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The Tarot of Eli 2: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Seven of Cups& The Fairy Tarot- 7 of Summer.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

March 27, 2024

Radiant Edition: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Seven of Cups

The Sevens are ruled by the Seventh Sephira-Netzach which means Victory. Victory may sound pleasing, but one must remember that Victory requires a battle to be fought and won, sometimes with little reward.

  1. The Rider-Waite-Smith, Seven of Cups, shows a dark shadow figure of a man and an outlined cloud scene as the base for the Seven Cups, hinting at corruption of the sacred objects in each of the Cups: the corruption of thought (head), 
  2. The veiling of consciousness by indoctrination and dogma (veiled goddess figure).
  3.  The corruption of the serpent/vital -sexual-life force (The Spirit).
  4. The corruption of the solid physical manifestation (mountain).
  5. The corruption of wealth (jewels).
  6. The corruption of victory (wreath).
  7.  The corruption of the Dragon within (sex energy/kundalini). This symbolism of floating on a dark cloud suggests the corruption of the Sacrament in each cup and that corruption is belief that all these things bring happiness. That is a falsehood, since happiness is a state of "knowing thyself".The Seven of Cups is a card of Transition; the goal is attained but effort, even hardship is required to overcome obstacles, and frequently, sacrifice.

Hence, we know that the human form is a sacrament. For a sacrament is a rite. Since the body is alive and sentient, it is the sacrament of Spirit's will to be and the magic rite of intimacy; The rite to be! By thinking ill of any part of our ternary selves of Self, which is the whole Spirit: (I)-Mind (Am) and Body (Me), is to profane the sacred act of Will that began as "I Will BE", which Qabalist know as Kether, the 1st Will whose god name is Eheieh-meaning- "I Will Be". Therefore, we are the establishment of that "first movement of Will in the Universe", and the manifested goal, for we are the "I AM Being" ; hence the will of the One's destination achieved. What Waite is hinting at is what Crowley called his 7 of Cups, and that is debauch. Here the self-conscious is intoxicated over the many worded choices, which puts a caul over the awake consciousness. This caul of darkness creates a false ego, which tells you it is you...a lie and deception, for you are the "I AM" and therefore, the true master of your identity. Know that you are Love, Life, and Truth, any part of your mind that says otherwise is the "deceiver" and/or the "false ego".

The Fairy Tarot- 7 of Summer

The Fairy Tarot 7 of Summer shows a scene of a golden-haired Fairy, holding up a prism allowing sunlight to shine through it forming a rainbow of colors that illuminate a garden of white roses. The White roses suggest purity of intention; However, the rainbow of colors means there are many choices to consider. This card suggests that the situation you are currently in demands a choice from you and that procrastination is no longer an option. Realizing you have a choice illustrates your personal power.

What is not shown in either card is that the 7 of Pentacles or 7 of summer card is assigned the Planet Saturn in the house of Taurus. Since this assignment adds more depth to the card, I will explain its astrological meaning.

When Saturn is in the house of Taurus in an astrological chart, it influences the individual's approach to responsibilities, structure, and limitations within the realms associated with Taurus. Here are some characteristics:

  1. Material Stability: Saturn in Taurus emphasizes the need for material stability and financial security. Individuals with this placement are likely to be disciplined and practical when it comes to managing their resources.

  2. Slow and Steady Growth: Taurus is an earth sign known for its slow and steady approach. Saturn reinforces this trait, indicating that achievements and personal growth may come through patient and persistent efforts over time.

  3. Conservative Values: The combination of Saturn and Taurus tends to make individuals value tradition and conservative principles. They may be cautious and reserved, preferring the familiar and proven rather than taking unnecessary risks.

  4. Challenges in Change: Taurus is resistant to change, and Saturn's influence can amplify this quality. People with this placement may find it challenging to adapt to new situations or embrace change, preferring the comfort of the known.

  5. Work Ethic: Saturn in Taurus indicates a strong work ethic. Individuals may approach their tasks with a methodical and pragmatic mindset, focusing on achieving tangible results.

  6. Financial Prudence: There is a tendency to be financially conservative and prudent. Saturn's influence may lead individuals to carefully plan and manage their finances, avoiding unnecessary risks.

  7. Potential Challenges: While the disciplined and structured approach is an asset, individuals should be mindful not to become overly rigid or resistant to change. Learning to adapt without compromising values is a key lesson for those with Saturn in Taurus.

Remember, the interpretation of Saturn in Taurus can vary based on the entire birth chart, including aspects and placements of other planets. It's advisable to consider the broader context for a more comprehensive analysis.


When the Seven/7 of Cups is thrown during a divination, the Querent has or will experience:

  • For the next 7 weeks or 7months; Lying, deceit, promises unfulfilled. illusion, and deception. Either by self-denial or by others.
  • Slight success but there is not enough energy to maintain it, so error develops.
  • Victory, but that is neutralized by the spinelessness of the person.
  • Drunkenness, wrath, vanity, lust, fornication for the sake of ego, violence against women.
  • Selfish dissipation.
  • Deception in love and friendship.
  • Some success gained, but not followed up on. 
  • Fairy favors.
  • Images of reflection.
  • Imagination.
  • Sentiment.
  • Things seen in the glass of contemplation, some attainment in these degrees but nothing substantial or permanent gained.

If reversed or surrounded in negative cards:

  • Desire.
  • Determination.
  • Will.
  • Project.

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