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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Four of Wands & The Manara Erotic Tarot - 4 of Fire.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Numerical, Astrological, and Alchemical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

December 5, 2023

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- 4 of Wands

As always true to the Rider-Waite-Smith represents the Tarot Minor Cards minimally leaving out the more detailed image explanations of the occult meanings that are presented on the Thoth Cards. Depicted on both the Rider-Waite-Smith 4 of Wands there are 4 staves implanted in the ground topped with garland of flowers. This implies fertility, fecundity, and strength. The number 4 is a number implying completeness and power. Also on this card, are 2 female figures uplifting nosegays or flowers and at their side is a bridge over a moat, leading to an old manor house. This implies wealth and security. The Nosegay is usually given as a present, so here is also a picture of a sharing of the wealth. Normally a 4 is a closed system, where one is secure by closing off the "outside" with 4 strong walls, such as shown in the imagery of the of the Thoth 4 of wands arrangement. However, on the Rider-Waite-Smith Card, there is a bridge over a mote and the 4 Wands/Staves, seem to be more of an arbor than an enclosure, implying a willingness to be "open minded".

The Manara Erotic Tarot - 4 of Fire

Flesh-o-phobes beware, for here be the sacred sexual act.... not for indoctrinated or dogma-soaked minds who fear the human body.

The Tarot- 4's all bring perfection, realization, completion, and making a matter settled and fixed.

The 4 of Wands and 4 of Fire are no exception, for here is the card that Crowley called the Lord of Perfected Work. As for "making a matter settled...", the act of cunnilingus, the Latin term for sucking, licking or kissing the Cunnius/Yoni is rarely shown on Hindu Temples. Yet, the act of Felicio, its male counterpart, is often depicted in the temples of Konarak and Kajuraho. This is because of energy flow and not an act of male misogyny. The truth being the Male Lingam is an ejaculatory of his Root or Basel chakra energy which is of Aries and if ejaculated in the feminine "Maid yoni"-her mouth- it gives "birth to mind children". Whereas the female vagina/Vulva- "Mother Yoni", is a receptive device, a Grail while the male mouth emits only sound, an utterance of chakric energy and is his negative polarity.

This position of Woman positive in the Tantric rituals is called the "Crow position" and/or the "69" as moderns have made it known. This is because the 69 "reverses" polarity of both the male and female and causes certain health benefits and feelings of "flushness" and harmony. However, one must not forget there is a certain joy and sensual eroticism to cunnilingus that could complete a sexual encounter, especially after male has already ejaculate from his Linga in her yoni. For the mixing of male Linga and female Yoni fluids (the Hindu "sacred elixir" Amrita) is said to be a magic elixir of Hindu mythology and is the fluid of immortality.

Also, the sense of taste is a highly sexual sense and food is often used in Tantric rituals to expand the sensations of ecstasy. By tasting the male semen, and he tastes good to her, a woman can tell if he is a balanced male and will harmonize well with her, this is because his semen besides being full of nutrients straight from his blood is also a coagulated form of Vital Fecund life force. Whereas female vaginal fluids are of "the Sea" and her taste will not tell a male if her chemical Ph will balance with his. Only her menstrual blood will do that (an essential part of the Amrita). This is also another reason why there is a new resonance of Archaeologists, who think we evolved from amphibians and not apes. This agrees with the Dogon of Mali, who have for many generations, stated that we come from the Nomo, who came from the sky area of Sirius, and were like "salamanders" and/or amphibians.

Now if your flesh-0-phobias haven't made you faint in a Victorian display of disgust, you may really be shocked by the Knowledge seeking Greeks who started the Gnostic Sects and truly believed that the human form was indeed sacred as the image of God and that "holy mass" was the union of male and female, not unleavened bread and bad wine.

The Gnostics, a general term for those of Gnostic schools and sects that arose in Egypt and Syria, during the early days of Christianity, mixed and consumed male semen and vaginal juices for magic rituals and cited that the "eating of semen" and "drinking the Wine " (mixture of male and female bodily fluids) was the real holy mass. This, plus the fact that Gnostics insisted it was the pursuit of knowledge rather than the belief in "blind faith", that was the spiritual goal that made them heretics in the church fathers' eyes. Get the books, Encyclopedia of Erotic Wisdom by Rufus C. Camphausen and The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by Barbara G. Walker for further research in these areas.

In essence Milo Manara's 4 of Fire card is about:

  • Agreement.
  • Harmony.
  • Intimacy.

Astrologically he attributes Venus in the house of Aries to this card, which leads to the need to manipulate love or money, with authority.

Since Tiphareth the 6th Sephira, named Beauty on the Qabalistic Tree of Life represents the Soul, the 4 of wands/Fire also declares the Soul's ability to do its work on the earth plane. However, projects of the 4 of wands/Fire are never entirely without risk, although they seem to always turn out favorably. This is a fiery passion, and such energy can push one too forcefully causing resources to become overextended and a loss of profession could result.

As for the Rider-Waite-Smith 4 of Wands, the implied meanings are easily seen on the Cards imagery. The castle behind the couple on the card imply security and those outside the walls are at some risk as they seek an order without walls, to freely enjoy the fruits of one's labors.

When the Four/4 of Wands card is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Country life.
  • Repose.
  • Concord.
  • Harmony.
  • Prosperity.
  • Peace.
  • The perfected work of the above.
  • Perfection, realization, completion, and making a matter settled and fixed.

When the Four/4 of wands is reversed:

  • The meanings remain unaltered:
  • Increase.
  • Felicity.
  • Beauty. 
  • Embellishment. 

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.

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Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

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