16, symbolizing the planet Mars and the fiery activity of war, as the destruction of forms. However, Mars is also fertile, and governs the growth of new forms.

Leo is the zodiacal sign assigned to the Hebrew letter Teth for it is a fixed fiery sign and is ruled by the Sun-Key 19. It governs the sides, back, heart, and spinal column. Even the astrological figure for Leo resembles a serpent and the sign governing the spine and is therefore, related to the electrical currents that flow up the spine being distributed throughout the body nervous system whose unrestricted flow is often attributed to the practice of Yoga. In modern astrology, Leo is said to be the sign of exaltation of Neptune (Key 12-The Hanged Man). Leo's color is yellow, and its musical note is E-natural.

Strength, the title of Key 8- is Force (Will to Force-2nd Sephiroth-Chokmah) or Lust (Love of vigor) and incorrectly as Fortitude. It is deep spiritual courage, derived from the Celestial Beings, absolute control of the subconscious mind, who fears death. Unless fear of death is conquered, on shall not "enter the Kingdom of Heaven" and/or receive their Celestial inheritance. The correct titles of Force, Lust and Strength , allude to the fiery Life-power which is the source of all Alive-action.

The Yellow back ground of both cards, represents Leo. The mountain peak in the distance, is like the one shown in Key-6- The Lovers, and having the same meanings. The background plain in a valley, is uninhabited, suggesting the wild plains of the Serengeti, without houses of human habitation. This indicates that the conditions here of the animal nature.
The woman's yellow hair identifies her with the Empress-Key 3 and thereby, representing the creative imagination (I-Magi-Nation) and the subconscious generation of imagery. On both cards, she is shown wearing a crown of flowers, indicating at this point of development, shown by Key 8, the forces of organic life are nearer to fruition.

Above her head, is the same Lemniscate (horizon figure eight) that is over the Magician's head. This indicates that the something of the Primal will of the Magician is also attributed to her. It indicates that the subconscious receives the impress of the self-conscious mental states, and is modified by self-conscious selectivity and initiative. The purity (Freedom from mixture) of the woman is implied by her white dress. Around her waist is a chain of roses, forming a figure eight around the lion, for she leads the lion by this chain, which indicates she leads by desire (red roses). Signifying that when we learn to weave our desires into a chain, rejecting all desires that are incompatible with our intent and main purpose, and coordinate those that we do decide upon as fitting to our purpose, we shall then be able to make magical/wonderful applications of creative imagination to control and direct the Serpent power.
We all know the Lion as the King of Beasts, which represents all subhuman forces, and/or subhuman expressions of the vital and vigorous Cosmic Electricity. The Red Lion, as shown on the B.O.T.A. Key 8 card, refers to the Alchemical Red Lion that is Sulfur, purified and sublimate by its amalgamation with Mercury.

The meaning of the picture should now be plain. The Subconscious/Survival mind of the Animal Nature is at all times in control of every subhuman manifestation of Cosmic Energy. Every force of Nature, down to those of the inorganic mineral kingdom, is within range of this subconscious direction. Hence, it is actually because of this that Human is able to extend the forces of their dominion over the environment. We are of Celestial DNA mixed with Earth DNA ("....Angels married the woman of men"), even to a point were we may bring into manifestation chemical elements, which spectrographic analysis of the Stars, has determined do not exist anywhere else except on this planet (Plutonium, Neptunium for example).
Therefore, all is Mind and Mind influences all that it conceives of as Self. What maters, therefore, is the mental self-identity patterns we set for ourselves. Let observation, and attention(The magician) be faulty, superficial, or fearful,(negative) and the resulting experience is bound to be destructive. This makes speech and the unuttered word of thought (Chariot) vehicles for a destructive process that sets wild beasts at our vitals. The message here is to change the pattern and thereby, change the result. By taming the Lion, you own and control the subconscious mind, who now doesn't react to the environment in a negative way, but rather, Acts in the environment as a radiant Sun, dispelling the dark clouds of fear.
When the Strength card, Key 8- is thrown in a divination it implies:
- Energy.
- Passion.
- Charisma.
- Joy in life.
- Initiation.
- Sexual transformation.
- Changing the animal nature.
- Taming of the Lion.
- Strength.
- Power.
- Vitality.
- High spirits.
- Vital energy.
If reversed:
- Weakness.
- Lack of fulfillment.
- Depression.
- Aggression.
- Perversion.
- Addiction as a result of repressed instincts.
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Helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.