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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Gold Foil Tarot- Four of Pentacles & The Tarot of the Old Path-4 of Pentacles.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

October 5, 2023

The Gold Foil- Four of Pentacles

The Gold Foil-Four of Pentacles Tarot card sticks to the mundane divination meaning of the RWS Four of Pentacles which comes from the position of the Sun in Capricorn. Here light and warmth ensure material success; but nothing beyond the moment. The Gold Foil card illustrates this condition of assured material gain and earthly power completed, but nothing beyond. The powerful ruling personage is firmly placed, grasping a pentacle firmly to his chest, feet planted on other pentacles and one above his head, showing rule on the plane of matter, and a certain amount of possessiveness. He is dressed in the red of passion and wears the royal purple cloak. The Pentacles are the golden color reminiscent of the Sun. Here he is the fortress that protects the city behind, law and order supported by eternal vigilance, but nothing beyond seeking security.

The Tarot of the Old Path- 4 of Pentacles

The Thoth Tarot suit of Disks is the Pentacles or Coins in other more traditional decks.

The Tarot of the Old Path, illustrates a mature man with miserly expression, clamping two large Pentacles to his chest. He is dressed in the Green of the Earth element that represents this card. He is seen to be looking over his shoulder as if suspicious of another's greed and is hiding two smaller pentacles under his be-ringed left hand.

His finger rings suggest wealth and his headdress is covering his ears, suggesting his sense of his surroundings is impaired. His focus is only on his possessions.

The primary meaning of this card seems to be that of a miserly person whose preoccupation with monetary affairs precludes involvement in other areas.

When the 4 of Pentacles is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • One Is owning their own personal energy, physical potency, and vitality. The very act of which proceeds change.
  • Is experiencing a feeling of holding on tightly to what one has, emotionally or physically.
  •  Is experiencing the enfoldment of Power. Here the Ability to Do Work (Power) is unfettered, and the engineer is active.
  • The querent is taking solid steps towards creating material security in the physical world.
  • Is experiencing the axiom of the 4, "nothing ventured nothing gained". Holding too tightly to what you have, and not taking risks of change.

If reversed, it implies:

  • Is experiencing a blockage of creative thought due to avarice, or excessive devotion to material things.
  • Compulsivity.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Stagnation.

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