Above all things, know thyself.

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Page of Swords
The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck holds to the lodge oath bound medieval model and thus is often more exoteric than esoteric in its depiction. An effeminate person is shown "swishing" his/her sword about in a cloudy sky, with the wind blowing clouds, hair, and trees exemplifying the Air element. The Element of Air represents consciousness and the clouds being blown across the sky represent Emotions or Moods. Thus, the Rider-Waite card concentrates on the Mood fighter characteristics of this card. The yellow tights also imply the element of air, as yellow is the official color of elemental air.
In more modern esoteric tarot decks, like the Thoth Tarot Deck, there are no Pages, instead there are Princesses. This is because of the Occult Knowledge of YHVH (Tetragrammaton). But you'll have to go to my nontraditional tarot blogs of the Thoth Tarot-Princess of Swords @ elitarotstrickingly.com to investigate Crowley's reasoning even further.
The Animal Totem Tarot -Page of Swords
The Rider-Waite-Card the Page of Swords show Person that is facing away from the reader implying moodiness while the Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms illustrates a curious, and alert young female Road Runner racing across the face of this Animal Totem card.
The RWS Card illustrates the stormy clouds of mood while the Animal Totem Tarot illustrates a desert runner that one usually only catches in peripheral vision as it speeds by. You'll only see this bird if it wants to be seen; Hence, the tail is patricianly presented on this card as this bird speeds by.
The pages represent messengers in the Tarot, and the Page of Swords represents a message or communication, albeit a brief one such as an overheard conversation or song on the radio. She delivers a much-needed message relating to your moods that are here one minute and gone in the next. How many times have you had a flash of genius one minute and gone in the next? Just like the rapid Road Runner your insights can be fleeting and if you are not aware, you may miss this genius insight altogether. Therefore, the Page of Swords implies that you ignore nothing and see the answers you seek in the environment all around you.
Here is an expanded exploration of the Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) as a Power Animal, Totem Animal, and Spirit Guide, interwoven with insights from a Western Hermetic perspective. This swift, desert-dwelling bird holds potent lessons in agility, wit, and clever adaptation—qualities that can guide you in both mundane affairs and deeper esoteric work.
Roadrunner as a Power Animal
Quick Thinking and Adaptability
- Speed & Precision – Roadrunners can sprint at remarkable speeds and pivot to change directions abruptly. Calling on Roadrunner energy can help you react swiftly to shifting circumstances.
- Mental Agility – In Western Hermeticism, Mercury (the swift messenger) rules intellect, communication, and adaptability. The Roadrunner’s speed and clever maneuvering resonate with Mercury’s domain—invoking this bird can sharpen your mind and boost your problem-solving skills.
Transmuting Obstacles
- Fearlessness – Roadrunners famously prey on venomous snakes, reflecting a power to face danger head-on and transform threats into sustenance. In alchemical terms, this is turning poison into medicine, a principle of spiritual transmutation.
- Resolute Focus – When you must “strike fast” at obstacles, envision the Roadrunner’s lean, directed form. Like Mercury’s caduceus winding around a central rod, the Roadrunner’s unwavering gaze teaches you to concentrate your energy on a chosen path.
Playful Resilience
- Lighthearted Defense – Roadrunners often rely on quick wit and comedic misdirection to confuse predators. This “trickster-like” element can help you defuse tense situations with humor or unexpected strategies.
- Balancing Forces – In Hermetic thought, the interplay of opposing elements (e.g., Fire/Water, Earth/Air) ultimately yields harmony. The Roadrunner, an Earth-bound bird embodying Air, exemplifies a unification of opposites: it bridges intellect (Air) with pragmatism (Earth).
Roadrunner as a Totem Animal
Core Identity and Life Path
- Self-Reliance – Totem animals reflect deep aspects of your essence. If Roadrunner is your totem, you likely thrive on independence and prefer carving your own path, much like these desert birds roaming freely across arid terrain.
- Perpetual Motion – Individuals guided by Roadrunner energy often embrace constant movement—both physically and in personal growth. They refuse stagnation, perpetually seeking new horizons or intellectual frontiers.
The Western Hermetic Lens
- Mercurial Influence (Hod on the Tree of Life) – On the Qabalistic Tree of Life, Hod (Splendor) is aligned with Mercury. This sphere deals with intellect, communication, and mental adaptability. The Roadrunner’s lightning speed and cunning mirror these Mercurial virtues.
