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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Three of Pentacles & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-3 of Pentacles.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

September 27, 2024

Above all things, know thyself.

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-3 of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite Three of Pentacles concentrates on the meanings of employment, business, and constructive building, by illustrating a medieval church scene while three artisans are at work. Some of the colors in this scene may have something to do with Mars, as in the red roses on the odd robe of one of the personages. Roses are sacred to the Goddess and the Third Sephiroth- Binah-Understanding, and red is the color assigned to Binah in her martial/active passionate state.

This Tarot Card is traditionally called the 3 of Coins or Pentacles (Pentacles are the sigil of man), as shown in many medieval art tarot decks. Its primary meaning is the work of "As above, so below". However, the Pentacle although the sigil of man, fails to imply the spinning motion of all Atoms, the "Great Work" material of the physical universe. Hence, many nontraditional tarot decks choose a disk (disc), for its stability and propensity for accuracy depends on its spin.

In physics it is known that there are no "solids", as all things have more space than material, as well as even the rocks have spinning atoms within them. Therefore, we can understand the Great Work started with the first spinning atom and that living being, as above and so below is the Great Work of The One Energy that is in all things.

Since I have studied, taught, and used the Thoth Tarot Deck for the last 50 yrs., I feel it would be remiss of me to not mention the greater in-depth explanation of the astrological assignation applied to the 3 of Pentacles/Disks Tarot card.

The 3 of Disks (or 3 of Pentacles) in Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck is assigned to the astrological combination of Mars in Capricorn. This astrological placement deeply influences the interpretation of the card within Crowley's system.

Astrological Assignation: Mars in Capricorn

  • Mars represents energy, drive, action, and willpower. It is the planet of ambition, assertiveness, and the raw power to take decisive steps.
  • Capricorn is an Earth sign ruled by Saturn, representing structure, discipline, responsibility, and ambition in the material world. It is the sign of long-term goals, achievement, and building something enduring.

When Mars is in Capricorn, the energy of Mars (action and drive) becomes grounded and channeled toward disciplined, strategic, and practical goals. This placement is considered highly favorable in astrology because Mars' fiery nature is given focus and structure in Capricorn, turning raw energy into constructive, tangible results.

Interpretation of the Thoth 3 of Disks:

Crowley named this card "Works," signifying the application of effort and focused energy toward building something material, practical, and lasting. This card emphasizes the idea of coordinated effort, skillful work, and the successful manifestation of goals in the physical world.

  1. Work and Material Accomplishment:

    • The 3 of Disks often indicates the beginning of a successful project or the early stages of bringing an idea into material reality. It’s about teamwork, planning, and the effort required to construct something solid and enduring.
  2. Disciplined Action:

    • Mars in Capricorn speaks to the disciplined and methodical application of energy. It's not just about raw force, but about channeling that energy with precision to achieve practical goals.
  3. Ambition and Achievement:

    • This card reflects a strong sense of ambition. The influence of Capricorn ensures that the focus is on long-term achievements rather than immediate results. The hard work being done now will lead to lasting success.
  4. Collaboration and Skilled Effort:

    • The 3 of Disks often indicates a team or a group of people coming together to work on a common goal. It highlights the importance of each person’s unique skills and how their combined efforts lead to progress.

Symbolism in the Thoth Deck:

In Crowley’s card design, there is a central pyramid, symbolizing stability, structure, and the solid foundation of work. The card also depicts gears, emphasizing the idea of interconnected efforts and the mechanical, precise nature of the work being done. These symbols reflect the Mars-in-Capricorn energy, where ambition and drive are harnessed in a focused and methodical way.

Summary of Astrological Influence:

  • Mars in Capricorn in the 3 of Disks emphasizes the disciplined, structured application of energy toward material achievement. It is about work, ambition, and building something lasting, with an emphasis on teamwork and skilled effort.

This card symbolizes the early stages of material success through focused action and careful planning, reflecting the energy of Mars being guided and restrained by the diligent, goal-oriented nature of Capricorn.


The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 3 of Autumn

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-3 of Pentacles is an interesting interpretation of teamwork, and collaboration, and craftmanship. In other words, able to cooperate and give the "works" to what you want to happen. Here a master craftsman and his assistant have the same vision and ambition to achieve something magnificent. There will be rewards when this work is done as even the sense of accomplishment of a job well done can be rewarding. This card suggests that you can make a successful career out of doing what you love, and that 2 heads and hearts are better than one.

Tree of Life-As above so below.

This 3 of Pentacles card also represents the Material establishment of the Universe as determined by its basic form of 3 as based on the Trinity of the Qabalistic Supernal Triangle of Kether-Chokmah-Binah and the fact that 3 points make a plane, the first manifestation, and that the individual or individuals doing the making decides the length, width, and depth.

