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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Eight of Cups & The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot-8 of Water.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

December 27, 2023

Above all things, know thyself.

Radiant Edition: Rider-Waite-Smith, Eight of Cups

The Rider-Waite-Smith-Eight of Cups card illustrates the meaning of "The Lord of Abandoned Success". The person on the Card has successfully organized and stacked the eight cups, but without the balanced order of completed effort of 4 above and 4 below and then wanders off as if losing all interest in them and leaving them abandoned and unused. Waite's card shows the deadened effects of Saturn on the element of water which produce discontent, disillusionment, and decline of interest in anything. Here is seen a man of dejected emotional aspect, as in drowning in his own previous emotional concerns, causing him to desert the happy emotions of his felicity, enterprise, and/or undertaking.

The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot- 8 of Water.

The Erotic Tarot of Milo Manara, 8 of Water, is attributed astrologically to Saturn in Pisces, as is the Thoth Tarot 8 of Cups. The art of Milo Manara, shows a young pioneer woman, wading into a lake of water: water being the element represented in this card. Here he cleverly gets the water element into the picture, and her partial nudity gets the erotic into the picture as well. The card is water, hence, Moon and feminine.

However, she is suddenly surprised by the sight of an arrow sticking out of the tree that is down stream of her. Since this arrow looks like it has been there for a while, as there is no sign of motion, it suggests a rethinking of her presence in this spot and to get focused on where she is at. This coinciding with the assigned meaning of this card as a "reversal of present path". The other meanings assigned are:

  • Renunciation.
  • The need to refocus and consolidate in an inspired way, idealistic, subtle. 

When Saturn is in the house of Pisces, it brings a unique blend of energy. Here are some key characteristics:

  1. Spiritual and Mystical Tendencies: Pisces is a highly spiritual and intuitive sign, and when Saturn is placed here, it can intensify these qualities. Individuals with this placement often have a strong interest in spirituality, mysticism, and the unseen realms.

  2. Emotional Sensitivity: Saturn in Pisces can make a person emotionally sensitive and empathetic. They may have a deep understanding of the emotions and needs of others, often taking on a caregiving or supportive role in relationships.

  3. Imagination and Creativity: Pisces is known for its creative and imaginative nature. Saturn's influence here can provide structure and discipline to their creative pursuits, helping them bring their visions into reality.

  4. Challenges in Boundaries: Pisces is a boundary-dissolving sign, and Saturn is about boundaries and limitations. This placement may bring challenges in setting and maintaining personal boundaries. Individuals may need to learn how to assert themselves without feeling overwhelmed by others' emotions or demands.

  5. Escapism and Avoidance: Pisces energy can sometimes lead to escapism and avoidance of harsh realities. With Saturn here, individuals may struggle with facing their responsibilities or confronting difficult issues. It's important for them to find healthy ways to cope with stress and not rely solely on escapism.

  6. Karmic Lessons: Saturn often represents karmic lessons and challenges that we must face in this lifetime. Individuals with Saturn in Pisces may have karmic debts or lessons related to their emotional growth, compassion, and spiritual evolution.

  7. Inherent Compassion: Despite the challenges, Saturn in Pisces can bestow a deep sense of compassion and understanding. These individuals are often drawn to helping those who are suffering or in need.

  8. Practical Spirituality: This placement encourages a practical approach to spirituality. People with Saturn in Pisces may seek structured spiritual practices or engage in disciplined meditation and introspection to achieve their spiritual goals.

It's important to remember that the interpretation of Saturn in Pisces can vary based on the individual's complete natal chart, including the aspects formed by Saturn with other planets and the overall astrological context. Consulting with a professional astrologer can provide a more personalized and in-depth analysis of this placement.

There is extraordinarily little mastery in any area, although music and dance are the favorites and there may be an intellectual grasp of many subjects, but this "understanding" is always superficial. Hence, when this card shows up in a layout, it says that no matter how hard you worked at it, or how much love and emotion you have poured into a project, or relationship, it is time to step away as things are just not working out. For example, you may have poured your heart and emotions into teaching your bullheaded, self-centered partner in life a new perspective on relationships, but this is purely an impossible fantasy, so let it go and know that wisdom also comes from knowing when something is hopeless, learning from it, and moving on!

This card may also represent an immature personality who is unable to make commitments. However, affiliations with partners, societies, associations, and companies are indicated and although such affiliations may be short lived, they are profitable.

When the 8 of Cups or 8 of Water is thrown during a divination, the querent (or the one they queried about) will be or is experiencing:

  • A depressive state of emotions. 
  • Success is abandoned, as there is a decline of interest in anything. 
  • Positive things are thrown aside as soon as gained; not lasting even in the matter at hand. 
  • Misery and repining without a viable cause.
  •  A continual seeking after riches, without the emotional energy to gain them.
  • Relinquishing control. 
  • Transformation.
  • Reversal of present path.
  • .Renunciation.

* If there are a lot of positive cards accompanying this negative one, there will be temporary success, but without further result.

If ill defined by surrounding cards and/ or reversed, it implies:

  • Suicide.
  • Depression,
  • Self-pity.

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