- Guardian of Thresholds – As a creature thriving on the boundary between civilization and the wild desert, Roadrunner can be seen as a keeper of liminal spaces. In Hermetic magic, thresholds represent portals to deeper understanding—moments to step from the “known” into the “unknown.”
Roadrunner as a Spirit Guide
Signs of the Roadrunner’s Presence
- Synchronicities & Appearances – Repeated sightings of roadrunners (in person or through symbols, media, etc.) often signal its spirit presence. You may also encounter references to deserts or swift birds during pivotal life changes.
- Invitations to Quick Action – If you are at a crossroads and need to “act fast,” the Roadrunner’s spirit may appear to remind you that an opportunity is fleeting.
Direction, Protection & Esoteric Growth
- Gaining Perspective – Roadrunners keep their gaze low to the ground yet they’re birds, symbolically linked to Air. This dual nature (Earth and Air) warns against tunnel vision: see both the practical (Earth) and the conceptual (Air).
- Unconventional Routes – The Roadrunner rarely takes a predictable path, zigzagging through the landscape. This can be a nudge to pursue creative or unexpected solutions—even if they diverge from the mainstream.
- Hermetic Trickster – In Western esotericism, the trickster can be an agent of revelation, breaking you out of outdated patterns. The Roadrunner’s quick, sharp interventions can “shock” you into a new level of awareness, clearing mental debris so wisdom can flow.
Integrating Roadrunner Energy into Your Practice
Meditation & Visualizations
- Mercurial Invocation – During meditation, envision the Roadrunner darting across desert sands. Align your breathing with its rhythmic sprint to summon mental clarity and adaptability.
- Grounding & Air Alignment – Imagine your feet firmly planted on solid earth while your upper body remains light and open, as if you could take flight. This imagery harmonizes the Earth and Air currents within you.
Talismans & Correspondences
- Desert Stones or Feathers – If ethically obtained, a roadrunner feather or desert stones like jasper can serve as physical anchors of Roadrunner energy. Place these on your altar, or carry them to remind you to stay swift and observant.
- Planetary Hours of Mercury – In Hermetic practices, certain hours are dedicated to Mercury’s influence. Conduct spells, affirmations, or journaling during these times to amplify the Roadrunner’s quicksilver potency.
Daily Life Applications
- Embrace Humor – Rather than forcing solutions head-on, occasionally step back and introduce playfulness. Let that unexpected bit of humor be your “desert zigzag,” disarming tension and revealing fresh paths.
- Efficient Multitasking – If you face multiple tasks, call on the Roadrunner’s gift for swiftly adapting. Break tasks into quick sprints rather than a single marathon.
As a Power Animal, Totem Animal, and Spirit Guide, the Roadrunner carries the essence of speed, adaptability, wit, and joyous resilience. Through a Western Hermetic lens, its swift intelligence and cunning align closely with Mercury’s energy, bridging mental agility and grounded presence. Whether you invoke it during times of change, look to it for creative problem-solving, or adopt its playful irreverence, the Roadrunner offers a potent reminder that balance, humor, and quick thinking can transform life’s toughest deserts into fertile ground for spiritual growth.
The Rider-Waite-Smith card also shows the sword presented in fighting position, representative of the Element of Air and/or state of mind that is alert and analytical. However, in this case, the mental state is defensive.
The RWS-Page is standing on the high ground, as overseeing is also an implication of this card indicating leadership qualities. The traditional Tarot Page of swords is dressed in colorful medieval clothes and the Rider-Waite-Smith person is dressed in yellow, the color used for this Pythagorean Universal Air Element. This card also may present a caution about a young person's actions that may cause concern.
Tarot Personality Birth Wheel (Pages are Princesses on this wheel).
Surlily, some people will complain about the Page/Princess projecting arrogance, and toughness, but this is a protective mask. S/he is a vulnerable and sensitive person who cannot allow an adversary to know what s/he is thinking.
The Animal Totem Tarot -Page of Swords.