The number 3 carries rich symbolism in both gematria (Hebrew mysticism) and numerology (Western esotericism). Though these systems differ in methodology, the characteristics of 3 in both reveal underlying universal themes of harmony, creativity, and spiritual growth. Here's an in-depth look at the number 3 in each system:

Number 3 in Gematria

In Hebrew gematria, numbers correspond to letters of the Hebrew alphabet, imbuing them with symbolic meaning. The number 3 is represented by the Hebrew letter Gimel (ג), which brings with it unique associations:

Key Characteristics in Gematria:

  1. Movement and Progress:

    • The shape of Gimel resembles a person walking or running, symbolizing action, movement, and the pursuit of something higher. This indicates dynamic energy and progress in spiritual or worldly quests.
  2. Kindness and Giving:

    • In Kabbalistic/Qabalistic tradition, Gimel is linked to the word "gomel", meaning to give or bestow. This reflects the idea of generosity, kindness, and compassion, as well as the pursuit of justice.
  3. Intermediary:

    • The letter Gimel sits between Bet (2), symbolizing duality, and Dalet (4), which represents the physical world or a state of poverty. As the intermediary, 3 is the number that bridges these opposites, balancing the spiritual and material realms.
  4. The Triadic Structure:

    • The number 3 also refers to the Jewish triads, such as the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) or the three pilgrimage festivals (Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot), emphasizing balance, completeness, and sacred unity.
  5. Creation and Manifestation:

    • The number 3 is considered a foundational number for creation, as it combines two elements (duality) and forms a third, thereby symbolizing the manifestation of an idea or entity.

Number 3 in Numerology

In Western numerology, each number from 1 to 9 carries its own vibrational essence, and 3 is a number of creativity, communication, and joy.

Key Characteristics in Numerology:

  1. Creativity and Expression:

    • Number 3 is often associated with artistic expression, creativity, and the ability to communicate ideas with enthusiasm. It’s the number of writers, artists, performers, and those whose lives are enriched by their imagination and vision.
  2. Optimism and Joy:

    • This number is infused with a sense of joy, spontaneity, and optimism. Those aligned with the energy of 3 tend to be lighthearted, sociable, and able to bring positivity to situations.
  3. Trinity and Balance:

    • The number 3 symbolizes the union of body, mind, and spirit. It represents balance in life and the harmony that arises from the interaction of these three fundamental aspects.
  4. Sociability and Communication:

    • People influenced by the number 3 often excel in communication, whether through spoken word, writing, or artistic expression. They have a natural charisma that helps them connect easily with others.
  5. Growth and Expansion:

    • Numerologically, 3 is about growth. Just as a plant starts as a seed and grows into something new, 3 carries the energy of expansion, both physically and spiritually.
  6. Manifestation:

    • In numerology, 3 is a number of manifestation, representing the moment when something imagined or thought about becomes real. This aligns with the creative impulse to bring ideas into reality.

Common Themes Between Gematria and Numerology

While gematria focuses more on the spiritual and symbolic aspects rooted in Hebrew tradition, and numerology deals with the vibrational and energetic qualities of numbers, several key themes overlap in their treatment of 3:

  • Creativity and Manifestation: Both systems emphasize the role of 3 in bringing ideas or energies into reality, whether it's through artistic creation, spiritual growth, or divine manifestation.
  • Balance and Harmony: In gematria, 3 acts as a bridge or intermediary, and in numerology, it symbolizes the balance between different aspects of life (body, mind, spirit). Both see 3 as a harmonizing force.
  • Communication and Sociability: Numerology’s association of 3 with communication aligns with gematria’s connection between Gimel and the act of giving or bestowing, suggesting that 3 is a number about connection and interaction.

The number 3, therefore, is a symbol of dynamic balance, growth, and creative potential in both gematria and numerology, expressing themes of harmony, manifestation, and spiritual progress.

When the 3 of Pentacles is thrown during a reading the querent is experiencing:

  • A full commitment to a situation and is unconcerned about difficulties.
  •  Is aware of responsibilities.
  •  Is planning secure structures in areas of finance, physical security, and needs.
  • Right effort towards a wise end in trade, skilled labor, Etc.
  • A basic form or structure may be completed, needing only final changes.
  • Approval from others who appreciate the challenging work and the success that the querent has achieved.
  • Material gain because of creative skills within 3 wk. or 3-month period.
  • Love of one's creations, and nurturing others who assist in the work.
  • Being oneself, without fear of criticism. 

If reversed it implies:

  • Without direction.
  • Senseless fervor.

In a more spiritual reading, where the cards surrounding show a majority of Major Arcana

, the querent is engaged in the Great Work of "As above and so below", by expressing the Higher Self through paranormal skills, which are often called "magic abilities".

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