The Animal Totem Tarot illustrates a bird who is curious and wants answers to questions in her constant mental agility. This one is more inclined to use intuitional thought, than rely on emotions or rational thoughts. There is an advantage to this type of approach as often our rational thought is an errant program directly from indoctrination or dogma, both a form of "false intelligence" and using such programs as rational thought paints "truth" in deceptive clothing or feathers. Here one can easily lie to oneself or others, without knowing it.
In the Thoth Tarot, the Princess of Swords corresponds to the Earthy part of Air and is associated with the astrological signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. This is because, in the system Crowley used, the Princesses rule the quadrant of the zodiac from the last decan of one sign through the next two signs (in this case, from 20° Capricorn to 20° Pisces).
The Princess of Swords represents an active force of Air, manifesting on the Earthy plane, often implying the initial stages of intellectual or communicative endeavors and the astrological association helps one see into the depths of this personality.
The astrological range from 20° Capricorn to 20° Pisces covers a broad spectrum of characteristics as it spans three different zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each degree carries a specific energy, blending qualities of the signs and decans. Let’s break it down by sign and degree:
20° - 30° Capricorn (Third Decan of Capricorn: Mars decan)
- Keywords: Discipline, ambition, and perseverance mixed with intense drive and determination.
- Traits: People born in this range tend to have a strong sense of responsibility and are highly determined to achieve success. The influence of Mars adds a competitive and assertive nature, making them hard workers with a strong sense of leadership. There can be some stubbornness or over-focus on material success.
- Shadow: A tendency toward workaholism or a domineering attitude in pursuit of goals.
0° - 10° Aquarius (First Decan of Aquarius: Venus decan)
- Keywords: Innovation, independence, and sociability with a touch of idealism.
- Traits: This decan emphasizes the more creative and friendly side of Aquarius, with Venus adding harmony and a desire for connection. Individuals here are often innovative, freedom-loving, and socially oriented. They value equality, independence, and artistic expression.
- Shadow: Detachment from emotions or an overly idealistic view of relationships or society.
10° - 20° Aquarius (Second Decan of Aquarius: Mercury decan)
- Keywords: Intellectualism, communication, and curiosity combined with humanitarian values.
- Traits: The Mercury influence sharpens the mind, making people born here very communicative, clever, and intellectually curious. They enjoy exchanging ideas, problem-solving, and working in teams. This decan also brings a strong sense of humanitarianism, with a focus on progress and community.
- Shadow: Over-intellectualizing emotions or becoming too detached and impersonal in relationships.
0° - 10° Pisces (First Decan of Pisces: Saturn decan)
- Keywords: Sensitivity, spirituality, and emotional depth, tempered by discipline and realism.
- Traits: While Pisces is known for its dreamy and intuitive qualities, the influence of Saturn here grounds these traits. People born in this decan are often spiritually inclined but have a sense of responsibility and structure in how they approach their emotions and ideals. There is a balance between emotional depth and realism.
- Shadow: A tendency to suppress emotions or struggle with boundaries due to over-sensitivity.
10° - 20° Pisces (Second Decan of Pisces: Jupiter decan)
- Keywords: Compassion, expansiveness, and optimism, with a focus on personal growth and empathy.
- Traits: Jupiter expands the naturally empathetic and imaginative qualities of Pisces, giving those born in this decan a deep sense of compassion, hope, and idealism. They are often drawn to spiritual or creative pursuits and have an expansive view of life. There is a desire to connect with others on a deep emotional level and help those in need.
- Shadow: Escapism, overindulgence in fantasies, or a lack of practical grounding.
Overall Character of 20° Capricorn to 20° Pisces:
This range combines Capricorn’s ambition and discipline with Aquarius’ innovation and intellectualism, ending with Pisces’ sensitivity and compassion. It spans a shift from the structured, material-focused energies of Capricorn to the imaginative, humanitarian, and emotional realms of Pisces. This blending of earthy, intellectual, and emotional energies suggests a dynamic mix of practical ambition, creative thinking, and spiritual depth.
When the Page of Swords is thrown in a Divination it implies:
- Authority.
- Overseeing.
- Secret service.
- Vigilance.
- Spying.
- Examination.
- Active youth.
- Idea here one minute and gone the next.
When the Page of Swords is reversed (in Shadow), it implies:
- An eviler side of the above qualities.
- What is unforeseen.
- An unprepared state.
- Sickness is also intimated.
- Arrogance.
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